War of Resistance

Chapter 888 Restructuring the Guard Company?

Chapter 888 Restructuring the Guard Company?
"What..." Xu Sangou's body trembled slightly, he naturally knew what Tuan Zuo was going to say.

"Report the situation of your company immediately, and tell the truth!" Zhang Tianhai's tone was serious. This was the first time the guard company had been on the battlefield since it became an army, and it was impossible that nothing would happen.

"Yes! Group seat!" Xu Sangou stood at attention and saluted, "My company participated in this combat operation, sacrificed two people, seriously injured one, and slightly injured two!"

After hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help being furious: How could three people be sacrificed in this mopping up operation?

Yes, in Zhang Tianhai's view, a serious injury is the same as a sacrifice, it's just that the former has better luck.

"Our regiment has never had such a thing! Immediately gather all your guard companies for me!!" Zhang Tianhai yelled directly, almost startling everyone present.

"Yes...yes! Tuan Zuo!" Xu Sangou was taken aback. This is the second time Tuan Zuo has made such a big fuss at him, and the first time he was caught going whoring when.

Therefore, Xu Sangou, whose desire to survive is not so strong, chose to execute the order immediately, who knows if the group leader will lose his position as company commander in his anger.

As Xu Sangou ran, his eyeballs were also rolling, because he was thinking about what to do and how to explain it to the group reasonably.

"Guard company! All gather! All gather!!" Standing at a high point, Xu Sangou shouted to his subordinates.

The officers and soldiers of these guard companies may not listen to what others say, but they must listen to the orders of the company commander. This is the immediate superior.

So, soon, the officers and soldiers of the guard company were assembled.

"Report to the group! The guard company should have 202 people, but it actually has 199 people. Please give instructions!" After the troops were assembled, Xu Sangou quickly ran to Zhang Tianhai and reported.

"Okay!" Zhang Tianhai nodded, and then strode to the front of the guard company.

Looking at the energetic faces in front of him, Zhang Tianhai was furious, and he said, "Brothers of the guard company, logically speaking, you should be commended for completing the task of cleaning up the battlefield. Yes. But now, I am very unhappy! Do you know why?!"

As soon as Zhang Tianhai's words came out, all the people present were silent and did not dare to make a sound, because they all knew that two brothers died and one brother was seriously injured.

Although these big soldiers don't have much culture, they do have the ability to observe words and demeanor. After all, this thing seems to be born, so no one will be stupid enough to touch the bad luck of Tuanzuo.

"You don't talk, I believe you all know in your heart that you were reprimanded for something! You look at each of you, and you usually don't pay attention to anyone, just thinking that 'I am the best in the world', the group Except for the special agent company, the other companies are no match! Look at the mission you performed this time, are you ashamed?!" Zhang Tianhai's last words were uttered directly, which shocked everyone They were a little overwhelmed.

Many of the guards and even the officers and soldiers present bowed their heads in shame. They also knew that what the Tuan Zuo said was indeed the truth.

Zhang Tianhai was so angry that his chest hurt a little, and he continued to roar: "If you have real skills, that's all. I, Zhang Yulin, will not say anything wrong with you! But now? Look at it, and you will execute it." A battlefield cleaning mission, do you see any accidents in other battalions? Look at the spy company! The United Cavalry Battalion wiped out more than 400 enemy troops in two companies and three companies, and it was the sacrifice of two brothers, and the other two were seriously injured! Where are your faces?!"

Zhang Tianhai's words were very straightforward, and they were indeed very hurtful, making all the guards and even the officers and soldiers bow their heads, especially Xu Sangou, who felt like he had been slapped hard on the face, the pain was burning...

"Let me tell you now, your combat effectiveness is far worse than that of the spy company! Look at each of you. Except for the mission of standing guard, have you trained well?! Also, if you are not the guards of my regiment headquarters Troops, will you still train so diligently?! If you want to go to the battlefield like today, what will you do?!" Zhang Tianhai asked sharply.

"Report...report to the regiment, it's not that we don't want to go to the battlefield...it's because the regiment headquarters has a rule that the guards don't have to go to the battlefield..." A weak voice came out from the team.

"This regulation?!" Zhang Tianhai frowned, and said sharply: "I told you today that this regulation is abolished. You are the guards of the regiment headquarters, and you are also my guards of Zhang Tianhai! If one day I'm going to the battlefield, I can't go with a bunch of cowards who can't support the wall! Starting tomorrow, if your guard company's training still can't keep up, Xu Sangou, don't fuck with your company commander Done!"

Xu Sangou was yelled at so suddenly by the group, and he knew that the group was not joking, so he quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Yes! The group! The humble job promises to complete the task!!"

"Okay, what your company commander said today, if you don't see any changes in the guard company within a month, I will do what I say!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes!! Regiment Commander!!" The officers and soldiers of the guard company were shouting, and they looked like a rainbow.

"Disband!!" After Zhang Tianhai got angry, he finally felt a little more relaxed.

After Zhang Tianhai gave an order, the guard company was finally disbanded.

At this moment, Xu Sangou drooped his face, then walked to Zhang Tianhai's side, and asked, "Tuan Zuo, are you still angry?"

"Why are you not angry? I am angry that the guard company of our regiment headquarters is so weak. If one day, the enemy hits our command post, look at the officers of our regiment headquarters, all of them will lose their heads. "Zhang Tianhai said angrily.

"Then our guard company is now going to be improved to be more combat-oriented, so what about the guard missions we have to perform?" Xu Sangou asked, fearing that the regiment would blame him for all the reasons again, that would be unfair Grow up.

"Isn't this problem simple? If you can't perform the task of standing guard, I will draw a platoon of troops from the gendarmerie to guard our regiment headquarters. I only have one condition, you must give I will lead the guard company, otherwise I will really dismiss you." Zhang Tianhai looked at Xu Sangou very seriously and said.

"Yes, Tuanzao. I understand. The cup asks again, when did we start exchanging sentry missions with the brothers of the gendarmerie?" Xu Sangou seems stupid, but it is not. Once everything was clear, he did it.

No one can bear the responsibility of disobeying the commander's order, including Xu Sangou who has been with the regiment leader for a long time.

"Let's wait until the troops are withdrawn first. We will retreat soon. After retreating to the garrison, we will hand over the mission. Before withdrawing to a safe area, your company will perform the security mission!" Zhang Tianhai's words are also emphatic. It's decided.


PS: The first update is here!

Second, wait an hour!Sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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