War of Resistance

Chapter 884 Rebuilding the 3st Battalion

Chapter 884 Rebuilding the Third Battalion
As time passed by, Xiki Mizuichiro's cold sweat had already begun to flow, he was not usually nervous.

After all, this is related to his life and death. It's hard to say about this thing. If he dies in a hurry, he won't be able to enjoy too many beautiful lives.

More importantly, although death in battle is an honor, how could it be better than living?

"There are still a few alive here! Make them up!" Following the shouts from outside the wall, Ximu Mizuichiro heard a few loud gunshots, which was not the case of their Sanba Dagai .

For Ximu, time is like standing still...


Outside the town, Zhang Tianhai also started to walk out of the headquarters, and began to set foot on this land again.

"Report to the regiment! Fortunately, the humble job did not disgrace, and led the third battalion to complete the mission successfully!" Yang Jiquan limped up to Zhang Tianhai in this way, and gave a military salute forcefully. Behind him were Yang Honglou and other fifty Come to the officers and soldiers, so embarrassed.

Zhang Tianhai nodded, and returned a military salute: "Brothers, you are all good. Our police regiment is proud of having good soldiers like you!"

After saying this, Zhang Tianhai fixed his eyes on Yang Ji's whole body - he saw that the latter's thigh was wrapped with a circle of gauze, and there were faint blood stains oozing from the gauze. This must have been shot.

"Battalion Commander Yang, you are injured now." Zhang Tianhai said looking at the wound on Yang Jiquan's leg.

"Reporting to the group, this is just a minor injury, it's nothing serious. I'm a lowly worker, and I can continue to fight!" Yang Jiquan gritted his teeth and said, the fine sweat on his forehead revealed that he was not in a relaxed state at this time.

"Okay, it's no small matter that your leg is injured. Take it back to the rear for follow-up treatment immediately. If the wound is not well protected, you will face amputation." Zhang Tianhai's tone was so firm that people had to obey, and His words are indeed very reasonable.

"Then what should our third battalion do?" A trace of nostalgia flashed in Yang Jiquan's eyes.

"Third battalion? You don't have to worry about the third battalion. You can recommend an acting battalion commander to me right away. You can take good care of my wounds and continue to be your battalion commander when you come back!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Group seat!" Yang Jiquan finally chose to obey the order. After all, the head of the group was indeed right, and he didn't want to be a disabled person.

"Tuan Zuo, the company commander next to you is Yang Honglou, he is from the same family as you, and he is a student who graduated from the tenth batch of the Central Military Academy. You can use him to have a look." Yang Jiquan pulled out Yang Honglou beside him, and asked Zhang Tianhai recommended.

"Okay, since you've already said that. You don't need to be suspicious, and you don't need to be suspicious. From now on, Yang Honglou will be the acting battalion commander of your third battalion until you come back from injury!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, his tone full of enthusiasm. is trust.

"Thank you for the delegation!" Yang Jiquan insisted on giving Zhang Tianhai a military salute again.

"Among you, two people will come out and send your battalion commander to the regiment headquarters for simple treatment." Zhang Tianhai looked at Yang Honglou and said.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo." Yang Honglou responded, then pointed to two people, and asked them to help Yang Jiquan to heal him.

After Yang Jiquan was helped away, Zhang Tianhai looked at the people in front of him and said: "In this battle, your three battalions suffered heavy losses. From a big battalion with more than 600 people to now less than 60 people. You are great, your The troops did not collapse either!"

This sentence is Zhang Tianhai's sincere words. After all, many national army troops basically start to collapse when they lose two-thirds, or even half.

Therefore, why during the Anti-Japanese War, the combat effectiveness of troops was measured by the standard of more than half of the casualties--no way, more than half of the casualties, and if the fight continues, it will collapse.

Of course, most of these national army units that are prone to collapse are mainly local motley troops, or miscellaneous troops in the Central Army. On the contrary, most of the direct descendants of the Central Army have extremely strong will to fight.

Well, let's not talk about anything else, just talk about the third battalion of the police regiment. It has only been a long time since they recovered from the last battle, and they are about to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy again.

It is inevitable to go into battle to kill the enemy, but what Zhang Tianhai never imagined was that this army has survived until this time without collapsing.

Look at the weapons and equipment on them are basically in a complete state - this is definitely not a rout troop, this is a troop that starts to retreat after receiving the retreat order!
The people in front of them didn't speak, they were waiting for the group seat's next words.

"Let me tell you, you are the heroes of our police regiment. How many national army troops can achieve the spirit of our third battalion, and the hundreds of thousands of Northeast Army do not have your spirit. You That's a good job!!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai took the lead in saluting a military salute, and the officers behind him quickly followed suit.

Immediately after the ceremony, there was a burst of applause, and the eyes of the only remaining officers and soldiers of the third battalion present could not help but turn red: they knew that their sacrifices were not in vain.At least someone has always remembered it.

"Acting battalion commander Yang Honglou!" Zhang Tianhai ordered the new acting battalion commander's general for the first time.

"Humble job!" Yang Honglou stood at attention and saluted.

"How many officers are there in your third battalion now!" Zhang Tianhai asked loudly.

After hearing this question, Yang Honglou turned around and started counting, and said after a while: "We still have two platoon leaders and five squad leaders left here!"

After hearing the words, Zhang Tianhai nodded lightly. He also knew what this result showed. It showed that the troops of their third battalion did not run away, and that the officers and cadres did take the lead. There are not many cadres standing here anymore. up.

"Commander Yang, I am now announcing the appointment. Two platoon leaders will be promoted to company commanders of your battalion, and five squad leaders will be promoted to platoon leaders of your battalion. As for the squad leaders, it is up to you to choose. After this battle is over, you must bring back the spirit of this army for me! Yang Honglou, do you have confidence?!" Zhang Tianhai asked loudly.

"Report to the group! The humble job will definitely live up to the high expectations of the group, and we promise to complete the task!!" Yang Honglou replied loudly, his tone full of confidence.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Tianhai also knew that the plan to rebuild the third battalion was basically completed - but, where would another company commander be transferred to the third battalion?I'm afraid it's inappropriate to go to the first battalion, right?Otherwise, the brothers in the regiment would not accept it. Why are all the officials from the first battalion?Just because their battalion commander has been with the troupe for a long time?

Being a good regiment leader is not so easy, especially when you have to weigh the pros and cons. He is no longer a company commander, and he can't fight like Hu Jiaji Hu. In terms of position, you should do what the regiment leader should do, instead of being a company commander and charging into battle.

The deeper reason is that the police regiment is already strong and strong, and it can be said that it is full of talents, at least it has been established in the soul of the army.

As long as the soul of the army is not destroyed, the combat effectiveness of the police regiment will not be bad!

PS: The first update is here!

The second is to wait a little later!Sorry!
Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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