Chapter 879

"Tuan Zuo, I understand." Looking at Zhang Tianhai who looked very crazy, Li Yinglun was subdued.

It wasn't until after hearing Li Yinglun's words that Zhang Tianhai's impulsive emotions calmed down: but the scenes in the Songhu battlefield and the scenes in the Nanjing battlefield were still lingering in his mind.

Sacrificing a third battalion, if he can get half of the Japanese army in the regiment, or even the Japanese army in the entire regiment, Zhang Tianhai thinks all of this is worth it——

In this war facing the peril of the nation and the country, even if Zhang Tianhai himself was sacrificed, he didn't think it was unreasonable: because he was a Chinese soldier!No matter past life or present life!

In this way, under Zhang Tianhai's order, the main force of nearly three battalions of the first police regiment has been dispatched, and their goal is Gutang Town!
Of course, apart from this order, Zhang Tianhai didn't forget to call the artillery battalion again and ask them to prepare to fire the shells.


Resistance may make it difficult for the enemy to move an inch, but if you withdraw, you will definitely run very fast.

Now that Battalion Commander Yang Jiquan had given the order for everyone to retreat, the officers and soldiers of the Third Battalion of the Police Regiment retreated while fighting, and retreated quickly, and they had already withdrawn from Gutang Town.

After all, Gutang Town itself is not very big, it's just a small town with a more dangerous location!

However, it was this battle that caused the Third Battalion of the Police Regiment, who had just recovered, to be seriously injured again.

A total of more than 600 troops entered the town, and when they came out, there were less than 60 people...

Zhang Tianhai, who was watching this scene through the binoculars, was heartbroken, but there was nothing he could do - because this was a war, and it had to be filled with human life!

"Hey, I'm Zhang Tianhai. Take me to the artillery battalion!" Zhang Tianhai's hands were trembling a little, "Is that Zhao Chengge? Fire me right away! Bomb these bastards to death!!"

"Yes! Group seat!!" The other side of the phone responded.

Without hanging up the phone, Zhao Chengge turned around and yelled to the outside: "Fire!!!"

Following the commanding flag of the flag bearer, the twelve artillery pieces of the Artillery Battalion of the First Police Regiment immediately let out a deafening shell firing sound.




With the sound of shells being fired, shells pierced the sky one after another, and then smashed towards Gutang Town, a town that had been "patronized" by the flames of war, with a burst of screaming sound.




A deafening explosion sounded in Gutang Town, and one after another, the entire Gutang Town was plunged into a cloud of dust and explosions.

Yang Jiquan, Yang Honglou and others who were running desperately fell on the ground, covered their ears tightly, and opened their mouths wide open, as if they were laughing, but judging from their appearance, it didn't look like they were laughing, because Tears welled up in the corners of their eyes.

In this burst of intensive artillery fire, no one in Gutang Town would survive. Even if there were, it would not be their lovely comrades-in-arms who got along day and night, but those hideous Japanese invaders!
The only good thing is that for the officers and soldiers in the town who were about to die heroically but were unable to break out, after this burst of artillery fire, at least many little devils accompanied them on the road.

At the moment when the shells fell, these Chinese soldiers did not have any hatred, but were relieved-they took these little devils on the road, and there were fewer of these little devils to destroy their homes. At this moment, the great revenge has to be avenged.

Amidst this burst of intensive artillery fire, Yang Honglou looked back, only to find that Gutang Town had been completely covered by this burst of intense artillery fire, and on the distant horizon, a large number of Chinese troops were moving towards Gutang Town. charge.

Seeing this scene, both Yang Honglou and Yang Jiquan smiled softly: Because of this battle, they won!

Because of the sacrifice of the brothers in the third battalion, this battle was won!

And amidst the sound of intensive artillery fire, the spy company and cavalry battalion in the distance started to take action. They took advantage of the terrain, as well as the dense firepower and preparedness and unpreparedness, and caught the Japanese army by surprise.

But don't forget, these are the elite of the first police regiment, especially the secret service company. Their marksmanship is quite accurate, basically one shot at a time.

Of course, many people are aiming at the same kind of target does not count.

The Japanese army's logistics force, including the 600 Japanese combat soldiers who stayed behind, was only [-] people, and half of them were knocked down almost at once, and the rest were mostly those logistics soldiers who lacked military training. .

These Japanese logistics soldiers, resisting it is not so hard...

Their firepower was originally at a disadvantage, and they suffered from the terrain. Furthermore, they were prepared and unprepared, which was a big loss. The soldiers fell one after another. The situation is not so bad...


As soon as the cannon rang, the national army was facing the Japanese army with an overwhelming advantage, but this scene also made the Japanese army's joint leader "Military God" Iizuka Kunigoro a difficult situation.

From the moment the gunfire sounded, Kunigoro Iizuka knew that his side had no chance of winning.

"The enemy army has so many artillery pieces. Judging from the scale, there should be no less than fifteen artillery pieces. The Ximu Brigade...the Nagashima Brigade...are all finished..." Iizuka Kunigoro took a breath, and while he was surprised, , and thankful that he didn't lead the team to take off his shirt and charge forward waving his sword as usual, otherwise, he would have been buried in that artillery fire!

"Call Division Commander Ito Masaki! Let us know that our department has been ambushed by the enemy's overwhelmingly superior troops. We have already suffered heavy losses and are unable to carry out the next stage of operations. If your Excellency Division Commander wants to save our regiment, please Please send troops here quickly!" Iizuka Kunigoro showed a trace of loneliness on his face, and the demeanor of the "Military God" in the past has long since disappeared.

As for the fact that the logistics troops were ambushed, even if Kunigoro Iizuka knew about it, he would be helpless.

Do you have to save the so-called logistics force and take all the thousand or so remaining people around you into it?
Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro is not a complete reckless man, he is just warlike, which does not mean that he is completely mindless-didn't you watch the enemy's artillery bombard so fiercely?Is this the strength of a division-level force?According to the sorting practice of the Chinese army, this is definitely a military-level force!
This is not because Iizuka Kunigoro is afraid or something, because this is common sense on the battlefield!

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is the only way to be safe in a hundred battles.

Obviously, Little Japan has learned this sentence from "The Art of War" thoroughly. The planning and accumulation of mainland China by generations of people cannot be dismissed in just one or two sentences.

Such content can be seen everywhere in the classrooms of Japanese military academies, and it is common sense.

Therefore, when Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro heard the sound of the guns, he decided not to move forward, but instead had the idea of ​​retreating.

It is very easy for a military-level unit to wipe out a thousand people like him!

PS: The second update was delivered, and it was finally completed on time without delay.

Ha ha ha happy~
Well, everyone go to bed early!Good night!
Dog life is important...

(End of this chapter)

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