War of Resistance

Chapter 886 Zhang Fakui's Decision

Chapter 886 Zhang Fakui's Decision
Because Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro took the initiative to shrink his troops and retreat, the cavalry battalion and special agent company of the police regiment moved very smoothly, and it didn't take long before they arrived at the outskirts of Gutang Town with the seized supplies.

"Reporting to the regiment, I am fortunate to live up to my mission, and work hand in hand with the cavalry battalion to successfully complete the task!" Liu Houming was the first to arrive, and he reported to Zhang Tianhai after he arrived.

"How many supplies have been seized?" These were Zhang Tianhai's first words after meeting Liu Houming.

"A total of two large-caliber artillery and forty shells were seized, about two hundred [-] big guns, about a dozen Japanese-made light machine guns, and a dozen grenades, but they were small shells. A lot has been seized. There must be four big carts!" Liu Houming reported truthfully.

"Four Big Cars? What kind of big car is it?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"It is pulled by a carriage, four large carriages. There may be six or seven hundred small shells in total?" Liu Houming said after thinking about it.

For Zhang Tianhai, six or seven hundred small cannonballs can't be regarded as making a fortune.

The police regiment at this time is no longer the poor and poor one it was when it first formed the army—relatively speaking, the straight regiment at that time had nothing to do, except that each battalion was equipped with a machine gun company and the regiment headquarters had Apart from the mortar company and a small artillery company, there was nothing else. Zhang Tianhai didn't even dare to think about such a sharp weapon for close combat.

But now, the police regiment is equipped with more than 80 grenadiers, and the six to seven hundred shells are only eight or nine shells per grenadier.

The bigger the stall, the greater the pressure...

Thinking about it, the corners of Zhang Tianhai's mouth twitched lightly: The combat power of the police regiment is indeed strong...but it's too expensive, right?All of a sudden, he almost wiped out all the wealth he had accumulated for a long time.

Thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai felt that it was necessary to ask for ammunition supplies from the war zone commander's department. Anyway, the record of annihilating two thousand Japanese troops was not small.

"Okay, is Battalion Commander Wang back yet? Also, how many people did the spy company lose this time?" Zhang Tianhai finally asked the most critical question.

"The battalion commander Wang of the cavalry battalion is still behind, and is in charge of the rear. As for the casualties of our spy company, there are no more than ten people." Liu Houming said.

"Tell me the exact number!" Zhang Tianhai yelled, almost kicking him.

"Report to the regiment! My spy company sacrificed two people, seriously injured two people, and slightly injured five people!" Liu Houming was startled, and quickly stood at attention and saluted.

"There are indeed casualties in war. Look at your specific situation. If you want personnel, you can choose from Xu Sangou's guards! Try not to attack the front-line combat troops." Zhang Tianhai's words are considered to be a conclusion. .

That's right, Zhang Tianhai always felt that the guard company was really too idle, and they didn't have any combat missions, so they just stood guard every day.

Regarding the combat effectiveness of the guard company, not only Guo Qiliang and Li Yinglun had doubts, but Zhang Tianhai put a big question mark on it.

Therefore, this is the reason why Zhang Tianhai asked the guard company to go to the battlefield.

Not to mention the others, as the gendarmerie that exists at almost the same level have all gone to the battlefield to kill the enemy, only the guard company relies on itself as "the emperor's pro-army", and has never looked down on other troops, even their own Compare with the spy company.

Not to mention the others, Zhang Tianhai suspected that if he randomly pulled out a unit from the police regiment, he would be able to kill all his "Yulin Army" guards, which is very magical.

No one hopes that their guards will be like this, but Zhang Tianhai has no way to deal with it, because he has too many combat troops, and the combat effectiveness of these combat troops must be guaranteed. top priority.

"Yes! Regimental seat!" Liu Houming responded. Originally, he wanted to go to the first battalion to poach people. After all, the first battalion is the infantry battalion with the strongest background and strength in the police regiment.

As for the cavalry battalion, Liu Houming didn't even think about it, because this is what the regiment doesn't like-the cavalry battalion is a special existence, and the energy needed to train a cavalry is no more than the energy spent by the soldiers of their special service company less.

Ever since, the matter is over.


Fortunately, there is a cavalry battalion with a large number of horses, otherwise it would be a huge challenge to pull these captured supplies.

"Quick! Speed ​​up the progress!" The cavalry battalion commander Wang Yongcheng shouted loudly on his horse. He was already in a very urgent mood at this time, because he knew that there was an unknown enemy army nearby and was ready to attack them at any time.

It's already at this time, they can't help but not nervous.

Although the Fourth Battalion of the First Police Regiment was guarding the Zuoshan Pass, Wang Yongcheng still felt that the journey was not safe - as long as these supplies were handed over to the Regiment Commander intact, he Only then can I rest assured.


Soon, news about the annihilation of more than [-] Japanese troops by the First Police Regiment reached the headquarters of the Second Corps.

Holding this telegram, Zhang Fakui was extremely happy: The elimination of more than 2000 little devils may not be a lot in their eyes, but it must be good news for the repeatedly defeated Jiangxi battlefield.

"This Yulin is indeed a lucky general. Wherever you fight, there will be good news. With so many gains this time, I am afraid that Little Japan will not let it go. Just look at their next action plan. Zhang Fakui clapped his hands and said.

"Boss, how do you plan to deal with the First Police Regiment and No.40 Eighth Brigade of the Cantonese Army?" Chief of Staff Chen Baocang asked.

"What else can I do? Let the police regiment take a rest first. They have fought such a good battle, and the casualties must not be small. Let them rest and see if they have anything to add. Let them Make a list. I will apply to the theater commander's department!" Zhang Fakui was obviously in a bad mood at this time, and after winning the battle, he could say anything.

If the battle is defeated... Hehe, it would be very good if Commander Zhang didn't kick anyone.

As for whether the materials will be approved for this item, Zhang Fakui is absolutely confident: after all, the police regiment is a unit directly under the theater, and it is said that the police regiment won the battle and withheld supplies after the victory?Does that make sense?

Besides, which of the Central Army's Huangpu direct descendants have you seen withholding supplies?
"What about Jiujiang County? We just gave up again?" Chen Baocang asked.

"Yes, according to the original plan, the No.40 Eighth Brigade will also be built." Zhang Fakui said, "Although the strategic location of Jiujiang County is very good, it is definitely extremely beneficial for containing the enemy forces behind. It's a pity that the timing is wrong, and if we continue to defend, it will only increase casualties."

Chen Baocang nodded after hearing this, and said: "Indeed, what the commander-in-chief said is reasonable. In this war, we must fight for a long time, and also cut down the sharp front of the Japanese army. We are not concerned with the gains and losses of a city or a place, but with the overall A battle for rivers and mountains."


PS: That's it for the first update!
Kawen has been stuck for a long time, hey, I can only write so much, Jiang Lang is exhausted...

Please update again next time!
Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

Thank you for your continued support!

(End of this chapter)

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