War of Resistance

Chapter 900 Expansion of the army again?

Chapter 900 Expansion of the army again?
Zhang Tianhai didn't speak immediately, but lit a cigarette first, and then said: "If our regiment can restore the third battalion and add a sixth battalion, the total strength will exceed 7000 people. Have you ever thought about this? ?”

Both Guo Qiliang and Li Yinglun thought that Zhang Tianhai would say something very important, but they didn't expect it to be so straightforward.

For a long time, since the police regiment is strengthening the regiment, and no matter who takes the position of military chief or military assistant officer of the police regiment, it is hoped that the police regiment will become stronger.

Because the larger the police regiment is, the easier it is to upgrade. Once it is upgraded to a division or a brigade, won't the group of military chiefs and assistants follow the tide?

Therefore, regarding the establishment of the police regiment, the regiment has always been in a state of silence.

No one wants to pierce this layer of paper, they all want to silently watch the group grow stronger, and even help it.

Ever since, when the instigator, the soul creator of this army, raised this question, both of them were surprised.

"Don't be so surprised." Zhang Tianhai took the lead to break the embarrassment, "I have been trying to find ways to expand the army, and I don't know if the higher-ups want to keep our Central Army's vitality, so I have been keeping my eyes open. Close one eye."

Before Guo and Li could speak, Zhang Tianhai changed the subject: "But as our establishment expands, we will only face more and more problems. Reforming the structure of the regiment is also unavoidable." open question."

"Then how do you want to change it?" Guo Qiliang finally asked a very practical question.

"Once our troops are expanded to the sixth battalion, there will be six infantry battalions, not to mention the cavalry battalion and artillery battalion. The three units of the guard company, special service company, and gendarmerie can also be regarded as one battalion. Look; the engineering company, the small artillery company, and the mortar company can barely be regarded as a battalion; plus the supply battalion, our regiment has a total of eleven battalions. Our regiment headquarters cannot command so many Troops." Zhang Tianhai flicked the cigarette ash and said seriously.

"You mean to divert them?" Guo Qiliang understood what Zhang Tianhai meant.

After hearing Guo Qiliang's words, Li Yinglun also suddenly realized that this leader, who had been laying the groundwork for a long time, originally wanted to say this.

"Yes, we must divert them. If we don't diverge, we will face the problem of slow combat command and insufficient action." Zhang Tianhai nodded and said very seriously.

"Then invite the group members to share your opinion! Let's all listen carefully." Li Yinglun said seriously.

After Zhang Tianhai took a puff of cigarette, he said, "That's what I think. Our army has a larger establishment now. Logically speaking, it would be no problem to have one more deputy commander. By then, our regiment There are two deputy captains."

Both Li Yinglun and Guo Qiliang were quietly listening to Zhang Tianhai's words. After all, the latter was the soul who decided the direction of the police regiment.

"As for the two deputy regimental leaders, their work ideas and methods are also different from those used to assist military chiefs in combat, because these two deputy regimental commanders have to take care of the six battalions from the first battalion to the sixth battalion for me. One person is in charge of three battalions, which is equivalent to a small infantry regiment, right? Then the chief of staff not only assists the regiment commander in commanding the battle, but also manages the troops directly under the regiment headquarters. This is probably the initial idea." Si Tiaoman After finishing his reasoning, Zhang Tianhai took another puff of cigarette very coolly.

On the other hand, Guo Qiliang and Li Yinglun were both shocked by Zhang Tianhai's miraculous brain circuit: How can they still do this?Isn't this a disguised upgrade to a brigade?Now it's just a name.

More importantly, if the four battalions are also organized into a regiment, then this is a three-regiment division!What the hell is it under the name of a strengthening regiment?
That's right, Zhang Tianhai really doesn't care what other people think, his goal is only two words - to expand the army!
He doesn't care what number he is on, as long as he can fight against Japan and grow the team, and if he hits hard again, he doesn't care about the rest at all, and he doesn't want to care about it.

"Have you thought about the positions of the two deputy heads?" Guo Qiliang asked.

"Think it over." Zhang Tianhai said very straightforwardly, "One deputy commander is you, in charge of the first battalion, second battalion, and third battalion; the other deputy commander is transferred from Chief of Staff Li Yinglun Li, in charge of the fourth Battalion, Fifth Battalion, Sixth Battalion."

"The candidate for the chief of staff, have you thought about it?" Li Yinglun frowned and asked.

"After thinking about it, let Li Chunfei, the commander of the first battalion, be promoted to the lieutenant colonel chief of staff of our regiment! If the position of the first battalion commander is left to Lu Shaojie! I heard that his injury has healed, let him Let him take over as the battalion commander!" The two people in front of him supported him, so Zhang Tianhai had no reason to hide it from them.

"Li Chunfei is the chief of staff?" Li Yinglun frowned slightly. After the restructuring, the chief of staff has a lot of power—in charge of the cavalry battalion, logistics and supply battalion, as well as guards, secret agents, military police, engineers, small artillery, and mortars. There are six artillery companies, but it is equivalent to being in charge of four battalions.

The most important thing is that the essence of the whole regiment is basically controlled by the chief of staff.

It is precisely this point that makes Li Yinglun, the current chief of staff, more or less psychologically uncomfortable.

"Brother Yinglun, I also know that it is really difficult to transfer you to the deputy head in a hurry. But if Li Chunfei is the deputy head, he will definitely not be able to do it. Besides, I also No trust." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

"Why did the Tuan Zuo say that?" Li Yinglun's pupils shrank slightly.

"Li Chunfei is indeed a shrewd boy, and he dares to fight hard, but he has never managed so many combat troops. Especially the deputy commanders of the three battalions from the fourth battalion to the sixth battalion have a long way to go. .” Zhang Tianhai walked up to Li Yinglun and patted the latter on the shoulder.

"Among the three infantry battalions, the fourth battalion of Han Xingle can be called the elite. The fifth battalion and sixth battalion are newly formed troops, and there will definitely be some difficulty in using them by then." Zhang Tianhai said sternly, "I can rest assured only if it is in your hands. Although the cavalry battalion is very powerful, it is only a strategic support force and cannot be compared with the main force of the infantry battalion."

Zhang Tianhai has already talked about this, how can Li Yinglun not know his good intentions?So he stood at attention and saluted: "Reporting to the regiment, I will resolutely obey the orders, and will definitely train a well-trained combat force for our regiment, please rest assured!"

"Thank you!" Zhang Tianhai nodded, and then patted Li Yinglun's shoulder again.

In this way, under Zhang Tianhai's tough attitude, the reform meeting of the top police regiment on the reform of the regiment headquarters was settled.


Of course, this is just the development direction set by their three senior leaders.

How should Zhang Tianhai lead the police team in normal times, and how should he continue to lead, for example, to inspect the training situation of the troops, and to welcome the arrival of supplies.

More importantly, Lu Shaojie returned from injury.

Lu Shaojie is a general under Zhang Tianhai's command no matter how you say it. Now that he has returned to the army, why doesn't Zhang Tianhai come out to greet him in person.

The wind is blowing, the water is cold, and on a relatively wide flat land, Zhang Tianhai brought his adjutant Wang Liang, deputy head Guo Qiliang, and chief of staff Li Yinglun to personally meet Lu Shaojie who returned from injury, as well as the guns and ammunition supplies that came with him. , and supply troops.

"Lu Shaojie! You finally came back alive and kicking. Damn it, I knew that little devil would kill you." After seeing Lu Shaojie, Zhang Tianhai was genuinely happy, and then went up to meet him.

I saw Lu Shaojie strode up to Zhang Tianhai, stood at attention and saluted: "Report to the commander! Lu Shaojie, the former commander of the second battalion of the first regiment of the humble rank, was fortunate enough to not disgrace his life. Now he has recovered from his injury and has returned to the team. Please report to the commander! Please give instructions! "

"Okay, it's fine if you come back now, I'll tell you Lu Shaojie. You are coming back at the right time, and the regiment is hiring people. But we need to wait a little longer." Zhang Tianhai's face was full of smiles, as before A high-spirited look.

"What does the group seat mean?" Lu Shaojie asked.

"Let's go back to the regiment headquarters!" Zhang Tianhai patted Lu Shaojie on the shoulder, then turned his head and said to the people behind him: "Chief of Staff, take someone to receive ammunition supplies first. Yang Honglou, take someone to receive personnel supplies !"

"Yes! Group seats!" Li Yinglun and Yang Honglou responded at the same time.

After returning to the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai started chatting with Lu Shaojie. As for what they were talking about, no one knew.


As soon as the camera turns, it goes directly to the three towns of Wuhan.

It was the autumn season at this time, but it did not affect the enthusiasm of the people who took to the streets to parade.

Because this was a fundraising event initiated by the government, people rushed to the streets to respond to the government's call to contribute money and efforts.

"Compatriots!! Now is the time when the Japanese aggressors are marching towards Wuhan. Our heroic national army officers and soldiers are still resisting the Japanese aggression on the front line. After autumn, it will be winter soon. Please do your best. Donate as much as you can according to your ability!!"

A car with a loudspeaker and people sitting on it are announcing what they are going to do.

At this time, Wuhan is as prosperous as ever, but it has become more crowded than Wuhan before.

Due to the fall of Shanghai and Nanjing, Wuhan has become the only metropolis in the Republic of China under the control of the national army in the true sense, and the other is Guangzhou at the mouth of the sea.

At this time, the Japanese had not yet called to Guangzhou.

Although these people also know that Wuhan may not be able to defend, but who is willing to leave here and go to a strange place that no one knows?
You know, the transportation in this era is not as developed and prosperous as it is in modern times.

More importantly, security issues, let's not talk about robbery, right?As far as the food issue is concerned, many people can no longer withstand the pressure - although there may not be wars in the distance, it may not be able to keep them alive.

It is said that heroes come out of troubled times, as everyone knows, surviving in troubled times, even if it is survival, is a luxury.

Accompanied by Yu Zhiyun, Zheng Man, who already had a not-so-small stomach, took to the street, and at the same time, there were a few soldiers in civilian clothes who were obviously from the army to protect him.

Yes, after Zhang Tianhai set off to the front line, not only Zheng Man did not listen to Zhang Tianhai's words, but even Zhang Fuhan and Yu Zhiyun did not listen to him, and immediately moved to Wuhan.

If Zhang Tianhai knew about this scene, he would probably be furious, but unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about it—he was the leader of the regiment, and he had a lot of power, but he was not the head of the family, so he simply refused to listen to the orders of the older generation. .

"Xiaoman, I really hope that my grandson will be born soon. At least I can visit Wuhan before the Japanese take down Wuhan." Yu Zhiyun sighed a long time.

"Don't worry! Mom, with Yulin and other party-state soldiers on the front line fighting against the little devil, it's not so easy for the little devil to come to Wuhan." Zheng Man stroked his belly, which had already been scaled, with a kind face smile.

"I hope! I don't want anything now, I just hope that my eldest grandson can be born safely, and my two children can come back from the battlefield." Yu Zhiyun's face was always full of sadness.

She is a loving mother who is always worried about her children.

"Mom, wait until my baby is born. If it's a boy, let's call it Xiaowuhan and name it Zhang Ping'an. I hope he and his father will be safe and sound; if it's a girl, let's call it Pingping. I hope she can grow up in peace, her name is Zhang Jinxiu, and she has the beautiful rivers and mountains of the Republic of China in her heart." Zheng Man murmured, speaking in a voice that only the two of them, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, could hear.

"Yes, everyone in our old Zhang family will be safe and sound." Yu Zhiyun said, but when she said these words, it was more like self-comfort and prayer.

In this turbulent era, who can guarantee what their future will be like?
The tide of history is never determined by one's will—for example, someone as strong as Generalissimo Jiang cannot do everything he wants. He has constraints and difficulties.

At Jiang Zhongzheng's level, his enemies include internal (political enemies, such as Wang Jingwei) and external (Japanese army), and he also cannot do whatever he wants.

Let alone a commoner like Yu Zhiyun, what can they decide?Nothing can be decided, and even the news from the front line has never been known.

"Mom, don't worry. I have received news from the front. On the Jiangxi front, Yulin led the troops to fight the Japanese again, and the Japanese suffered a lot." Zheng Man said with a smile , always with a little sunshine on her face, she is extremely beautiful.

"Xiaoman, is what you said true? Yulin has won the battle again!" She always gets excited when she hears about her son.



PS: The update has finally been delivered. I'm sorry everyone, it's really hard to write.

Thanks to the starting point book friend Leggeshen and Danba friends for their 100 point rewards each!

(End of this chapter)

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