War of Resistance

Chapter 895 Matsuura Division

Chapter 895 Matsuura Division
Soon, the telegram was sent back to Xue Yue.

Holding the telegram, Xue Yue smiled wryly, and said, "It seems that the chief department really doesn't want to let him go... that's all... let's talk about it later!"


As soon as the camera turned, it turned to an unknown mountain depression.

There were gunshots all around, and a group of national troops in goose-yellow uniforms fled out in a panic.

The leading officer also had a face covered in black and gray. It was obvious that these were troops withdrawn from the frontline... oh no, to be more precise, they were fleeing troops!

"Run... brothers... don't stop, or the little devil will catch up in a while!" The leading officer said while panting heavily, but the pace under his feet did not stop.

I saw tears in the eyes of these officers and soldiers, but the pace under their feet was still following the pace of the platoon leader.

If it is strange, it is only that they carry the luggage on their backs, which seem to be larger than those of other troops.

There were only a dozen of them left in one battalion. When the battalion commander finally died for his country, he said to them: "Leave some seeds for the second battalion..."

If not, they would have died on the battlefield long ago!
Yes, this is the battlefield north of Shahe Town where Xie Yongning's [-]th Regiment is stationed!
Under the bombardment of Japanese aircraft and artillery, the Second Battalion lasted for two days and two nights, and finally lost all casualties.

This army of only a dozen or so people was the last of the Second Battalion that had been defending from that mountain col!

Just as they were going to Shahe Town, they had just cut through the grass when several rifles pressed against their bodies, and at the same time they said: "Stop! What are you doing?! Which army?!"

The platoon leader looked at the comrades in front of him who were neatly dressed but full of fighting spirit, tears couldn't stop streaming out, and his voice was choked with sobs: "Brother, we are from the [-]nd Battalion of the [-]th Regiment..."

"Are you from the second battalion? Aren't all of your troops guarding the North Col? Why did you come back?" A leading soldier asked, unknowingly, the guard had dropped a lot.From the looks of it, he is a monitor.

"The Second Battalion... The Second Battalion is gone... Including the commander of Yan Battalion, he was also martyred... Hurry up and let us see the group seat! The brothers on their backs are all the family letters of those brothers who have already sacrificed... ..." After saying this, the platoon leader finally couldn't help but squat down like a collapse, crying loudly.

And the brothers behind him couldn't help but shed tears. This is a group of people who feel the same way.

"Sir, please show me your ID. This is what our commander ordered." When the squad leader said that, he did not forget that he knelt down to help the platoon leader in front of him.


It didn't take long for this defeated army to arrive in front of the regiment leader Xie Yongning.

"What are you talking about? The second battalion has been wiped out, how many of you are left? Yan Yong also died on the front line?!" Xie Yongning seemed to be unable to believe his ears.

"Yes, regimental seat. Before leaving, Battalion Commander Yan asked me to tell you a word. He said that he did not regret being your soldier. He also said that the second battalion was worthy of the country and the people, and the people below were worthy of the elders... " said the platoon leader.

Xie Yongning took a deep breath, and then said: "I see, you take the troops to have a good rest, if we can survive this battle, I will let you be the company commander, and you give me the backbone of the second battalion to Laozi get back!"

"Yes! Regiment seat!" The platoon leader stood at attention and saluted Xie Yongning, and the soldiers behind him also saluted.

After the ten or so people from the Second Battalion retreated, Xie Yongning said to the chief of staff: "Old man, it seems that our situation is not optimistic... The Japanese army has already captured Beishan Col, and if they take down Songshan, they will be able to attack Arrived at Shahe Town."

"Teacher, to be honest, you don't need to be too pessimistic. Now our division is already guarding here, and there are four reinforcements from the division rushing to our side. They may not be able to reach Shahe Town , it will be a decisive battle with the main force of our army." The chief of staff said confidently.

"I hope!" Xie Yongning was obviously not so optimistic. Although there are many troops in the four divisions, the premise is that Shahe Town can be defended. The sacrifice of all the brothers of the [-]th regiment cannot be in vain.

It is best to use Zhou Weiguo's famous saying in "Snow Leopard" to describe it: "My soldiers can die in battle, but they can't pay the price because of the commander's stupidity."

How is it actually?The advance troops of the Japanese army not only arrived at Shahe Town, but also arrived at Ma'anshan and Jinjiashan. Bloody battles were unfolding around these places.

Compared with other places, in this kind of battle in the mountains, the national army obviously has an advantage-at least the cavalry wing of the Japanese army cannot give full play to its due advantages. When the artillery wing chooses positions , nor can they do whatever they want like in the plains.

Although the Matsuura Division of the Japanese Army is a reserve division, it benefits from the "excellent reputation" of the Sixth Division, so the high-level Japanese army also placed high hopes on this unit, including the division commander Junrokuro Matsuura. Army Commander Hata Shunroku's old subordinate.

In fact, after entering the Central China battlefield, the headquarters of the 11th Division of the Japanese Army has always been a main force of Okamura Ningji's No. [-] Army. Very shining.

It is precisely because of this that Okamura Neiji was so relieved to let this army go deep alone and go straight to Nanxun Road. Even the police regiment wanted to cut off the back of the [-]th Division, but never let Okamura Neiji go. Worrying about the safety of this unit, I just sent a forward unit of the [-]st Division to save Jiujiang, instead of letting the [-]th Division return.

The Japanese troops who appeared in Shahe Town, Ma'anshan, and Jinjiashan this time were all troops from the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army. They opened up multiple fronts, which shows that their confidence has inflated.

The area north of Shahe Town, Ma'anshan, and Jinjiashan were all engaged in fierce fighting at this time.


Time flies, and the battle is still going on.

But at this moment, the camera must turn to Nanchang.

The Headquarters of the First Corps was still located in that luxurious compound with all the city walls stripped away.

"Yao Jie, your troops are almost ready now, right?" Xue Yue looked at Li Yutang, commander of the Eighth Army.

"Commander-in-Chief, our army has only dispatched one division, and this division is almost ready. I assure you, our Eighth Army's troops will never embarrass you!" Li Yutang stood at attention and saluted, Guaranteed swearingly.

"This time, the Matsuura Division of the Japanese Army is heading south. Our army must seize this opportunity to severely injure them. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to encounter this opportunity again." Xue Yue sighed, and everyone saw him Xue Huhu On the brave and courageous side, I have never seen him cautious when walking on thin ice.

The enemy is now, as a commander, every mistake may cause fatal losses, the higher the position, the more serious the consequences will be if you make a mistake!
Especially in this kind of war against foreign enemies, in many cases, more attention should be paid!


PS: One update will be delivered!

I'm going on a business trip tomorrow, so I can barely maintain a daily update for the past few days...

No computer, just trouble...

(End of this chapter)

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