Chapter 876 Fighting Jiujiang ([-])

After the wounded soldiers were cut off, they couldn't stop the Japanese army for a long time.

After the Japanese army had already suffered a siege, they immediately learned a lesson: as long as they saw the wounded soldiers of the national army, they would shoot first, even if they were faced with the threat of the enemy army who had retreated behind the bunker to engage in a decisive battle with them, They couldn't care less.

The threat in front of him is obviously greater than the threat in the bunker!
After all, there are comrades behind them who are shooting and confronting these national army officers and soldiers. The key point is that they still have grenadiers, which are enough to face the threat behind the bunker!

"Pfft! Pfft!!"

There was a sound of bullets passing by, and a [-]-cap bullet hit the earth wall, immediately dropping a lot of lime.

Yang Honglou was leaning against the wall, panting heavily, just a little bit before the bullet hit him in the head!This feeling of being so close to life and death is not something that can be experienced by ordinary people.

Fortunately, Yang Honglou was not frightened by the scene in front of him. He immediately pulled over a soldier next to him and said, "Go and report to the battalion commander, our troops have already withdrawn to fight in the streets. Let him also be ready to fight at any time." Prepare!"

"Yes! Company commander!" The soldier responded.

Yang Honglou knew clearly that the order to withdraw into the city to resist was given by himself, and the battalion commander didn't know about it. It was impossible for him not to inform the battalion commander of the situation, otherwise, the entire battalion would be ruined!

A small shell from a grenadier exploded near Yang Honglou, and the aftermath of the explosion shook Yang Honglou's ears to the point of tinnitus.

"Fight!! Continue to fight!!"

There was a lot of shouting and killing around, and the gunfire was also very dense, which gave Yang Honglou a very illusory but very real feeling.


Outside the city, the headquarters of the first police regiment was very concerned about the battle in Gutang Town.

The news reached Zhang Tianhai as soon as the Japanese army entered the third battalion and first company positions.

Zhang Tianhai, who only wore a white shirt and army trousers and military boots, stood in front of the military map with his hands behind his back, and said, "Order the first battalion and the second battalion to enter a state of combat readiness. The Fourth Battalion is ready to reinforce Gutang Town at any time!"

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!!" Everyone responded, because they knew that with this order from Tuan Zuo, the battle would come to an end.

The time at this time is 29:[-] p.m. on July [-], [-]!

When the headquarters of the police regiment was preparing for the final battle, the fighting in the entire northern Jiangxi did not stop. The main force of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army was directed at De'an.

The General Headquarters of the Second Corps also quarreled over this.

The place of the quarrel was at the General Staff Headquarters of the Second Corps, and the object of the quarrel was precisely these school-level officers and staff officers, and the incident of the quarrel also revolved around the trend of the battlefield.

The chief of staff, Chen Baocang, sat firmly in the center, listening carefully to the focus of the quarrel between the two sides.

"Staff Gao, I think that the Japanese Matsuura Division is going south to fight, and the 40st Theater Guard Regiment and No. [-] Eighth Brigade's troops of nearly one division are cutting off the Japanese army's rear in the direction of Jiujiang. At this moment, it is time to wipe out the Japanese army This is a good opportunity for the Matsuura Division, how can we miss this good opportunity?" A lieutenant colonel officer with two bars and two stars in the lead argued with a senior staff officer opposite him who was also a lieutenant colonel, blushing.

"Counselor Li, this remark is inappropriate. The headquarters of the No.11 Division is now in the direction of De'an, but the time for us to wipe out the Songpu Division has not yet arrived. Because the main force of the Japanese No.11 Army is still in Hukou Town East, the task of our Second Corps is to push the main force of the Japanese army to the east of Hukou Town. If their troops come over and form a line with the Matsuura Division, then our situation will be very dangerous! !" Staff Officer Gao retorted to Staff Officer Li who was opposite him.

Chen Baocang just sat quietly at the main table in the meeting room, watching the two factions divided into senior staff officers Li and Gao were arguing, with his hands resting on his cheeks, he listened to the opinions of the two factions.

It wasn't that Chen Baocang was unqualified, or that he couldn't hold back the debate with his courage, but that he wanted to hear something——as the main force of the Japanese Army's Matsuura Division went south, it was impossible for the government to have no idea. Besides, this is a fighter!
The times are constantly changing and developing, and so is the battlefield. It changes rapidly, and it depends on who can grasp the winning point on both sides.

Because of this, while listening to the two factions of staff under him arguing, Chen Baocang was also thinking about how to weigh this point.

The staff department seems to be in the position of a military assistant, and many decisions are still made by them.

Just like the departments that make the [-]th Five-Year Plan, they may not be very conspicuous at ordinary times, and they are also responsible to the leaders, but there are many things that are the meaning of the leaders, and then they make general plans according to the meanings or instructions of the leaders.

From a certain level, the difference between the two is not too big.

At this moment, the scene suddenly became quiet, and all the staff officers stopped arguing at the same time, and turned to stand at attention at the door to salute: "Hello, Commander-in-Chief!"

Hearing this sound, can Chen Baocang not know what's going on?

In the Second Corps, besides Zhang Fakui, who else is the commander-in-chief?
"How is it? What's the specific situation? I heard a very heated discussion on sonar outside the door just now. They are all debating and discussing the progress of our Second Corps." This is Zhang Fakui's first sentence after entering the door , with an amiable smile on his face, not the usual seriousness.

The staff department is also the place that Zhang Fakui attaches the most importance to.

They have already reached the level of the Corps, and they can no longer control the battles of many grassroots units. What they can do is to command the troops to fight decisively with the large Japanese troops, how to arrange these troops to fight reasonably, and which one How to deal with the disobedience of a unit and so on.

Obviously, the staff department bears most of the responsibilities, and it is precisely because of this that Commander Zhang is also a frequent visitor to the staff department, and even his headquarters is set up in the staff department.

"The boss is joking. Now is the time when brothers are discussing how to correctly face the current emergency situation. You are here at the right time. We also want to hear your opinion." It was the Chief of Staff of the Corps who spoke Chen Baocang.

"Brother Zizhen (written by Chen Baocang), it seems that you already have an idea in your heart." Zhang Fakui pointed to Chen Baocang lightly, with a smile still on his face, obviously there was something that put him in a good mood.

"Then let me just say something briefly! Boss, please sit down." As he spoke, Chen Baocang pulled away a chair next to him, motioning for Commander-in-Chief Zhang to sit down.

Zhang Fakui was not polite either, and sat down directly, waiting for Chen Baocang's report.

"Commander-in-Chief, you know the current situation better than anyone else. Regarding the two opinions of the staff, one thinks that the time has come to wipe out the Matsuura Division, and the other thinks that the time has not come to wipe out the Matsuura Division. Personally, I If not, I prefer to wait and see." Chen Baocang unexpectedly put forward a third opinion and thought.


PS: The first update is here!

There is another update, it is estimated that it will be until 12:30!
Please update at 12:30!Because I came back late from the gym today, thank you for your hard work.

(End of this chapter)

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