War of Resistance

Chapter 893 6th Battalion?

Chapter 893 Sixth Battalion?

"Then Xiqi, do you think it is necessary for the First Police Regiment to be included in the battle sequence of the First Corps?" Chen Cheng looked at Wu Yizhi. After all, whether a brigade is assigned or not is not a big problem.

"Junzuo, in my opinion, it is not included for the time being. Once the battle situation changes, the police regiment will be mobilized to assist the Nanxun Road battlefield. If it is not possible, you can issue an order to let the police regiment be divided from the Second Corps." It will be merged into the theater and directly manage the battle sequence, but it will be under the command of the Second Corps for the time being." Wu Yizhi calmly analyzed that he is a seasoned and prudent general anyway, and many problems can be easily solved in his hands.

"Then let's settle this for now! The First Corps' side is very important, but the Second Corps' side can't be lost. If the Second Corps' side can't be stabilized, the First Corps' side must also have It's a big trouble." Chen Cheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Sir!" Wu Yizhi replied.

After Chen Cheng, the commander of the Ninth Theater, and Wu Yizhi, the chief of staff of the Ninth Theater, discussed and decided, a telegram signed by the commander of the Ninth Theater was sent to the Headquarters of the First Corps and the Headquarters of the Second Corps. The first regiment also received a transfer letter from the Commander-in-Chief of the Theater Command.

After receiving this document, Zhang Tianhai seemed unhappy.

"Tuan Zuo, what's the matter? You look unhappy..." Chief of Staff Li Yinglun said.

"What's there to be happy about? Our supplies haven't kept up. With just this order, we in the Second Corps will become stepmothers..." Zhang Tianhai said with a wry smile.

"Indeed, but given our regiment's special status in the northern Jiangxi battlefield, there shouldn't be too many problems, right?" Li Yinglun asked. Awareness, but ultimately a lack of in-depth understanding.

"We can't use the word special to describe it. Our regiment has a larger organization than ordinary regiment-level troops, but in the final analysis, it is at most a brigade-level force. In our ninth theater, there are a lot of brigade-level troops. , even if our combat power can barely reach a division, it is still an ordinary existence. Don't overestimate yourself." Zhang Tianhai told Li Yinglun.

"Yes, group seats." Li Yinglun replied.

"Even if it reaches a division, it will be to the point where our regiment is about to be wiped out." Zhang Tianhai sighed, the troop establishment could not increase, and the staffing was always a shortcoming.

After winning the battle, the higher-ups did not provide them with an establishment, but expanded their troops. In this regard, the theater commander's department is definitely worthy of them.

"I understand, but the strength of our regiment is not strong. The higher-ups are now expanding our army, but not our establishment. It is very hard to expand our army... Adding this order, our situation will be in jeopardy It's even more embarrassing." Li Yinglun said with a wry smile.

"Let's have a look again! Let's add the third battalion first, and if possible, we can expand the sixth battalion, but it's obviously not the time yet." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, his eyes were full of sharpness.

"Sixth Battalion?" This time, not only Li Yinglun was surprised, but even Guo Qiliang, who had been silent all this time, also exclaimed.

"Yes, military expansion is inevitable. This war will not end so quickly. As the war of resistance deepens, our struggle and replenishment will become more and more difficult. Veterans will fight less and less. This is inevitable. Therefore, we must make our plans well, and don't pin all our hopes on it." Zhang Tianhai stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the endless mountains outside the window.

I saw that this piece of mountains is emerald green, continuous, and there are high-flying birds, it is so beautiful.

To be honest, what Zhang Tianhai said was a bit out of line. If it was in the era of literary inquisition, he might have accidentally entered it.

"Old Zhang..." Guo Qiliang reminded Zhang Tianhai.

"I know what I'm talking about. This is the general trend of the battlefield!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, "As long as the time comes, we will definitely set up the sixth battalion. This is also for our own protection. We are not outsiders anymore. , behind closed doors, I will not see out. We share a common destiny!"

Zhang Tianhai's last sentence was very emphatic, and the meaning was obvious - if the battle was defeated because of not being strong enough, the outcome would most likely be to die together!

For them, once this result appears, it will be very scary.

At this point, they are all one.

So, when Zhang Tianhai's words came out, everyone present fell silent.

Not long after, Guo Qiliang said, "Old Zhang, where did our Sixth Battalion's weapons and equipment come from? Have you thought about this clearly?"

As soon as Guo Qiliang said this, Li Yinglun also looked at Zhang Tianhai.

"If you think about it clearly, let's start with the captured supplies! At that time, the Sixth Battalion will be turned into a full-style Japanese-equipped unit, so that you won't have to worry about replenishing weapons and ammunition. As long as the personnel keep up, it won't be a problem. It's gone." Zhang Tianhai said seriously, with a very serious face.

"As for the establishment of the Sixth Battalion, should I ask Chief Chen for instructions?" Li Yinglun asked.

"No need, just send a telegram to Minister He of the Military and Political Department." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously. In his opinion, the police regiment was founded by Minister He. Although Chen Cheng admired it, it was still It feels a little wrong.

"Tuan, I don't think it's appropriate to do this. Our regiment still has the number of the Ninth War Zone Guard Regiment. Mr. Chen is our immediate boss. We don't respect him. We are afraid that Mr. Chen will give us a card." Just a moment, and that will cause serious trouble." Li Yinglun persuaded Zhang Tianhai earnestly, just like what the latter said just now, at least at this moment, their fates are linked together.

One glory and one glory.

"I think what Chief of Staff Li said is indeed reasonable. It is said that Hades is easy to mess with, and little ghosts are difficult to deal with. What's more, Chief Chen is a great god." Guo Qiliang agreed with Li Yinglun's opinion.

"Well...then let's do it like this!" After all, Zhang Tianhai is not a god. If he is good at a certain area, he will inevitably be weak in some areas.

Ever since, in this way, the next step plan has been formulated.

Soon, the approval document for the addition of weapons and equipment to the police regiment came down, and the theater logistics force was also actively coordinating the delivery of supplies.

However, this day is already July 31st.

"Tuan, good news... The approval from the higher-ups has come down, and our regiment can be strong again." Adjutant Wang Liang walked in with a telegram, and then reported to Zhang Tianhai.

"Very good, very good. Let's pass it to Zhu Shaohong of the Logistics Battalion! Let them receive weapons and equipment. Also, has the third battalion's conscription work started yet?" Zhang Tianhai looked at Wang Liang and asked, his face still uneasy. He kept paying attention to the latter's expression.

I saw Wang Liang hesitated for a while, and then said: "Yang Honglou has already taken the troops to the nearby villages and towns."

"It's good that it's unfolded, and I ordered Yang Honglou to pay close attention to the movements of the Japanese army!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Group seats!" Wang Liang stood at attention and saluted.


PS: I have been socializing for many days in a row, so it has been discontinued.

Start the recovery update tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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