Chapter 877 Fighting Jiujiang (Fifteen)

"Oh? Where did the chief of staff say that? Xiang Hua (written by Zhang Fakui), I would like to hear more about it." Zhang Fakui said that Chen Baocang's ideas often coincide with his, but some things are inevitable. There will be some differences.

"About one division of our corps has already entered Jiujiang, and has launched a second battle with the Japanese army in Jiujiang area. I believe the result here will come out soon. Whether it is the time to wipe out the [-]th Division of the Japanese army or not , are all related to this move." Chen Baocang reported.

"Indeed, the battle of Jiujiang has already affected the overall layout of the front line. Commander Zhang Yulin Zhang is a capable person. I think it should not be a problem to defend Jiujiang. Let's talk about why the time has come or not!" Zhang Fakui bluntly.

As an old man, Chen Baocang understood Zhang Fakui's implication, and he still had to wait, that is, the strategy must be closed afterwards.

"Yes, Boss." Chen Baocang nodded, "Secretary Gao believes that the time to wipe out the Japanese Matsuura Division has not yet come, and the main task of our Corps should be to prevent the main force of the Japanese southern line from advancing westward. Although the Japanese Matsuura Division has a strong combat capability, it is better to be annihilated by the troops in the rear, and once we mobilize the front troops to annihilate the Matsuura Division, the Japanese army will not take this opportunity to advance westward;
On the other hand, Staff Officer Li believed that the time had come to completely wipe out the Japanese Songpu Division, and there was a division of our army in the direction of Jiujiang. One of the five armies is stationed here, so it is not a big problem.The Japanese Matsuura Division, led by its commander Matsuura Junrokuro, went deep into the Nanxun Railway alone. Now is the time for annihilation. "

Chen Baocang conveyed the points of dispute between the two parties to Zhang Fakui concisely.

Zhang Fakui nodded slightly after hearing this, and said: "It will take some time before the battle in Jiujiang County is finalized, why not do this! You all sort out a specific combat plan for me according to your own wishes, and wait until the battle in Jiujiang After the peace is settled, we will make a decision. Before the Jiujiang war is settled, it is too early to threaten other actions at this time."

"Yes! Sir!" All the staff officers stood at attention and saluted. The commander-in-chief has already spoken, so what is there to argue about?Follow the instructions of the boss, this is the kingly way.

"Everyone else should dismiss and go to work! The chief of staff should stay!" Zhang Fakui issued an order to evict the guests.

"Yes!" The crowd responded, and soon disbanded.

"The boss told me to stay, presumably there is something to talk about?" Chen Baocang asked.

"Those who know me, Zizhen." Zhang Fakui laughed, and then got straight to the point: "Brother Zizhen, the Jiujiang war is now at the most critical moment. I have a lot of affairs here. You have to help me keep an eye on it. This The troops of the two brigades do not seem to be many, but Zhang Yulin's first police brigade, oh no, it is the first police regiment, which is the elite of the Central Army. If it is wiped out in this battle, the problem will be big."

"Boss, don't worry! With me here, there will be no problems in the war in Jiujiang. Besides, if Zhang Yulin is really that stupid, he won't be able to win the battle in Xuzhou." , the point is, you can still escape from Nanjing." Chen Baocang said with a smile, very confident.

"Zhang Yulin, I have done some research on him. This kid is indeed able to fight and dare to fight, but don't forget, this kid is very impulsive. If it is like in Nanjing, even Tang Shengzhi, the commander-in-chief, will not give orders. If you dare to resist, it will be over." Zhang Fakui said with a smile, which was also a reminder to Chen Baocang.

"On this point, I know it well. We have known each other for many years, don't you know what I am?" Chen Baocang smiled lightly, his face full of confidence.

"Since you have this confidence, I believe in your ability. Anyway, you can't let this nearly one division's troops be handed over to Jiujiang, and you can't let Zhang Yulin lose Jiujiang. More importantly, you can't let this All the elite of the Central Army have been lost in Jiujiang County!" Zhang Fakui emphasized again.

"Don't worry! I will be optimistic. The police group will be fine, and Jiujiang will not be lost so easily. Unless we give up." Chen Baocang said very seriously.

"Okay. So be it!" Zhang Fakui also stood up and said.


So, what is the situation on the side of the police group that the two bosses are so concerned about?

Zhang Tianhai has already made the arrangements for the decisive battle, and the key lies in Gutang Town.

Looking at Gutang Town again, the sound of fighting has never stopped, and the national army troops that have withdrawn into the city are fighting fiercely with the Japanese army.

After learning that the troops had withdrawn into the city, Yang Jiquan did not blame Yang Honglou. On the contrary, he picked up the steel gun and prepared to fight with the brothers of the battalion security squad to fight the Japanese invaders to the death.

"Brothers, today is the day we go to the underworld together. Listen, no one is allowed to retreat until they are ordered to retreat!!" Yang Jiquan said loudly.

This scene was absolutely uncommon in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the Yao Ziqing Camp in Baoshan County was a typical example.

The officers and soldiers of the Third Battalion of the Police Regiment were already ready to fight the Japanese invaders to the death. After all, they had this awareness before going to the battlefield.

They have long seen the evil deeds of the Japanese invaders on the land of China, and they have long wished to fight the Japanese invaders to the death, but this time, it is the end.

In the east direction, under the onslaught of the Japanese army, the officers and soldiers of the national army were almost unable to hold on.

The reason why they couldn't stand was not because they were timid and wanted to escape, but because their casualties were too great!
Although the officers and soldiers of the national army on the eastern position caused great damage to the Japanese army, they could not stop the Japanese army with strong military quality and absolute superiority in strength and firepower.

"Fight...Little Japan, I am your predecessor!!" A veteran of the national army roared, and then threw all the remaining grenades in the direction of the Japanese army.



In the sound of explosions, there were also the screams of the Japanese army and the weakening sound of machine gun fire from the national army.

Down the slope, the corpses of Japanese soldiers were scattered all over the field.

The situation of the national army troops on the ground is not much better, and they have paid a very heavy price-mainly because of Little Japan's accurate marksmanship, and they have such things as grenadiers, and they are equipped with a large number of guns. Not a lot!


PS: The update is finally delivered, I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting for a long time~
Thanks to Qidian book friend Lige Shenya for the 200 point reward!

(End of this chapter)

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