War of Resistance

Chapter 882 Masaki Ito

Chapter 882 Masaki Ito
Ito Masaki's attack order was not just for fun. After ordering the troops to assemble, he was preparing a counterattack plan.

As an experienced veteran general, Ito Masaki has very keen intuition, and in addition, the [-]st Division he leads is the number one sequence in the Japanese reserve division, so he can sit in this position , is by no means an ordinary generation.

In fact, the Japanese headquarters also valued Masaki Ito very much—if not, how could he be the head of the division?Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the position of the head of the reserve division is just a transitional position. After the head of the front-line standing division is promoted or demoted, the head of the [-]st division will be the first to fill in. serialized.

Of course, this first order is based on the fact that other combat units have not made outstanding achievements. If the division heads of other reserve divisions have made great achievements, then naturally it will not be the turn of the [-]st The division commander of the division was promoted.

"Your Excellency, division commander, now that our number one trump card has been severely damaged, what do you think?" asked Matsushita Dimi, chief of staff of the division.

Standing under the eaves, looking at the somewhat gray sky, Ito stood with his sword in his arms, with a gloomy face, and said, "The injury of the [-]st Regiment has become an established fact, but what we have to do is to rescue Back to Iizuka Kunigoro, a guy who underestimates the enemy and advances aggressively! His status is unusual, if something happens to him, it will definitely deal a major blow to the morale of our army."

Matsushita Dimi and Ito Masaki are also old partners, and he is also very aware of the temper of the division commander in front of him. When he said that he wanted to save the [-]st Regiment, he must save the [-]st Regiment as a priority. host.

In fact, Ito Masaki was in a bad mood not because of the fact that the [-]st Wing suffered heavy losses—but because how long had it been since the [-]st Wing landed on the west bank of Poyang Lake?It was such a heavy blow!Two of the three brigades lost, and all the supply troops were taken away!
This shows what?This shows that the fighting power of the [-]st Division's face-to-face enemy is very strong, and the scale is by no means less than an army!

More importantly, these enemy troops have high combat quality and convenient operations, which are by no means inferior to the combat effectiveness of their [-]st Wing.

Masaaki Ito didn't belittle himself, nor did he deceive himself into thinking that the Chinese troops on the opposite side were all fools—not to mention anything else, if the enemy's combat power on the other side was really that weak, how could they have given up more than half of the regiment? Only at the cost of the enemy can we find out the truth of the enemy?

The loss of more than 2000 people may not be too much in a battle sequence of more than 8000 people in a division, but this is the first confrontation... If there is such a loss method, how much will be lost for them? ?
Thinking of this, Ito Masaki took a deep breath, and then said: "Matsushita-san, pass on my order! Tell the troops below not to leave too far away. Our enemy is obviously very familiar with fighting in mountainous areas. If we rashly We will only lose more if we show our flaws."

"Hay! Division commander, please rest assured! As long as the main force of our division advances, the Chinese army will never dare to take the lead. Our troops are not vegetarian!" When Dimi Matsushita said, those eyes But there was a burst of anger.

Yes, Matsushita Dimi is younger than Ito Masaki, he is only 37 years old, compared to Masaki Ito, who is nearly 57 years old, he has much more drive...


The main force of the [-]st Division of the Japanese Army has assembled, and the officers and soldiers of the [-]st Police Regiment are already cleaning the battlefield.

Many Japanese soldiers who were dying and still alive were shot directly by the officers and soldiers of the national army. In the words of Tuan Zuo, each of these little Japanese beasts was stained with the blood of the Chinese people and our comrades-in-arms blood, we don't want to treat it leniently, we just ask for one life for one life!
These national army officers and soldiers had a deep hatred with the Japanese army. With this order from the regiment seat, these national army officers and soldiers dealt with these injured Japanese soldiers without any scruples.

In their words, it is not worthwhile to use the medicines that are in short supply to save these animals. If you have such leisure, you might as well use these medicines to save your comrades.

"Company commander, this is the first time our guard company has been on the battlefield...Look, the surrounding area is so fucking creepy..." A small soldier said beside the company commander Xu Sangou.

Indeed, since the formation of the regiment, the guard company has been following the regiment headquarters. It has almost never fought, and there are very few veterans in it. Veterans like Xu Sangou are rare.

The good news is that no matter how bad the guard company is, at least the squad leader can still be equipped by veterans.

"Stop rambling, be careful. If there is a kid who doesn't think about it later, he will kill you!" Xu Sangou scolded. He is no longer the soldier Xu Sangou he used to be, but now he is Company Commander Xu!

It has to be said that what kind of effect can be produced by whoever exercises in what kind of environment.

Xu Sangou also knows that his company commander is often unqualified. Think about it when the group seat was the company commander, how could such a thing happen.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Xu Sangou, the guard company, is in the battle order of the police regiment. They are all very good, and the guards are under the watchful eyes of the regimental commander and the chief of staff all day, so they can't help but not train hard...

Yes, the only thing the guard company lacks is training.

Just as Xu Sangou finished speaking, there was a noise next to him, and a kid whose leg had been broken by a shell fired a grenade.

Xu Sangou fired a shot in which direction almost subconsciously, but it was too late. A guard soldier was hugged by the Japanese soldier's thigh, and he couldn't break free.


There was a loud explosion, and the surrounding area was completely silent, and everyone fell down subconsciously.

After the explosion, there was still a smell of blood in the air. The soldiers of the guard company finally put away their previous arrogance and began to search seriously.

Seeing this scene, Xu Sangou finally understood what Tuan Zuo once said to him: An army has to go to the battlefield to know whether it is a real elite army. Strong, just go and have a look.

In the past, Xu Sangou always put the spy company and the guard company together. He believed that the spy company could win battles on the battlefield, as long as they were sent to the guard company, the results would be good.

But the scene in front of him seems to have given Xu Sangou a resounding slap—his troops are said to be elite, but they still lack combat experience after all. If it were a special agent company, they would never make such low-level mistakes... …


Gutang Town is cleaning up the remnants of the enemy, but outside Gutang Town it is peaceful.

"Old Zhang, you won this battle. These little devils really dare not support Gutang Town. If they support, I think our headquarters here may be lost." Guo Qiliang smiled lightly, his face Full of ease.


PS: The first update is here.

There is another watch, it will be after twelve o'clock, and I have to go out in a hurry.

Thank you for the 2100 points reward from Qidian book friend Taihao, the ninth level! !
(End of this chapter)

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