War of Resistance

Chapter 889: Defense

Chapter 889
After getting rid of Xu Sangou, Zhang Tianhai also began to plan his own retreat plan.

"Chief of Staff, now it's up to you to give your opinion. How should we retreat?" In the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai looked at Li Yinglun.

After thinking for a while, Li Yinglun said, "Sir, I think it may be more reasonable for us to retreat first, and then let the No. 40 Eighth Brigade Commander Xu's troops come to break up."

When Zhang Tianhai heard this, he frowned, and then relaxed it slightly: "Oh, really? Tell me your opinion. No, it's your retreat plan to be precise."

"The humble officer thinks that our troops have just fought a big battle on the front line and wiped out many little devils. The troops are at the point of exhaustion, but the No. 40 Eighth Brigade's troops are different. They have already passed After a period of cultivation, they will not be as tired as we are, and their strategic position is relatively backward, and they will have a period of time to buffer if they retreat. Another point is that our troops have just seized a batch of strategic materials. If we pull this batch of supplies back, our speed will definitely not be too fast, and it is just right for them to help us stop it." Li Yinglun said in a deep voice, thinking very clearly.

"The chief of staff's remarks are very reasonable, and I think there is no problem in doing so. I don't know how the regimental commander thinks about this matter." Deputy regimental commander Guo Qiliang added.

"Since everyone has made such a decision, let's proceed according to this plan!" Zhang Tianhai nodded, as if he had made a decision.

"Order the [-]th Battalion stationed at Zuoshan Pass to immediately withdraw from the existing position and move closer to the large forces! Also, order the troops of the cavalry battalion to return to Jijia Village immediately with the supplies! The regiment headquarters is composed of a special agent company and a guard company All the teams directly under the regiment directly escorted them back; the transfer of the field hospital was assisted by the first battalion and the second battalion! The target is still Jijia Village!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, his tone was not usually firm.

"Yes!!" Everyone stood at attention and saluted.

"Finally, please call Brigadier Xu of the No.40 Eighth Brigade from the Telecommunications Section and tell them that our troops are retreating, and ask them to withdraw from the control area of ​​Jiujiang County tomorrow morning!" Zhang Tianhai turned to the acting section chief of the Telecommunications Section Said.

"Yes! Group seats!" The acting section chief stood at attention and saluted.

This seemingly hasty retreat was settled within Zhang Tianhai's few words - in his opinion, this is not a very difficult matter.


It was getting dark gradually, and in that collapsed house, Xiki Mizuichiro's throat moved slightly, obviously very thirsty.

"The damn Chinese army must have retreated. You should immediately call His Excellency Iizuka Kunigoro to inform him of this, and tell them that we are still alive, so please come and rescue us..." Xiki Mizuichiro's voice A little hoarse.

"Hay. I'll do it right away," said the telegraph operator.

Soon, there was another beeping sound in this dark and dark environment.

If the troops of the first police regiment had not withdrawn, otherwise, this burst of movement would have alarmed them, and the two of them might not be able to survive.


This distress telegram from Xiki Mizuichiro was quickly passed to Iizuka Kunigoro.

"Nani? Unexpectedly, Mr. Ximu is still alive. Should we rescue them now? Chief of Staff, what do you think?" Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro turned his attention to the Chief of Staff next to him.

"Your Excellency, Captain, I believe that it is more appropriate for us to go there later for reinforcements. If we go to rescue Captain Ximu now, if the enemy does not go far, we will face great troubles." Japanese Army Staff Officer Chang said very calmly.

"That's right, the chief of staff's words are very reasonable. Now we only have a thousand or so soldiers left. If we can't respond to the enemy's threat in time, our thousand or so people may also be lost. Here. Therefore, we must be cautious." Iizuka Kunigoro agreed with the chief of staff's point of view.

There is no other way, it has come to this time, and the mighty "Military God" Iizuka Kunigoro also has to make a decision on this situation.

Ever since, under the decision of the "Military God" Kunigoro Iizuka, the remnants of the [-]st Regiment had already decided to wait another hour before carrying out the rescue operation.

However, fortunately, the Japanese army decided to delay the rescue operation by an hour, otherwise they would have collided head-on with the [-]th Battalion of the Police Regiment, which was withdrawing from Zuoshan Pass.

The Fourth Battalion of the First Police Regiment seems to have a relatively low number, but in Zhang Tianhai's heart, it is indeed as important as the First Battalion.

As for the Second Battalion, if the original Second Battalion Commander Lu Shaojie hadn't been sent to the rear for treatment, otherwise, the Second Battalion would have given priority to development.


The camera turns to the other side.

Under Zhang Tianhai's signal, the retreat order was passed to Xu Jiyuan, commander of the No.40 Eighth Brigade of the Cantonese Army, soon.

Holding the telegram in his hand, Xu Jiyuan couldn't help feeling deeply moved: "This guy Zhang Yulin has a fucking way of doing things!"

"Indeed, the combat style is distinctive, and the vision is sharp and poisonous enough." Chief of Staff Yue Zhen concluded.

"I used to think that the police regiment and its predecessor Zhiyi regiment were able to win so many battles entirely because their weapons and equipment were better than ours, but now it seems that this is not the case... It is still with the commander Your intelligence and intelligence are inseparable..." Xu Jiyuan let out a long sigh, and at this moment, he had to admit that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead.

"Zhang Tianhai is indeed not simple... Young and awesome..." Yue Zhen also sighed, "Brigade Commander, what should we do now? Are we really going to wait until tomorrow morning to withdraw our troops? ?”

"Otherwise?" Xu Jiyuan turned his head and looked at Yue Zhen, "Zhang Yulin and Captain Zhang have already benefited our brigade a lot. This time, our brigade and the police regiment cooperated and almost annihilated more than 3000 Japanese troops. Isn't it a great victory? To be a human being, one must know how to repay kindness..."

"Yes! Brigadier, I understand what you mean. Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, we will retreat. After the retreat, we will go back to defense. What arrangements will the commander make?" Yue Zhen asked.

"Teacher, you don't need to worry about it. Let's do the things in front of us first. Besides, this time we went back after winning the battle. What can they say?" Xu Jiyuan said in a deep voice, very arrogant.


PS: The second update is finally delivered.

Sorry for making you wait another hour!

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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