War of Resistance

Chapter 880 1 hammer

Chapter 880

Thinking in his heart, Kunigoro Iizuka made a wise decision-ordered the troops to retreat and find a big mountain to stand by for help.

For this move, Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro didn't think it was shameful, because it was not an act of desertion, it was called "a strong man cut his wrist"!
"Chief of Staff, send me an order immediately. All the troops here should retreat immediately!" A stern look flashed across the face of Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro, which made people feel shuddering.

"Hay!" The chief of staff simply agreed without asking anything.Because he knows the temperament of the captain, it is best not to refute or argue about the things that the captain has already decided, just implement it honestly.


The battle is still going on fiercely.

However, the resistance of the Japanese army became weaker and weaker, because their casualties were also increasing.

"Quick, save me...help me..." A Japanese soldier who was shot shouted in pain, his wound was bleeding continuously, and a kind of piercing pain was harassing him.

His teammates wanted to save him, but could it be saved?His teammates also kept getting shot and fell to the ground.

In the dense gunfire, there was also the sound of one or two grenadier shells firing and exploding.



It's just that this shell exploded twice, and there were no other small shells from the grenadier to continue bombing.

It's not that the officers and soldiers of the national army don't know the goods and don't know it's a good thing, but——


There was a loud applause.

Oh no, to be more precise, it was the sound of a slap on the back of the head.

"Damn it, don't you know what to do? This is the logistics unit for fighting against Japan. You are fighting against their combat troops alone, and you still use this kind of thing to fight. Are you afraid of detonating their bombs? Then let's seize one of them." What?" The one who was cursing was the platoon leader of the guy who fired the grenade, and I saw that the platoon leader was filled with righteous indignation, and he looked very angry.

"Understood, platoon leader, I won't do it again." The soldier of the secret service company said a little tremblingly, obviously terrified of being kicked by the platoon leader's big feet.


There was another loud slap on the back of the head, and it was from the platoon leader.

I saw the platoon leader cursing and saying: "Since you already know, why don't you use a rifle to shoot me? Immediately shoot me with a rifle, and you are not allowed to use grenades!!"

"Yes... yes, I understand." The soldier quickly put down the grenade in his hand, and then picked up the rifle.


Of course, this is just a tiny episode.

The battle is still going on.

Soon, these stubborn Japanese troops were wiped out by the national army officers and soldiers.

After this short and intense battle, Liu Houming, the commander of the secret service company, and Wang Yongcheng, the commander of the cavalry battalion, finally set foot on the road that was still occupied by the Japanese army just now.

"How about it, Battalion Commander Wang. Is this trick barely effective?" Liu Houming lightly raised his hat, his face relaxed.

Obviously, Liu Houming was not surprised by such a result, because he knew that such a result was inevitable-the firepower of the spy company was already strong enough, and with the addition of the second and third cavalry companies, The firepower is strengthened, so is it okay?

These three companies have completely reached the size of one light machine gun per squad, and the third cavalry company has even reached the size of two heavy machine guns per row, not to mention things like grenades, which are not generally equipped. .

If Wang Yongcheng and Liu Houming hadn't explicitly prohibited the use of grenades, otherwise, this battle would have ended even faster!

"How can you use the word 'barely useful'? This is the normalized combat method of your special agent company. It can be said to be a trump card. If you say it is barely useful, I'm afraid I will be sprayed to death...haha." Wang Yongcheng laughed. No embarrassment at all.

"Okay, Battalion Commander Wang, let's stop flattering each other. It's getting out, but don't laugh it off, let's take a look at the spoils!" Liu Houming said bluntly, "The point is to see what the troupe wants us to get." The cannon that has been lowered, this thing can’t be damaged.”

After speaking, Liu Houming stood up and walked towards the two 105mm caliber howitzers. This is today's business.

"Okay!" Wang Yongcheng nodded, then turned around and said, "Brothers, count the spoils as soon as possible. The focus is on the grenade and the small shells of the grenade, as well as these two large-caliber artillery. You can wait for the rest !"

"Yes, sir!"

The soldiers around responded, as for the grenade, it is everyone's favorite...

Soon, Liu Houming and Wang Yongcheng walked in front of the two large-caliber artillery.

Touching the barrels of these two large-caliber artillery, Liu Houming sighed: "This is really a good thing... If we can use it, it would be great... Bombing the little devil with them will definitely have the best effect what……"

"That's for sure. The artillery of our regiment is mainly the Seventh Five-Year Mountain Cannon. There are only twelve artillery pieces. If these two artillery pieces are added... we will be even more powerful..." Wang Yongcheng also sighed.

"Come on, take these two cannons away quickly! Be careful, the little devils will kill you!" Liu Houming sighed, but he would never miss the business.

For Liu Houming, even the words of the commander of the theater are not as effective as the words of the head of the regiment.

If you want to use a typical character as a metaphor, probably only Monk Wei in Bright Sword can compare - they are all capable of fighting and loyal to the leader.


The attack on the side of the secret service company and the cavalry battalion ended quickly, but the battle on the side of Gutang Town was not over yet.

Under Zhang Tianhai's order, the three battalions of the police regiment were rapidly outflanking and advancing towards Gutang Town amidst the sound of artillery fire.

Regarding the order of the artillery battalion, Zhang Tianhai's request was also very simple, that is, before the large forces surrounded Gutang Town, the artillery fire could not stop. What he wanted was a final decision!
In this burst of intensive artillery bombardment, Gutang Town, which is not considered a large area, has already become a sea of ​​flames, with thick smoke billowing inside, and the people inside will be seriously injured if they don't die.

Only a few Japanese soldiers who reacted quickly escaped the hell on earth in Gutang Town along the original road, and fortunately escaped with their lives.

However, they soon discovered that groups of dense Chinese troops were outflanking them!

At this time, the Japanese army was no longer as rampant as it was before attacking Gutang Town—they had just escaped from the artillery fire, and the organization of the troops had long since been disorganized, so it was impossible to organize a strong attack or attack. It's defense!

Shinsaburo Koizumi was one of the surviving Japanese soldiers. He stared blankly at the charging national army troops, obviously not so fighting-minded, and even the pace of escape slowed down.

"Quick! Quick! Quick!! Run!! Koizumi-kun! If we don't run, we will all die here!!" It was Koizumi Shinsaburo's teammates who reacted quickly enough to wake up Koizumi Shinsaburo at once, and then Pull him to run outside.

Under such circumstances, not many people will have a strong will to fight...


PS: The first update is here!

The second is more likely to be one o'clock, sorry everyone.

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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