Chapter 874 Fighting Jiujiang ([-])

"Well, since Battalion Commander Wang has this confidence, my spy company is also willing to compete. Let's judge the hero by the number of enemies wiped out and the speed of killing the enemy!" Liu Houming smiled lightly. No one even dared to recognize the number one.

But don't forget that although the guard company said that it has been in a state of recharging its energy, it is also in a state of recharging its energy. In the eyes of everyone, that is a good-looking.

Of course, it is also true that the guards do not need to be on the front line.

Since the battle ahead was not yet over, and the surrounding area was indeed not very safe, the Japanese army's logistics troops moved extremely slowly.

Looking at the logistics troops moving slowly behind, Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro frowned slightly, and then said: "Leave one more team for the logistics troops, and the other troops, advance at full speed!"

"Hay!" The surrounding Japanese officers responded.

It's not because Iizuka Kunigoro is the kind of person who can't settle down, but because he received a report from the front that he had encountered a hard problem.

The word "hard stubble" was one of the few words Iizuka Kunigoro heard during his invasion of China. The last time he heard it was when he was on the Songhu battlefield.

It is precisely because his troops encountered a strong enemy that Iizuka Kunigoro wanted to confront his opponents even more - not for other reasons, but because he was among the Japanese invaders, and there was a "Military God" name.

Now that he accepted this exaggerated title calmly, Iizuka Kunigoro felt that he definitely had the strength to bear this title.

As the saying goes, there are no men without a reputation, and Kunigoro Iizuka wants to prove to everyone that he is the real "Military God", a veritable military god!
But what Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro never expected was that it was precisely because of his order that his "backyard" caught fire.

There is also a wolf hiding in the dark staring at them!

"Mr. Wang, look! Little Japan's large army has left, and our battlefield is coming soon..." Liu Houming smiled lightly, his face full of playfulness.


The remaining combat units of the [-]st Regiment of the Japanese Army were advancing at full speed, and the town of Gutang was in a mess.

On the eastern battlefield of the national army, thanks to the support of the machine gun company and a row of reserves, even though the fighting was fierce, the Japanese army did not come in.

But the position in the west was different. Under the superior firepower of the little devil, the positions of the third battalion and the first company seemed a little shaky.


A grenadier shell pierced the sky, and then slammed heavily into the trenches of the national army. It immediately overturned three or four soldiers of the national army nearby, and it seemed that they could not survive.

"Company commander! It's bad! The troops are almost overwhelmed! The little devils have already pressed up from the side! Their grenade launchers can already enter our position!" A soldier reported.

"What about our grenadier? Where's our firepower reinforcement class?!" Yang Honglou yelled.

"The company commander... all the brothers in the firepower reinforcement squad are dead... the squad leader Li of the firepower reinforcement squad just now... his intestines fell out, and blood flowed all over the ground..." When the soldier talked about this matter , with tears in his eyes, obviously he couldn't forget the scene just now.

"Listen to me! Now is not the time to shed tears, immediately pick up your gun and fight with me to the end!" As he spoke, Yang Honglou turned around and grabbed a soldier next to him: "You, immediately Tell me to go to the battalion headquarters to report to the battalion commander! Tell the battalion commander, if he doesn't send a reserve team to support, I will wipe out all of my company!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" The captured soldier responded.

At this time, Yang Honglou's eyes were already reddened, his previously fair face was already full of black ashes from gunpowder smoke, his eyes were already red, and his battle had already caused many deaths and injuries!
As for the exact number of casualties, Yang Honglou didn't know, because the battle had not yet ended, and the number of casualties would never be known, especially now that the battle was at its most intense.

"Tuan Zuo, I always feel that the third battalion seems to be unable to hold on. Now that the west is fighting so fiercely, although their victories are very fruitful, they must soon be unable to hold on." Chief of Staff Li Yinglun said.

"If you can't stand it, you have to stand it. Now the battlefield in the east is still holding up. We must not let the little devil take down Gutang Town so easily. This battle has just begun. It can't end here." Zhang Tianhai resolutely Said.

Looking at the decisive expression on Zhang Tianhai's face, and thinking about the current battle layout, Li Yinglun seemed to understand something: This seems to be another typical central bloom...

It seems that the big victory in soup is a typical round of flowering in the center, and then divides the enemy's troops.Li Yinglun's train of thought became clearer—the flowering in the center seems to be the usual trick of the head of the group...

Now that Zhang Tianhai had already made up his mind, it was absolutely impossible for him to change so easily - the cannons of the artillery battalion of the police regiment had already aimed at Gutang Town, waiting for all the Japanese troops to enter.


Yang Honglou's request for help was quickly spread to the Third Battalion Headquarters of the Police Regiment.

Faced with this predicament, Yang Jiquan was also very helpless, but at the same time he had no choice - because of this isolated and helpless battle, their three battalions could only withdraw, but there was absolutely no reinforcements!
The sky and earth nets outside have already been prepared, and they are waiting for him to carry out perfectly here. To put it bluntly, Gutang Town is the very center of this storm!

The very center of the storm is the calmest.

The east is still fighting fiercely, but the west is already in trouble. Yang Jiquan took a deep breath, and then said: "Order, all the troops in the north and south should reinforce the west to fight! Don't delay the military opportunity!"

"Then the south and the north... don't you want it?" asked the combat staff officer next to him.

"I can't control that much anymore! Execute the order immediately!!" Yang Jiquan yelled sharply, if he didn't push the enemy army outside the city, it would be a big trouble if it turned into street fighting.

"Yes! Sir!!" The officers and soldiers around responded.

Everyone knew that this would be an extremely crazy order, so crazy that the battalion commander had invested all his money and wanted to fight the enemy to the end.


Just when Yang Honglou thought the west side was about to be captured, reinforcements arrived.

After the reinforcements arrived, they immediately wiped out the Japanese troops that had broken into the trenches, and stubbornly withstood the pressure from the Japanese troops.

"It's beautiful!!" Yang Honglou yelled while holding a light machine gun and shooting wildly, laughing wildly.

It's the moment of life and death, if you don't laugh, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to laugh again in the future.

What's more, he was originally a bold and unrestrained person, not the kind of petty person.

Long fireworks protruded from the muzzle of the light machine gun, and shot out fatal bullets. Perhaps it was the arrival of reinforcements that shocked the morale of the national army, and they wanted to drive these enemies away.

"How is it? How many reinforcements have we come!?" Yang Honglou asked a second lieutenant officer next to him while changing magazines.


PS: The first update is here, please refresh the second update at one o'clock!

It is estimated that there is not enough time, so we can only procrastinate for a while.

Sorry everyone, it was my mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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