War of Resistance

Chapter 881 The Attacking 101st Division

Chapter 881 The Attacking [-]st Division
It has already fallen to this point, and if the enemy army catches up, they will not have a chance to survive.

Ever since, Koizumi Shinsaburo followed his teammates and ran desperately all the way, throwing away his helmet and armor, so embarrassed.

As for the comrades-in-arms in Gutang Town, these ten or so defeated Japanese troops simply couldn't care less—they weren't stupid enough to turn around and die.

The Bushido spirit of the Japanese army is to brainwash them into saying that they are not afraid of death if they fight, and that they will be blessed by the gods.

The army in Gutang Town is already defeated. The damn Chinese army definitely has an absolute superiority in strength. If they don't withdraw, they really can't withdraw.

If they can escape, they will definitely report to the division commander that there is such a Chinese army with very strong combat effectiveness and excellent equipment.

The point is, the size of this Chinese army is not small!


And this national army unit responsible for the outflanking task was not any other unit of the police regiment, but Zhang Tianhai's painstaking effort-Li Chunfei's police battalion unit!
If it hadn't been unprecedented and he was afraid of overstaffing, Zhang Tianhai would have expanded the first battalion long ago. After all, the first battalion is the main force for tough battles, and it is the elite component of the first police regiment.

Under the orders of regiment commander Zhang Tianhai, Li Chunfei led his troops to directly outflank the rear of Gutang Town, and wait for the regiment's direct subordinate team and the second battalion to come up before launching a general attack.

The sound of the explosion was deafening, and the closer you got to Gutang Town, the more you could feel the desperation covered by this burst of artillery fire.

Looking at the shells flying all over the sky, Li Chunfei couldn't help but sigh: Tuan Zuo is a deadly move, no matter what, he will take down half of the Japanese regiment. These shells are fired so densely, how many shells are wasted what……

"Battalion Commander, there are a dozen Japanese deserters ahead. Please instruct us whether we should pursue them or not!" A soldier ran to Li Chunfei and reported.

Among the crowd, Li Chunfei frowned and said: "Our task is not to chase after the ten or so defeated Japanese soldiers. The Japanese army in this city is the key point. Don't confuse them. Let them go and continue to implement the original plan." Task!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" The soldier responded.


Under Zhang Tianhai's arrangement, the officers and soldiers of the first police regiment gradually completed the siege of Gutang Town.

After the team directly under the regiment and the first and second battalions entered the field, the national army stopped the artillery attack.

Looking at the smoky Gutang Town, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth: Now he's going to be a poor ghost...

Indeed, this burst of artillery attacks that lasted for a long time caused the artillery reserves of the police regiment to drop sharply. As for how far it has dropped.

Who knows?Anyway, it is a lot of loss.

To fight rich and powerful, you need to have this family background to be able to fight...


The camera turns to Gutang Town.

Gutang Town, which had already been bombarded even more by this burst of intensive artillery fire, was already like an empty city. Everyone knew that not many people might come out alive in this sudden burst of intensive artillery fire.

But there are some exceptions, these are the lucky ones among the Japanese army.

Unfortunately, the captain of the first brigade of the Japanese army, Mizuichiro Xiki, was one of them.

Due to the reasonable place to avoid the artillery fire, he and a telegraph operator were not killed in this artillery fire.

However, their situation is not easy, they have been blocked in a collapsed building.

"Boy, are you awake now? If you are still awake, just send a telegram to your Excellency the captain!" Xiki Mizuichiro patted the telegraph operator next to him, and the telegraph operator tapped lightly. nod.

The quality of this house is good enough, so it didn't completely collapse here, but the people outside were not so lucky.

"Your Excellency, Captain, our telegraph has not been smashed by bricks, and it can still be used." The Japanese telegraph operator reported.

"Yoxi, it is finally the emperor's blessing that our telegraph was not damaged. This is a blessing among misfortunes!" Xiki Mizuichiro nodded with a heavy face, without a smile at all.

Nonsense, the troops brought in can almost be said to be the result of annihilation of the entire army. How many commanders can bear it?

"Your Excellency, Captain, please tell me what you want to report! I will send it to you right away." The Japanese telegrapher said.

I saw Ximu Shuiichiro nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Okay! Send it to your Excellency, the captain of our regiment immediately, and tell him that the units of the First and Second Battalions were attacked by the enemy in Gutang Town. , Our army has suffered heavy casualties, and they have a large number of artillery units. I am afraid that there are no more than one army in this place. Please be careful to fight, Your Excellency, the regiment commander. Yu Sui, if you support, I’m afraid it’s unnecessary. But please, Captain, please take revenge for us!”

Xiki Mizuichiro is not such an impulsive and confused person, on the contrary, he is quite aware of his situation. If he ruined the entire [-]st Regiment for the sake of saving himself, it would be quite worthless.

Because their [-]st Regiment is the "Military God" Regiment... this totem cannot be destroyed in his hands!


When Ximu Mizuichiro and others in the town were sending a telegram, the national army troops outside the town had already launched a "cleaning operation" against Gutang Town. What they wanted was to wipe out these remaining Japanese troops and never leave them alive. .

There is also recycling equipment and burying brothers who died in battle.

This order was also one of Zhang Tianhai's orders.

TOEFL Yu cavalry reconnaissance company is such an easy-to-use unit that Zhang Tianhai's control over the battlefield has reached a terrifying level.

Just imagine, which unit of the national army will be so forward-looking?Surprisingly, radio stations were deployed in the company-level troops, and once they were deployed, four stations were deployed. Even the spy company did not arrange so many stations.

It can be seen from this that Zhang Tianhai's thoughts are indeed different from ordinary people in this era. He values ​​information more than any commander at the regiment level.

In addition to the cavalry reconnaissance company, which is the bottom of the box, Zhang Tianhai believes that it is impossible for the Japanese troops to come so fast-their troops, if they come less, will definitely make the police 40st regiment and No. [-] The troops of the brigade were eaten; but there are so many troops coming, it is simply impossible to have so many troops at their disposal!
More importantly, they couldn't come so fast!

Soon, this telegram from Gutang Town was sent to the "Military God" Iizuka Kunigoro.

After learning of this news, Iizuka Kunigoro sent another very serious telegram to the regiment headquarters of the [-]st Division.


Therefore, Ito Masaki, the head of the division who had already received the tacit approval of the No. 11 Army Command for reinforcements, couldn't help being furious: How dare someone break ground on his Taisui?
Looking at the telegram in his hand, Lieutenant General Ito Masaki had a grim expression on his face. He tore the telegram into pieces at once. Afterwards, he pulled out the samurai sword at his waist and shouted to the sky: "First 〇 Division [-]! Attack!!!"


PS: The second update is here!

Thank you book friends for your tolerance and non-reporting.grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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