Chapter 891
There is no way, in order to avoid communication errors, so Zhang Fakui can only speak so clearly.

"Then I understand. No wonder the commander-in-chief had to ask the police regiment to submit a supplementary list, probably to give priority to supplementing their combat effectiveness?" Chen Baocang said.

"Yes, that's right." Zhang Fakui didn't say otherwise, but he admitted it openly, "Not only should we give priority to satisfying them in terms of materials, but also complete them in terms of soldiers. They haven't responded to our inquiries yet. The telegram in this regard, but said that as long as today is over, they will definitely report."

As for why Commander-in-Chief Zhang said that the police regiment will definitely report after today, Chen Baocang is very clear, because the police regiment has just finished this battle, the troops must be very tired, and it is impossible in all aspects He recovered so quickly, maybe he is still in a state of rapid march now.

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief." Chen Baocang replied.


In the next day or two, the first police regiment seized the time to recuperate, but the general situation on the battlefield remained unchanged.

Thanks to the inconvenient transportation at this time, and the fact that the Japanese army is a foreign population, they are not familiar with the direction at all, so they have not rushed to the front line of De'an, and there is no way to start the battle at this time.

Of course, under the order of Zhang Fakui, the commander of the Second Corps, nearly three armies of the national army moved closer to De'an. In addition, Xue Yuezai, the commander-in-chief of the First Corps of the National Army, finally arrived at the front line of Central Jiangxi.

At the same time, the No. 70 Fourth Army and the vanguard of the Eighth Army also approached the Wanjialing area.


Time, July [-], [-] at two o'clock in the afternoon; location, Nanchang, capital of JX province.

Nanchang has a very long history. It was called Yuzhang and Hongdu in ancient times. It has been a strategic and dangerous place since ancient times. Later, the great Nanchang Uprising broke out here.

That is to say, from Nanchang, our army was born.

At this time, in Nanchang, due to the approaching Japanese army, the pressure here became very high.

Because it is backed by the Nanxun Railway, strategic materials coming in from Guangzhou Port are being continuously transported to Nanchang from Guangdong.

Obviously, Nanchang has become a large barracks very close to the front line, as can be seen from the intensive mobilization of troops at the gate of the city.

Yes, Nanchang has also become the forward headquarters of the decisive battle on Nanxun Road.

In a not-so-small mansion in the city, Xue Yue stood in the front hall, studying the military map in front of him.

Yes, this place has been requisitioned by the national army.

As for the use, it is not necessary to think about it, it is directly built as a forward headquarters.

From the surrounding buildings, it can be seen that the original owner here is very artistic, and definitely the type who loves ancient Chinese style construction. The buildings, terraces, waterside pavilions, and rockery are all very organized and regular.

If a master who knows Feng Shui came to see it, he would exclaim, "This must be done by a master, and ordinary people will never have this level."

However, these were not in the eyes of Commander Xue Yuexue, because he was thinking about how to resist the Japanese army's advance.

According to reports from the front line, the headquarters of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army, Matsuura Junrokuro, has already gone south to the direction of De'an, and the headquarters of the Second Corps also organized a battle on the front line of Jiujiang, and even regained Jiujiang at one point, killing them. There were more than [-] enemies, but they never disturbed the headquarters of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army, and they were never even seen.

From Xue Yue's point of view, Jiujiang is De'an's back route. If Jiujiang was captured, the Matsuura Division was not alarmed, but the troops in the rear were ordered to rush to the rescue. What does that mean?
This shows that the Japanese army is bent on taking De'an!

According to the news obtained before, the Japanese army had already made a crazy plan to take down Wuhan for three months, and at this time they must be fighting against Wuhan wholeheartedly.

De'an County is located in the north of NC City. It can be said that it is the gateway to Nanchang in terms of terrain. If the Japanese army wants to take down Nanchang, it must take down De'an!

Therefore, Xue Yue's eyes have always been fixed on the place name "De'an", and he hasn't left for a long time.

After a long time, Xue Yue finally spoke: "Yaojie, if your Eighth Army were to defend De'an, would you be able to defend it?"

The lieutenant general known as "Yao Jie" responded and said: "Report to the commander-in-chief, as long as you give an order, there will never be a single person in the Eighth Army who will frown. , fight De'an to the death, and prevent De'an from falling into the hands of the Japanese invaders."

That's right, the lieutenant general in front of him who is called "Yao Jie" is Li Yutang, the commander of the Eighth Army.

However, the current Eighth Army is no longer the previous Eighth Army. With the defeat in the Battle of Lanfeng at that time, Long Muhan, the culprit, was shot, and Huang Jie, who took the initiative to lead the troops back, did not make any good and was dismissed directly. Check it out.

As Huang Jie was dismissed and investigated, the Eighth Army under his command was also disbanded by Chiang Kai-shek. The newly established Eighth Army was composed of the original Third Division of the Second Army, the Reserve Second Division, and the Reserve No.11 Division. Li Yutang, who graduated from the first phase of Whampoa, served as the commander of the lieutenant general.

After the establishment of the army, it was immediately sent to Jiangxi, and was organized into Xue Yue's First Corps.

Li Yutang went to Nanchang with Xue Yue, because the troops of the Eighth Army were still on their way, and their Eighth Army had also been ordered to station in Nanchang.

"With your words, I feel more at ease." Xue Yue frowned, "De'an is the barrier of Nanchang, we must defend it, if Nanchang cannot defend it, the entire Nanxun Railway will be subject to the Japanese invaders Hands, foreign military supplies coming in from Guangzhou are quite difficult."

Yes, it is military supplies.

Restricted by the consensus in the international community - not to provide military supplies to both belligerent countries, the national government has never declared war on Japan, and the Japanese will naturally not do such stupid things, so the two countries have always belonged to war and not It was not until [-], after Little Japan attacked Pearl Harbor that the Nationalist government declared war.

On the surface, it seems that the national government chose to accept foreign military supplies without declaring war, but there is no way. If the aid of military supplies is cut off, this war to defend the nation will become more difficult.

The port of Shanghai had been occupied by the Japanese army, and the military materials transported from abroad to the country could only come in through the Guangzhou and Burma highways. Due to the existence of Guangzhou Port, the Burma highways did not seem so important at this time.

At this time, both Xue Yue and the Japanese army clearly knew the importance of the Nanxun Railway.

The national army must defend the Nanxun Railway!
This is also Xue Yue's decision!


PS: The second update is here!

Sorry to keep everyone waiting for another 25 minutes.

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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