Chapter 878 Fighting Jiujiang ([-])

"Yang Honglou, what's the situation now?" It was the battalion commander Yang Jiquan who asked about Yang Honglou's situation. At this time, he was already fully armed and ran to the former.

"Battalion Commander, you are here. Now our brothers are suffering heavy casualties, but if you want to stand up, you should be able to hold on for a while. Battalion Commander, quickly take your brothers to withdraw! If you don't withdraw, our battalion will be over." !" I saw Yang Honglou holding a light machine gun in his hand at this time, with a very ferocious expression on his face, obviously red-eyed.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously not realistic to talk about rationality. It has already reached this time, and the bayonet's popularity is the theme here!

"Listen, now is not the time to retreat. If you dare to disturb the morale of the army, I will kill you!" Yang Jiquan grabbed Yang Honglou's collar with a very excited expression.

That's right, Yang Jiquan also belongs to the category of radicals, and if he is asked to go into battle, he is absolutely not timid!Because he is a dignified Chinese soldier, and even a student of the Whampoa Military Academy!

"Yes! Battalion Commander! Bloody battle to the end!!" Yang Honglou responded.

The battle was indeed becoming more intense, but with it, the sound of the guns became weaker and weaker.

All of this, Zhang Tianhai, who is on the outskirts of Gutang Town, is silently watching——

Thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai picked up the phone: "Get me the artillery battalion immediately! I'm Zhang Tianhai, the head of the regiment!"

Soon, the call was connected.

"I'm Zhang Tianhai. Is your artillery battalion commander Zhao Chengge here? Ask him to answer the phone for me right away!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice. It was the most critical moment, so he couldn't help being cautious.

"Hello, Tuan Zuo. I'm Zhao Chengge, please give me instructions!" An equally heavy male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Zhao Chengge, listen, the battle in Gutang Town is now at its most critical moment, and I want you to be ready for high-intensity intensive shooting at any time. As long as I give an order, your artillery must be fully fired for me!" Zhang Zhang Tianhai's tone was very severe, never before since Lanfeng's battle.

"Regimental seat, please rest assured! As long as you give an order, the artillery of the artillery battalion will be fully fired! It will never hold back the regimental headquarters! If you are slow, please shoot me!" Zhao Chengge promised solemnly, after all, this artillery battalion is his Bringing it out with one hand, that is not ordinary confidence.

"It's fine with your words!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai hung up the phone directly.


The battle in Gutang Town was in full swing, and the cavalry battalion and the spy company were also ready to ambush, ready to ambush the Japanese logistics troops at any time.

For the chances of winning this battle, both Liu Houming and Wang Yongcheng are confident-because the Japanese army's logistics and supply troops are really moving slowly, and they have almost distanced themselves from the Japanese army's large troops!

If it is said that they, the elite of the national army, can't beat these Japanese logistics troops, why don't they go home and feed the pigs?
The words are a bit rough, but the truth is always the same.

"Old Liu, look, when is the right time for us to do it? Our hearts are itching." Wang Yongcheng said eagerly.

"Don't worry! Wait a minute, these little Japanese don't have cars and these things, and their speed is not much faster than our logistics troops. Now the front troops have been fighting for a while, and they will wait for the decisive battle. This is the perfect time for us to strike again." Liu Houming chuckled, that sinister smile was very much like Zhang Tianhai's treacherous appearance when he was plotting against others.

"I understand, you are trying to catch the little devil off guard, right? You're a limp kid..." Wang Yongcheng chuckled.

I saw Liu Houming smiled and said: "These things are all learned from Tuan Zuo. It is certain that the little devils will be caught off guard. The key is to beat them into panic. In Tuan Zuo's words, this is called psychological. Tactics. Hehe."

"Psychological tactics? What you want to talk about is going to war?" Wang Yongcheng raised his brows.

"It can also be understood in this way! I don't understand the other principles. Anyway, let the little devils not know how many troops we have in Jiujiang. The little devils on the other side of the mouth didn't have time to reinforce, so we retreated." Liu Houming said with a piece of dog's tail grass in his mouth, the old god said on the ground.

"Adjutant Liu deserves to be the direct disciple of the Tuan Zuo. You have learned this move from Tuan Zuo a lot, right?" Wang Yongcheng smiled and said.

"Look at it." Liu Houming still had an old god on his face, and he didn't deserve to be beaten.


The street fighting in the city was very fierce, and the offensive and defensive battle in the east of Gutang Town was finally coming to an end——

Because the Japanese army has taken the position!
The sound of guns and guns also became weaker as the Japanese army attacked the position.

Hearing the weakening of the surrounding gunfire, Yang Jiquan also knew that Gutang Town was about to fall, and the artillery fire from the artillery battalion was about to cover this dilapidated small market town.

Gutang Town, there is no need to stick to it!

"Listen, brothers, come with me, break through the siege to the south, and fight a bloody path!!" Yang Jiquan was roaring. Yang Honglou.

"Yes! Battalion Commander!! Brothers, follow me! Retreat!!" Yang Honglou also roared, and the surrounding officers and soldiers immediately moved closer to them.


When the Japanese army attacked the eastern position, Zhang Tianhai also issued the final combat order: "Order the first battalion and the second battalion, the guard company, the gendarmerie, the small artillery company, and the mortar company to fight forward! Prepare to encircle and annihilate the Japanese army at any time." !!"

"Yes!!!" The soldiers of the regiment headquarters' order squad responded in unison, and they also knew what this order meant!
The regiment has dispatched the guard company and the gendarmerie, and this is already the moment of decisive battle!

"Boss, should you calm down, all the guards of our regiment headquarters have been dispatched, who will protect the safety of the regiment headquarters?" Chief of Staff Li Yinglun persuaded Zhang Tianhai.

Li Yinglun originally meant to dissuade him with good intentions, but Zhang Tianhai suddenly became agitated. He grabbed the former by the collar and said, "I'll tell you the truth, Li Yinglun! The army has reached this point now! Goofy! You little devil, killed so many brothers in my third battalion, I want them all back! What kind of protection does our regiment need?! Let me tell you, every one of us present is a solid soldier. If the Japanese army kills Come here, then all the officers and soldiers of the regiment headquarters will be the last guard platoon!!"

Finally, at this moment, Li Yinglun knew why Zhang Tianhai dared to resist orders in Nanjing, and finally knew why he dared to set up such a war in Tangtou, and finally understood why he still wanted to send troops to take over when he knew that Lan Feng could not defend him. The 88th Division abandoned the city and fled Lan Feng!
Zhang Yulin is a tough Chinese soldier. For the war of resistance, he would sacrifice everything, including himself, not for anything else, just to teach these cruel Japanese invaders a bloody lesson!
He wants to tell these Japanese invaders that China is not dead yet!It is precisely because of soldiers like them that China will not perish!

PS: The first update is here!

The second is more likely to be around 12:30!We still have to wait for a while, thank you for the 200 point coins reward from book friend Li Geshen from the starting point! !
(End of this chapter)

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