War of Resistance

Chapter 890 The First Corps Going South?

Chapter 890 The First Corps Going South?

According to the established evacuation plan, the Police Regiment Headquarters began to withdraw to Jijia Village overnight.

After a night of hot pursuit, the quiet Jijia Village became lively again at dawn.

This battle was fought so hard that the officers and soldiers of the police regiment did not rest for several days, so that many people fell asleep directly lying on the village road of Jijia Village.

It was not bright, and the village road in Jijia Village was full of snoring.

At this time, it was the early morning of July 28, [-].


After dawn, Zhang Tianhai returned to Jijia Village.

Guo Qiliang, Li Yinglun and others came back with him. You know, they were transferred with the regiment headquarters.

Back to the fairly familiar Jijia Village, Zhang Tianhai stared at his surroundings. He was exhausted and found that his comrades around him were also yawning profusely.

"Let the brothers in the Fifth Battalion be responsible for the security work, and the other brothers should rest for a day first!" Zhang Tianhai made his own decision. He is the regiment leader, and he is the oldest in the police regiment.

"I'm afraid it's not right? Are you afraid that the enemy will attack you at this time?" Guo Qiliang frowned and said.

"No, the enemy is the one who suffered the most casualties. If there is any news, the No. 40 Eighth Brigade must bear the brunt. Just rest easy, there is still a big battle to be fought!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice .

"All right, I will obey the order." After Guo Qiliang finished speaking, he couldn't help yawning.


At ten o'clock in the morning, there was still no movement in Jiujiang County. The No. 40 Eighth Brigade Headquarters began to gradually withdraw from Jiujiang County under the command of its brigade commander Xu Jiyuan, and reported the news to the headquarters of the Second Corps.

A small town in the mountains of Jinjiaguanqiao, the headquarters of the Second Corps.

Commander-in-Chief Zhang Fakui frowned deeply as he held the retreat report from No.40 Eighth Brigade and the information about the main force of the [-]st Division of the Japanese Army entering Hukou Town.

"Brother Zizhen, it seems that the Japanese Army's Matsuura Division has decided to go all the way to the dark. I'm afraid the situation in De'an is not very good." Zhang Fakui sighed.

"There are No. 11 Division and No. 60 Fourth Army troops guarding De'an, and the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army will not be able to take it for about one and a half hours. The commander-in-chief does not need to worry too much." Chen Baocang said.

"Actually, theoretically speaking, my Second Corps should also have the obligation to rescue De'an. Then, according to Chairman Jiang and Chen Cheng's intention, our Second Corps should guard the bridgehead in northern Jiangxi. As for the development of the situation later, the higher authorities will There is no clear instruction yet. We are in trouble..." Zhang Fakui let out a long sigh.

"I heard that Xue Yue's troops are rushing here." Chen Baocang said a key point.

"Chen Cheng's troops?" Zhang Fakui frowned.

"Yes, both the No.70 Fourth Army and the Eighth Army are old-fashioned Central Army, and the No.60 Fourth Army also followed the First Corps and transferred our Second Corps from Lanfeng. Now the No. .60 The Fourth Army is also there, and these three armies are transferred to the front line of Nanchang. What does this mean? It means that the main force of the First Corps is rushing to our side..." Chen Baocang analyzed.

"It seems that Xue Yue and his First Corps fought the frontline battles in De'an and Nanchang. In this way, I will order Wu Qiwei's Fourth Army and Li Jue's No. 70 Army to move closer to De'an and outflank the rear of the Japanese army at any time." way." Zhang Fakui has always been a courageous commander, even if the main force of the [-]st Division of the Japanese Army reached Jiujiang, with the help of several armies of the Second Corps, it could stop it.

Don’t forget, the strength of the current Second Corps is not bad. Even if three armies are transferred to Nanchang and De’an, the Second Corps still has Wang Jingjiu’s No. 20 Fifth Army, Sun Tongxuan’s Third Army and Huo Kuizhang’s The Fourth Army is here.

As for Zhang Tianhai's police regiment, in front of these big men's troops, it is nothing to say, it can only be said to be barely useful, and it is still very useful in a small battlefield if it is used properly.

However, in this decisive battle of tens of thousands of people, the strength of 10 to 6000 people can only barely maintain self-preservation.

"However, Commander-in-Chief, if the No.70 Army, the No.60 Fourth Army, and the Fourth Army are all assigned to the First Corps, then our situation is not good..." Chen Baocang persuaded A word of Zhang Fakui, because he knows that once these troops get too close to Nanchang and De'an, and when the battle situation changes, they will be included in the First Corps.

"Zizhen, you need to change your thinking. Now it is a full-scale war of resistance. It is no longer the period of the Central Plains War. We don't need to preserve our strength. We only want to win the war of resistance earlier. Even if the three armies are all planned Under Xue Yue's command, my Second Corps also has No.20 Fifth Army, Third Group Army, Fourth Army, plus a first regiment of theater guards. The troops here are already nearly [-] troops. Resist the advance of the Japanese invaders The footsteps are enough." Zhang Fakui said seriously.

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief, I have been educated in a humble position." Chen Baocang responded, and he said this from the heart, not the kind of casual saying.

"Now the Japanese army is coming fiercely. They want to take down Wuhan and force me to surrender. If they opened up the Nanxun Railway and then attacked from Hunan to Hubei, then our situation will become more passive." Zhang Fakui sighed. With a sound.

"The commander-in-chief should not be too pessimistic. Since the troops of the First Corps have arrived, the decisive battle on Nanxun Road must be about to start. With the commander-in-chief Xue Yuexue fighting there, we must not suffer." Chen Baocang analyzed, hoping Zhang Fakui Commander Zhang should not be too pessimistic.

"I hope! We don't know what will happen in the future." Zhang Fakui sighed, and then he changed the subject: "By the way, are the troops ready to stick to Lushan Mountain for a long time? It is best to be guerrillas, and this The size of the army cannot be small."

"It's already in the preparatory stage, and it should be able to enter the Lushan area soon." Chen Baocang reported, "By the way, commander-in-chief, there is still one thing that is not clear about the humble position, that is why the guerrillas must be allowed to stick to Lushan. Is it difficult? If a police regiment is stationed, Lushan Mountain will be safe.”

"Brother Zizhen, don't pretend to be crazy with me. This is not your style. You want a brigade with such excellent equipment to guard a Lushan Mountain? Isn't this a trivial matter?" Zhang Fakui said with a wry smile.

"Commander-in-Chief, I still don't understand what you said, so please clarify." Chen Baocang said bluntly, "From my point of view, if a police regiment were to guard Mount Lu, troops could leave Mount Lu at any time to cut off the Japanese army's retreat. Why does the commander-in-chief insist on transferring the police regiment away from Mount Lushan?"

Chen Baocang is not stupid, why the guerrillas were stationed in Mount Lushan is undoubtedly to transfer the police regiment away.

"The reason is simple. The First Police Regiment is well-equipped, and Zhang Yulin is also a fierce man. We must make good use of the advantages of the First Police Regiment. After the decisive battle in Nanxun begins, it will definitely be more difficult to enter the battlefield depending on the time. Lushan is good." Zhang Fakui said bluntly.


PS: The first update will be delivered, and the second update will have to wait until 12:30!
Thanks to the starting point book friend Yueyin Shanlan for the reward of 1000 points!

(End of this chapter)

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