War of Resistance

Chapter 885 Retreat?

Chapter 885 Retreat?

"Reporting regiment, No. 40 Eighth Brigade Commander Xu Jiyuan sent an urgent call to inquire about the situation on the front line!" The telecommunications staff officer ran to Zhang Tianhai and reported.

"Call back to Brigadier Xu and tell him that our police regiment has won a complete victory on the front line and wiped out most of the Japanese regiment!" The confidence in Zhang Tianhai's tone is something that ordinary commanders don't have. Made it out of a victorious battle!
The telecommunications staff immediately went to execute the order after receiving the instructions from the regiment.

Soon, Xu Jiyuan, who was in Jiujiang County, received a reply call from the front line of Gutang Town.

Holding the telegram in his hand, Xu Jiyuan couldn't help sighing: "Damn it, they are all soldiers of the national army. How can this kid be so good at fighting? We spent a lot of effort to send the Japanese army in Jiujiang If the remnants are wiped out, this police regiment will be fine, if you attack three times, five times and two times, you will kill most of the other's regiment... Sigh, what a trick..."

"The brigade commander doesn't have to sigh so much. Look at the weapons and equipment of their police regiment. If they can suffer a loss in this battle, it will be a ghost. Moreover, their regiment commander Zhang Tianhai is indeed a talent, and he is rationed according to the national army. As far as the artillery for the army is concerned, how can there be as many as twelve artillery pieces in the army? But they have it. I think it is absolutely impossible for them to be assigned by the Ministry of Military Affairs." Chief of Staff Yue Zhen analyzed.

"Oh? Why do you think it wasn't from the military and political department? I heard that the nephew of Minister He of the military and political department is the chief of the political training department and the captain of the gendarmerie in the first police regiment." Xu Jiyuan raised his brows.

"Impossible, even if Minister He wants to pull the slack, it is impossible to pull it on a regiment-level force, and this regiment-level force is already seriously overstaffed. It is said to be a reinforced regiment, but a reinforced regiment has more than 5000 people. There are more than 6000 of them. Even if the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs wants to allocate artillery battalions to them, there are at most four artillery pieces, and there can be no more." Yue Zhenxuan said.

Before Xu Jiyuan could speak, Yue Zhen went on to say: "Brigade Commander, if you don't believe me, think about it. Before the war, the Pang Bingxun Army was just an artillery battalion with four artillery pieces. Even the predecessor of the First Police Regiment was directly under the Third War Zone." The first regiment is a unit directly under the theater, so it is impossible for the artillery firepower to be more than three times that of a normal artillery battalion."

"You mean... Zhang Tianhai is very likely to frequently intercept battlefield supplies?" Xu Jiyuan raised his brows and asked something seemingly meaningless.

"From the humble point of view, it's true." Yue Zhen nodded.

"Even if they intercept and seize the supplies, that's their ability. Let's not get involved in this muddy water, otherwise it will be difficult to escape." Xu Jiyuan said seriously, the generals from the local army may not have strong command ability , but the ability to survive is definitely top-notch, no matter how you look at it.

"Understood. Brigadier." Yue Zhen nodded.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. What do you think, how will we fight next?" Xu Jiyuan looked at Yue Zhen.

Yue Zhen thought for a while, and said: "If you follow the normal commander's thinking, it is possible to expand the results of the front line and cut off the supply line of the Japanese [-]th Division. However, this commander is Zhang Tianhai. I think he is very likely to The strategy that would be taken is to retreat."

"Retreat?" Xu Jiyuan frowned slightly.

"Yes, it is to retreat. Zhang Tianhai seems reckless, but he acts with great sense of proportion. He is not the kind of person who is greedy for immediate results. This battle has been fought so far, and it is the time for the most perfect harvest. If we continue to fight , but I don’t know.” Yue Zhen said.

"Indeed, what the chief of staff said is very reasonable. Let's just look at our current commander Zhang... Oh no, to be more precise, it was Brigadier Zhang's decision." As he said, Xu Jiyuan's face lightened slightly. There was a slight smile.

If you want to ask why Xu Jiyuan is in such a good mood, it is probably because Zhang Tianhai is really capable, and luckily, they can follow Zhang Tianhai to gain military exploits.

Yes, that's right, it's just to collect military exploits!


While Xu Jiyuan and others were analyzing Zhang Tianhai's next move, Zhang Tianhai was also thinking about how to end this battle.

The confrontation with the Japanese army is over, and the Japanese army will definitely not let it go. They will definitely send a large number of troops ready to make a comeback at any time.

"Reporter, we have found out. The enemy we are facing is the troops of the [-]st Regiment of the [-]st Division of the Japanese Army. There is no one in our troops who understands Japanese, so we have not survived. These are the exact words of the battalion commander." A soldier ran back from Gutang Town and reported to Zhang Tianhai.

"Battalion Commander? Which battalion are you from?" Zhang Tianhai asked subconsciously.

"Reporting to the regiment, I am from the first battalion!" The soldier replied.

"The first battalion, that's Li Chunfei. It's not a big problem, you go back and tell your battalion commander to complete the task as soon as possible, and then leave the battlefield!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Group seat!" The soldier responded.

"Tuan Zuo, after we finished this battle, did we really just withdraw like this?" Li Yinglun asked again.

"Yes, I will leave when the spy company and the cavalry battalion bring back my two cannons." Zhang Tianhai said, at this moment, he couldn't help but start to miss his wife——

If Zheng Man is here and keeps a few little Japanese alive, it will definitely be of great use.

It's a pity that everything is just if...


The battlefield cleaning operation was completed in just one hour.

In this battlefield cleaning operation, apart from clearing out the remnants of the enemy, there is also the purpose of burying these sacrificed brothers.

There are more than 400 people with complete bodies, and there are more than 100 people who do not have complete bodies.

In an hour, it shouldn't be able to do so many things, but the police regiment has dispatched more than 2000 people, so everything has become much faster.

It's just that no one noticed that there were still two "fish that slipped through the net" lingering in that dilapidated, crumbling house.


"Brothers! Go all the way!! The burden on your shoulders, we will take over! You can go with peace of mind!!"

Luo Shi'an, the commander of the second battalion, led a company of brothers, and said loudly to the martyrs who had been buried in the big pit.

These buried martyrs included officers and soldiers, but without exception, they all died heroically.


After shouting, Luo Shi'an took the lead in saluting a military salute, and more than two hundred officers and soldiers behind him also saluted a military salute.

After a row of firing salutes, the burial began.


Qingshan is lucky to bury his loyal bones, and the world is full of flowers!

PS: The second update is here!

The update is finally completed, the old man is guilty again, and dragged everyone for more than 20 minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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