War of Resistance

Chapter 883 The next plan?

Chapter 883 The next plan?
"This step is just a last resort. I am not the kind of person who likes to take risks by nature. It's just that the strength of our country is too weak. I have to deal with every battle with the power of a lion fighting a rabbit." A trace of melancholy flashed across Zhang Tianhai's face, indeed, he was telling the truth.

No one is willing to take such a risk to win a battle, even at the risk of their own life.

"Now that this battle has been won, what should we do next?" Guo Qiliang asked, even Li Yinglun, who was studying other things in the battle, paid attention to this.

After Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, he said: "Our victory in this battle, not to mention too much, is sure to have half a regiment. If the cavalry battalion and the special agent company are successful, we will make a lot of money in this battle." As a result, given the arrogance of the Japanese army, they will definitely not stop there. So... our next plan is to retreat."

When it came to the end, Zhang Tianhai looked at the people in front of him, and the calmness inside was beyond anyone's expectation.

"We took this place with great difficulty, and now that Jiujiang has been recovered, shall we retreat here?" Li Yinglun couldn't believe his ears, because from his previous point of view, this was unbelievable.

"Yes, retreat." Zhang Tianhai nodded seriously, "If we don't withdraw, then our police regiment will be crushed under the iron fist of the Japanese army, and the No.40 Eighth Brigade will definitely run away too. not drop."

"But... our police regiment is not weaker than the Japanese army..." Li Yinglun still couldn't believe his ears.

"This is only temporary. Let's not talk about other things. Let's just say that the shelling just now can almost wipe out our regiment's shell reserves. If we don't withdraw, we will face a brigade of the Japanese army, or even a Japanese army." The main force of a division. Ask yourself, can our regiment withstand it?" Zhang Tianhai asked Li Yinglun from the bottom of his heart. He was asking Li Yinglun on the surface, but he was actually telling everyone in the regiment headquarters.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Tianhai's words came out, the entire regiment fell into silence, and no one could offer any rebuttals.

This was because all the officers present knew exactly how much the police regiment weighed.

After a long time, Li Yinglun took the initiative to say: "Okay, Tuanzai. I understand. Sometimes, I really can't see as clearly as you."

As soon as Li Yinglun's words came out, it meant that this decision of the police regiment had been completely passed.

As for Guo Qiliang's opinion, there is absolutely no opinion - because Guo Qiliang is following Zhang Tianhai's orders, and he can understand Zhang Tianhai's decision-making, and he is more aware of the strength of his regiment.

"That's the initial decision..." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

At this moment, a telecommunications staff officer ran over and reported: "Reporting to the regiment, the special agent company and the cavalry battalion called, saying that they had succeeded in the sneak attack and wiped out the Japanese logistics guards and transport troops, 530 people, and seized two howitzers." door, and equipped with forty shells. A large number of grenade shells and small shells were seized, fifteen grenade shells were seized, ten light machine guns, several rifles, and some bullets."

This news can definitely be called good news. After all, this is also a big victory, and so many things have been seized, including the two most critical howitzers.

"Okay, I got it. Reply to the cavalry battalion and the special agent company immediately, let them finish the matter as soon as possible, and return to Jiujiang immediately. Don't delay the military aircraft, and report to the regiment headquarters immediately if you have any difficulties!" Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Yes! Group seats!" The telecommunications staff responded.

After the telecommunications staff officer left, Zhang Tianhai looked back at the people in front of him and said, "Okay, now let's see the results of the battle in Gutang Town. If there are no accidents, it will come out soon. Busy with the things in hand first." Bar!"

"Yes! Regiment seat!" All the officers responded.

"Old Zhang, what are you going to do with the Fourth Camp?" After everyone dispersed, Guo Qiliang asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Well... Fourth Battalion, wait a little longer! See how the cavalry battalion and the special agent company are progressing, and then make a decision." Zhang Tianhai pondered for a moment, but still gave his answer.

To be honest, in Zhang Tianhai's mind, the Fourth Battalion was as important as the First Battalion, but why didn't he withdraw the Fourth Battalion?The reason is that, in his opinion, it is the insurance of the Fourth Battalion in this battle-whether the headquarters of the First Police Regiment can evacuate safely depends on whether the Fourth Battalion can block the enemy's final attack. Come up as soon as you meet; if you are unlucky, the fourth battalion is the last line of defense!
"Old Zhang, no matter which matter you decide, I will fully support you. We only ask for a clear conscience." As he spoke, Guo Qiliang patted Zhang Tianhai's shoulder lightly.

"Don't worry! I, Zhang Yulin, will never do such things as sorry for the country, the nation, or my brothers." Zhang Tianhai's face was very serious, and his handsome face was already full of vicissitudes.

"I believe in you." Guo Qiliang nodded.


After this burst of overwhelming shelling, the number of Japanese troops surviving was not many, and most of them were scarred.

Therefore, these Japanese troops were quickly "cleared" by the national army.

Headed by Li Chunfei, the battalion commander of the first battalion, the officers and soldiers of the first police regiment cleared up the operation very quickly.

Not to mention other things, the focus is grenades, as well as light and heavy machine guns, which are the focus of attention of the officers and soldiers of the first police regiment. Some officers and soldiers of the third battalion who were lucky enough to survive were also sent to the rear for treatment up.

In a gloomy hut, the doorway has long been covered by a collapsed wall. From the outside, it looks like a demolition site, and the scale of the demolition is not so large.

"Koizumi, I seem to hear some movement outside. Is it because our people have arrived?" Xiki Mizuichiro grabbed Koizumi, the telegraph soldier beside him, with an unusually excited expression.

After the telegraph soldier Koizumi listened carefully, his complexion changed drastically, and he said, "Your Excellency, Captain, please calm down, there are still sporadic gunshots outside, and the sounds are definitely not the [-] rifles used by our army! "

After hearing the news, Xiki Mizuichiro closed his beak wisely, he knew clearly: If he made another sound at this time, the two of them would be killed!

No one is so eager to die in battle, especially someone with a family like Ximu Mizuichiro. If he can survive this battle, he can watch his son grow up healthily.

Who said that all Japanese officers are not afraid of death?There are also some studios, but they dare not speak out, or they have no choice when they are facing a desperate situation.

It is said that it is better to live than to die. Who wants to die so much?Hmm...probably except for patients with depression!


PS: The second update is here!

I never expected that I still caught up. I thought I couldn’t code outside, or I was too busy to code, but I still finished the task after all.

Thanks for the 1200 points reward from book friend Li Geshen from Qidian! ! !

Thank you for the 200 book coins rewarded by QQ reading book friends looking back and smiling! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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