War of Resistance

Chapter 887 Retreat

Chapter 887 Retreat
"Yes, Brother Zizhen really understands me. Although there are more than 20 armored soldiers in my Second Corps, most of them are motley troops. Only Wang Jingjiu No. [-] Fifth Army stationed in Xingzi County and At this time, the first regiment of the theater guards who just finished the battle is not a direct line unit of the Central Army, and most of our hands are miscellaneous troops." Zhang Fakui said in a deep voice, with a very serious expression.

Although Zhang Fakui didn't want to admit the objective fact that the miscellaneous army's weapons and equipment were weak and their combat effectiveness was poor, the facts were there. How could he not admit it?

Thinking about it, Zhang Fakui felt melancholy for a while.

"Indeed, most of the troops in our hands are miscellaneous troops, such as the [-]th Division from the Hunan Army. During the first Gutang battle, the entire division collapsed as soon as it came into contact with the Japanese army. Funeral The division has lost ground, so I can no longer speak directly. Commander-in-Chief, I understand what you mean, you mean, let us avoid the sharp edge of the Japanese army first, right?" Chen Baocang asked.

I saw Zhang Fakui nodded and said: "You can put it this way! This time, the tactic of scaring the snake has been very successful. This time, the Japanese army lost more than half of the regiment, and the [-]th Division may be cut off at any time." In the face of danger, the Japanese army should also take action, right? The Japanese army’s retaliation is not that simple. If we don’t retreat, I am afraid that the [-] troops of the Second Corps will be buried here.”

"Oh? Why do you know that?" Chen Baocang asked, "According to what you said before, Commander-in-Chief, shouldn't it be to force the [-]th Division to retreat?"

"No need, the answer has been given." As he spoke, Zhang Fakui took out a small note, which information was obtained from an unknown intelligence agency.

I saw it said - the main force of the [-]st Division of the Japanese Army gathered near Pengze and Hukou.

After reading the content above, Chen Baocang finally understood why Zhang Fakui ordered the troops to retreat—indeed, if the Second Corps did not retreat a step, if the Japanese [-]th Division turned around to bite them, then they would soon face The dilemma of being surrounded by the Japanese army on both sides.

If this situation really happened, then the Second Corps could only choose to abandon the car to save the handsome, or even the old handsome could not be saved.

When the situation is stronger than people, everything can only obey the situation.

Not to mention Zhang Fakui, even the commander in chief of China, Mr. Jiang Zhongzheng often has to obey the situation and the general trend.

"Commander-in-Chief, your decision is correct." With that said, Chen Baocang handed back the note in his hand to Zhang Fakui, which was a kind of recognition.

"The retreat order has not yet been issued to the troops. The command right in wartime should still be in the hands of Zhang Yulin. Why not issue a secret order to Zhang Yulin in my name to command the troops to retreat." Zhang Fakui said in a deep voice, then The eyes are full of scheming.

Zhang Fakui is not a simple person, he can be said to be very thoughtful in thinking about things, and he naturally has his reasons for doing so.

Regarding this point, Chen Baocang has never doubted it.So, he chose to execute it quickly.


Not long after, this order was sent to the Telecommunications Section of the First Police Regiment through the Communication Department of the Corps Headquarters, and then transferred to Zhang Tianhai.

When receiving this order, Zhang Tianhai was still in Gutang Town where the smoke had not cleared.

Looking at the devastated Gutang Town, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help sighing again: War is really not a good thing. It displaced people and traumatized this beautiful homeland.

The dilapidated bluestone floor has long been buried by the masonry fragments of these collapsed houses, and some places have even been blasted into a hill by shells.

The houses in these places were bombarded into a hill not entirely due to the artillery battalion of the police regiment, but also the "masterpiece" left by the main force of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army when they attacked Gutang Town.

In short, there is no beauty at all here.

It wasn't just someone's blood that was stamped under his feet, but Zhang Tianhai looked ahead without changing his face, and no one knew what he was thinking about.

"Report to the regiment! The secret message of the Corps Headquarters! Please check it out!" A soldier from the telecommunications department handed Zhang Tianhai a document that was well-folded in a folder.

Without even thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai took the folder and began to read it carefully.

As for Guo Qiliang and Li Yinglun, they already had their own affairs to arrange. After all, the cavalry battalion had already transported the spoils back, and they needed to be counted by hand.

For example, in the headquarters of the police regiment, the logistics and logistics units are basically located in Jijia Village. How could there be a dedicated logistics unit to carry out the inventory?So Li Yinglun can only be responsible.

In Guo Qiliang's words, he was in charge of commanding the troops to clean up the battlefield and recover weapons.

That's right, everything that can still be fired anyway must be recycled.

After reading the secret message, Zhang Tianhai began to fall into deep thought. He was thinking, why did Commander Zhang ask him to command the troops to retreat in the form of a secret message?

After a long time, he finally figured it out—maybe commander-in-chief Zhang was out of security considerations, and if the Japanese army deciphered the code, there might be trouble; in addition, another aspect was the command of the No.40 Eighth Brigade question.

If the order to withdraw troops was issued directly by the headquarters of the corps, once the police regiment was in trouble, the No. 40 Eighth Brigade could not save the police regiment until they received a direct order from the headquarters.

After all, soldiers still take obeying orders as their bounden duty. General military officers would not dare to act rashly without receiving orders, unless they met Zhang Tianhai, a "rebellious boy" who was not afraid of being shot.

After figuring out this joint, Zhang Tianhai must be very grateful to Commander-in-Chief Zhang Fakui, after all, all the officers he met were good officers.

"Okay, I got it. Burn the document immediately, and don't let it out!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Group seat!" The soldier responded, and found a place where the flames were still burning, and burned the paper in front of Zhang Tianhai.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai finally had time to check his guard company—because Comrade Xu Sangou, the commander of the guard company, had already appeared in his field of vision.

"Xu Sangou, get me over here immediately!!" Zhang Tianhai yelled suddenly, making Xu Sangou a little at a loss.

"Tuan...Tuan Zuo, what are you doing?" Obviously, Xu Sangou was taken aback, even trembling when he spoke.

"Okay, don't pretend to be such a bear for me, what about the courage when you entered seven times and exited seven times?" Zhang Tianhai glared at the "veteran oil boy" who had followed him for the longest time. Out, ahem, it was naturally Xu Sangou's "feat" when he was arrested.


PS: The second update is here, and it's finally finished.

The old man is guilty.Jiang Lang is exhausted, his ability is really limited...

The old man is ashamed of you...

(End of this chapter)

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