Chapter 892
Now that Xue Yue had decided to stick to Nanxun Road, he would not be idle—so he hurriedly started mobilizing troops.

No.70 The headquarters of the Fourth Army was ordered to enter Nanchang, and the headquarters of the Eighth Army rushed to help De'an.


The camera turns to De'an North, fifteen kilometers north of Shahe Town.

Due to the counterattack fought by the national army in Jiujiang County, the advancing troops of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army had to slow down their marching speed, and they were indeed unfamiliar with the road, so they appeared ten miles north of Shahe Town at this time. five kilometers away.

The [-]th Regiment of the National Army is in charge of guarding Shahe Town. Looking at the designation, one can tell that the battle order of this unit is very high.

The head of the [-]th Regiment was surnamed Xie, and his name was Xie Yongning. He and the [-]th Regiment belonged to the Fourth Brigade of the National Army.

The [-]th Regiment, like the [-]th Regiment, belonged to the Central Army, but even if it was a brigade of the [-]th Brigade, it was not as elite as the [-]st Regiment of the Guards of the Ninth Theater.

Shahe Town is located in the north of De'an County, and it got its name because a Shahe River flows through it.

Surrounded by mountains, the scenery is uniquely beautiful.

However, in Xie Yongning's view, all of this is unintentional appreciation.

"No matter how beautiful the environment is, what's the use of it? This place will soon be destroyed." Xie Yongning sighed. His collar badge was the same as Zhang Tianhai's, with two bars and three stars, and the rank of colonel, but his strength was far inferior to that of the police regiment. .

Xie Yongning looks very elegant, and like most graduates of the Whampoa Military Academy, he is a general of literati background.

Xie Yongning is not considered very outstanding among many Whampoa graduates. As the head of an infantry regiment as a graduate of the sixth batch of Whampoa, he cannot be said to be particularly outstanding, but he is not bad.

After receiving the task of stationing in Shahe Town, to be honest, Xie Yongning was a little irritated-this irritability came from the heart, and he couldn't express it, because it was a kind of psychological pressure.

Perhaps it was because of the illusion of the Japanese soldiers pressing down on the border, but he never had the consciousness to surrender—the Chinese never had the consciousness to surrender.

If the country is subjugated, then you have to be a subjugated slave.

On this point, both Zhang Tianhai and Xie Yongning are very clear.

"I heard that there is a regiment of our national army that almost wiped out most of the Japanese army's regiment in the Jiujiang area. This is a very remarkable thing!" Chief of Staff Huang Ziyun said.

"That regiment is a reinforced regiment, with a force close to a brigade, and they have a brigade from the Cantonese Army to command, so it's not surprising that they can wipe out most of the Japanese troops in the regiment. The point is how we can control Controlling the changes in the battle situation is the key point." Xie Yongning said, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and countless thoughts had crossed his mind.

"Okay, Tuan Zuo. I understand the humble job." Huang Ziyun replied.

"The Japanese army is now deployed fifteen kilometers away from us. In theory, as long as we stick to our positions and prevent them from crossing our defense line, we will be victorious. This is true. But how can we prevent them from crossing our defense line?" , This is the greatest knowledge.” Xie Yongning said in a deep voice, unlike Zhang Tianhai, the head of the regiment, what Xie advocates is that if it can be resolved peacefully, it should never be directly resolved by force or violence. , This is the difference between Confucian generals and fierce generals.

What military commanders always advocate is to solve the enemy and defeat the enemy in the simplest and most brutal way.

What Confucian generals advocate is how to solve any problem peacefully.

"Now the two battalions of our regiment are slowly approaching the front line of the Japanese army. If one of them accidentally misfires, the battle will be very fierce." Xie Yongning calmly analyzed, "Then, our regiment will finally be able to How long it takes to defend is the hard power of our army, if we can't defend, then I will be buried with you."

Xie Yongning spoke very seriously, and everyone present also listened very carefully.

"The army will definitely continue to move forward, it depends on how we fight this battle." Xie Yongning said in a deep voice.


While Xie Yongning and others were actively preparing for the battle, the Japanese troops were not idle.

The camera turns to the Japanese army, the headquarters of the [-]th Division.

The mobilization of the Japanese army was not as frequent as imagined, nor was it as impatient as imagined.

Everything seemed so smooth.

Junrokuro Matsuura, the commander of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army, was standing on the hill overlooking the battlefield, because in his opinion, there was nothing more important than this battle.

As long as he wins this battle, he will have everything he should have - because this is a critical battle, and both the commander of the Central China Front Army, Hata Shunroku, knows what the trend of this battle determines.

As long as this Nanxun Railway Battle is won, there is no need to worry about Wuhan being unable to win!
Don't forget that Wuhan also relies to a large extent on the Nanxun Railway to maintain supplies.

Once the Nanxun Railway is lost, the national army will not only be able to replenish it from other places.

"I ordered that the regiment leader of the [-]th Regiment, Tanaka Shengdao, proceed to Shahe Town occupied by the enemy from now on, and ordered that the [-]rd Regiment and the [-]th Regiment immediately march towards Jinjiashan , Ma'anshan is advancing on the front line. And seize the initiative!" Junrokuro Matsuura said in a deep voice, his goal is very clear, that is to win the control of the De'an and Nanchang front lines, and then advance to Wuhan!
"Hay!!" The chief of staff next to him responded, with Junrokuro Matsuura's self-willedness, it is impossible to listen to anyone's opinion. His only goal is to take down all the fronts controlled by the national army!

Following Matsuura Junrokuro's order, the Japanese troops began to act one after another, with the goal of completely annihilating the north of De'an County.


While the Japanese troops were carrying out operations with plans and objectives, the National Army troops were not idle. Troops like the police regiment were preparing how to win the next stage of the battle.

That's right, the preparation Zhang Tianhai has to do is how to carry out daily training and foreign conscription as soon as possible.

Most of the daily foreign recruitment work is in charge of specific units. However, this time, the police regiment did not recruit any soldiers-because they have already faced the problem of exhaustion of soldiers.

Because the frontline troops of the national army have already lost control of the frontline.

Including Zhang Tianhai is no exception.

"Student, I guess it will be difficult for us to get qualified soldiers this time, right?" Chief of Staff Li Yinglun said, there is no way, the troops of the first police regiment are trapped in Lushan Mountain, and they have not gone out to recruit soldiers. How can there be soldiers?
So, Zhang Tianhai decided to look beyond the mountain.

But after thinking about it, they couldn't find the most important place - because they didn't have a place suitable for conscription at all.

"Really, we fought this battle...we enjoyed it, but our supplementary troops didn't keep up at all." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

That's right, as he said, he has no way to make decisions on many things, because his level is not enough to decide the direction of this war!

"By the way, what about the material report that the superior asked us to write? It seems that we haven't written it yet? Isn't this a big loss?" Chief of Staff Li Yinglun reminded.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai woke up like a dream: "Damn it, I almost lost money! Come on, at least we have to replenish our soldiers, and not yet, fill up the combat troops. And It is the weapons and equipment of the third battalion! If there are small shells from grenade launchers, as many as there are!"

Zhang Tianhai's mouth was extremely fast, thanks to the fact that the staff of the police regiment had gotten used to his speed, otherwise he would have to ask, "What did you just say?"

Under Zhang Tianhai's instructions, a list of soliciting combat supplies from superiors and replenishing troops was soon written out.

This list soon reached the headquarters of the Second Corps.

Zhang Fakui, commander-in-chief of the Second Corps, also quickly transferred this list to the commander-in-chief of the Ninth Theater.


Wuhan, Commander-in-Chief of the Ninth Theater.

As the center of the battle, Wuhan is already full of people coming and going, and cars coming and going.

Not to mention that this place has already become the center of a veritable combat area. This place was originally under the control of the national government, and there are not many big cities left.

"Junzuo, a telegram from the northern Jiangxi frontline!" A combat staff officer ran up to Chen Cheng and reported, holding a telegram in his hand.

"Say it!" Chen Cheng still had a smile on his face, very charming.The storms and waves in these years have made him form a good habit of not being surprised no matter what he is going through.

"It's about the list of supplementary reports from the First Regiment of the Theater Guard. Please read it, sir!" said the combat staff officer. Looking at his rank, he was already a major.

After Chen Cheng took the supplementary list and looked it over, he frowned and asked, "Is this a report from the police?"

"No, it was posted by the headquarters of the Second Corps. And it has been approved and issued by Commander-in-Chief Zhang Fakui." The combat staff reported.

"I don't care about anything else, that is, in terms of the number of small shells for this grenadier, do the police regiments really need so much? Also, yesterday's report stated that they wiped out more than 3000 enemies in total, but their casualties were only More than 600 people?" Chen Cheng frowned slightly, obviously not convinced.

"According to what we have learned about the First Police Regiment, the regiment has basically reached the standard of one light machine gun per squad. Individual companies are indeed equipped with a large number of grenades, and their combat effectiveness is very strong." The combat staff said.

Soon, Chen Cheng remembered the special agent company of the first police regiment that left a deep impression on him. It had strong firepower and strong combat coordination ability, which was stronger than the security company of the commander's department of the theater.

Although Chen Cheng didn't want to admit this, Ren'er's strength lies here, and he had to admit it if he didn't, because it was an objective fact.

"All right! Reply to them and agree. At the same time, give them some more shells from Qiwushan Cannon. I remember they have an artillery battalion, and the scale of this artillery battalion is not small." Chen Cheng thought for a while and added The latter sentence.

As for considerations, Chen Cheng naturally has his considerations - under normal circumstances, he would not deploy artillery from other units to support individual battlefield operations, but if he was in a hurry, the role of the artillery battalion would come out.

In Chen Cheng's view, the artillery unit of the First Police Regiment is a rare artillery unit on the battlefield in northern Jiangxi, both in terms of scale and organizational structure.

This is also the main reason why Chen Cheng decided to leave the First Police Regiment in the Second Corps for the time being.

"Yes! Junzuo!" The combat staff officer responded, and then went to carry out Chen Cheng's order.

"Brother Xiqi, let's issue an order for Xue Yue to organize a decisive battle on Nanxun Road and defeat the Japanese army's Matsuura Division's invasion. What do you think?" Chen Cheng looked at his chief of staff, Wu Yizhi.

Wu Yizhi adjusted his glasses, and then said: "I have no objection, this is feasible. It is just that I have something to say about the composition of the combat troops."

"Brother Xiqi, please, but it's okay to say." Chen Cheng said.

"It is inevitable that we will fight with the First Corps as the main force. The key is how we will deploy the command and distribution of the First Corps and the Second Corps." Wu Yizhi expressed his opinion.

"Then according to Brother Xiqi's opinion, how should we equip?" Chen Cheng looked at Wu Yizhi.

"Release the three armies of the Second Corps close to De'an to the First Corps, and then see if the First Corps can also be on standby to support the First Corps. As long as we do something, I believe that the decisive battle on Nanxun Road Otherwise, we may not be able to defend Nanchang." Wu Yizhi said, yes, from the perspective of the Ninth War Zone, the defense of Nanchang determines the control of Nanxun Road.

"Then do as you wish!" Chen Cheng nodded.

Between the two of you and I, a preliminary opinion has been formed at the decision-making level of the ninth war zone, and the only thing left is to flesh out the details in the middle.


PS: Sorry, everyone, I drank too much last night.

So I mixed up the chapters and delayed the update.


(End of this chapter)

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