Chapter 896

As the battle became more intense, Xue Yue's advancing troops also began to gradually move closer to Ma'anshan and Jinjiashan.

However, these changes were not within the scope of consideration of the commander of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army Junrokuro Matsuura. His goal was to penetrate the line of defense of Shahe Town, Jinjiashan, and Ma'anshan, and open up the Nanxun Railway!
Thinking of this, Matsuura Junrokuro became very excited, as if tomorrow would be spring.

"Reporting to your Excellency, the commander of the division, the front troops are about to take Jinjiashan and Ma'anshan, only Shahe Town is not going well, and is still in a fierce tug-of-war with the enemy." A Japanese combat staff officer ran to Matsuura Junrokuro reported in front of him.

"Don't worry, give Keiichi Aoki a little more time, I believe he is absolutely capable of taking down Shahe Town in a short time!" Matsuura Junrokuro said confidently, as an aggressor with ideals and pursuits, Coupled with the fact that he is an old subordinate of Shunliu Hata of the Central China Dispatch Army, these two points alone are enough for him to have the confidence to sweep everything.

"Hay!!" The combat staff officer responded.


The front line is already a piece of scorched earth. The Japanese artillery fire is repeatedly bombarding the top of Jinjia Mountain. There is thick smoke everywhere, and there are dead bodies everywhere, including the national army and the Japanese army.

The next round of the Japanese attack is about to begin.

Teams of Japanese soldiers with white dog skin plaster turbans on their heads are ready to launch an attack on Jinjiashan, which has been blasted into a bare hill at any time.

"That's right! Long live the Emperor!!"

A Japanese officer in the lead drew out the samurai sword at his waist and roared to the sky.

"Long live!! Long live! Long live!!!"

Countless Japanese soldiers who were encouraged by the Japanese officers were cheering, as if going to the front line was not about dying, but a very honorable thing for them.

"Keep!! Attack!!!"

Under the chanting of the Japanese officers, the Japanese army began to attack.

Teams of [-] rifles with bayonets and hideous faces launched an attack on the only remaining defenders on the top of Jinjia Mountain.

At this time, five kilometers away, a group of national troops in iron blue military uniforms appeared on the periphery.

"Quickly, look at the map, how long will it take us to arrive at Jinjiashan?" said a leading national army officer.

"Battalion Commander, if I have guessed correctly, the place where the guns are ringing is Jinjiashan." Another officer saluted the leading battalion commander, "According to the direction we are heading, it is absolutely There’s nothing wrong with it. And now, the only place around our troops that can fight is in the direction of Jinjiashan. Shahe Town is still some distance away from us.”

"Okay, then let's go and have a look! You lead the people first, after all, we are the advancing troops of the division, so we can't lead our division away from the direction." The battalion commander said very seriously.

"Yes! Sir!" The company commander stood at attention and saluted, his expression very serious.


On the top of Jinjiashan, as the Japanese army organized a death squad to go straight up, the shouts of the national army became weaker and weaker. Half an hour later, Jinjiashan fell.


The national army headquarters two kilometers away.

"Hey! Take me to the Jinjiashan position!!" An officer also wearing an iron blue uniform shouted. Looking at his rank, there was only one gold star, which was obviously the rank of major general.

"Report to the brigade commander, there is no response from the Jinjiashan position!" A combat staff officer put down the phone and reported to the brigade commander.

"Damn! Little Japan is so fucking crazy! Immediately send a message to the division headquarters to ask where our troops are now! In addition, inform the division headquarters that the Jinjiashan position has fallen into the hands of the enemy. If there are no more reinforcements, I will lead the guards from the brigade headquarters!" The angry brigade commander slapped the table, and even the table gave out a loud slap.

"Yes! Brigadier!" The combat staff officer responded.


Soon, this telegram was sent to the frontline headquarters behind Jinjiashan University.

"Report to the commander, the [-]th Brigade has an urgent telegram!" A communications soldier held the latest translation of the telegram from the communications department.

"The [-]th Brigade? The direction of Jinjiashan?" The division commander's first thought after receiving this telegram was that there was a problem in the direction of Jinjiashan. Fighting on two fronts was really stressful.

"Yes!" The communications soldier responded, and then waited for the division commander's instructions.

After reading this telegram, the division commander's face changed drastically, and he couldn't stop yelling: "Damn it, little Japan is too deceitful! Where is our reinforcements? Call the military department immediately! At the same time, tell the military department, Jin Family Mountain has fallen!"

"Yes! Commander!" The communications soldier responded.


Soon, the information from the front was passed up layer by layer, and it didn't take long to reach Xue Yue's First Corps headquarters.

Do you think Xue Yue doesn't know where this Jin Family Mountain is?Wrong, not only did he know, but he also understood in great detail - as a qualified and successful military commander, he clearly knew what it meant to be on the front line at Jinjiashan, Shahe Town and Ma'anshan!
Once this place is lost, the national army will lose all external barriers, and the Japanese army will be able to invade Kode'an County at any time!

Therefore, Xue Yue immediately called the commanders on the front line. After arriving at the front line, he immediately launched a fierce attack on the Japanese army who robbed Jinjiashan and Ma'anshan, and regained their positions at all costs!
Officer Xue Yue Xue's tough attitude was also directly conveyed to the frontline commanders through telegrams.

In fact, before Xue Yue sent this telegram, the four divisions of the reinforcements had all arrived near Jinjiashan, Shahe Town, and Ma'anshan, and they were just about to launch an attack.

Therefore, under Xue Yue's order, the troops of the four divisions of the national army immediately launched a very fierce counterattack against the [-]th division of the Japanese army.


When the national army launched a fierce attack on the front line, Zhang Tianhai was not idle.

What is Zhang Tianhai doing?Naturally, he was reorganizing his troops, as well as training the guard company, the fifth battalion and other troops. As for the third battalion, he also recruited more than a hundred people, but they were all mixed.

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Tianhai gave up his plan to directly recruit troops, and then threw these hundreds of people to the logistics and logistics camp, waiting for the director Zhu Shaohong to train them.

According to the promise given by Zhang Fakui, the commander-in-chief of the Second Corps, the replenishment of the first guard regiment should arrive soon, but due to the urgent and fierce frontline battle, it is not known how long it will take for this batch of supplies to arrive.

Of course, these supplies also include soldiers, firearms and ammunition. These are all personally signed and approved by the commander of the theater, Chen Cheng, so they come faster than other troops——

More importantly, these weapons, ammunition and soldiers were all drawn nearby.

Anyway, in Chief Chen's opinion, since the police regiment is a sharp knife, it should be sharpened, and after the Japanese army's waist and ribs showed its weakness, it should be stabbed fiercely, giving the Japanese army a fatal blow.

As for the fact that the First Police Regiment is a sharp blade in the theater, this is no longer a secret—let’s not talk about the others. With the combat power of the First Guard Regiment in the theater and Zhang Tianhai’s ability to fight well, it is said that As a sharp blade, there is absolutely no problem.

For Zhang Tianhai, before the fighter plane appeared, he must not act rashly. All he can do now is to lead good soldiers.


PS: Updates are coming!

Sorry, I broke my promise last night, I will make it up later.

(End of this chapter)

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