War of Resistance

Chapter 901 War prospects?

Chapter 901 War prospects?

"Yes, Mom." Zheng Man nodded, "Isn't this because you are worried about him? That's why I didn't tell you, but don't worry, Yulin is a strong soldier in the front line now, plus he People, ghosts and ghosts, it's not easy for the little devil to take advantage of him."

"Hey, that's what I said, but we mothers, how can we be at ease? We just hope that this family can live in peace until after the war is over." Yu Zhiyun's face was full of kindness. A smile, obviously, the news that the eldest son is safe and sound has played a huge role.

"Don't worry, our family will do it." Zheng Man also had a faint smile on his face.

"I don't know, this West Tower, can I get used to it after going to the army..." Yu Zhiyun is a loving mother after all, and she couldn't let go of the wanderer's clothes.

"I heard that Xilou has been admitted to the Central Military Academy, and he will become a talent in a short time. You don't need to worry too much." Unknowingly, Zheng Man's status in this family has become higher and higher .

Perhaps, it has something to do with her upbringing knowledge, or maybe it has something to do with her rich experience and self-cultivation.

Leaving aside the fact that he came from a wealthy family, just saying that he used to be a reporter from the Central News Agency and worked in the Communications Department of the Nanjing Garrison Command will make many people look up to him.

"My Yulin family is really lucky to be able to marry you... My old Zhang family is considered to be smoking from the ancestral grave." Yu Zhiyun sighed for a long time.

As soon as Zheng Man mentioned this, Zheng Man thought of that handsome face full of gunpowder smoke on the Shanghai battlefield, and the calm look on his face-her man is a battle hero!
Thinking of this, Zheng Man unconsciously raised a warm smile on his face: "Mom, our family doesn't talk about this. It is my blessing that Yulin can marry me. The man I married, But an indomitable man!"

"Hmm..." The smile on Yu Zhiyun's face grew stronger.


The old Zhang family is still enjoying themselves in Wuhan now, but the shadow of the war on the front line in Jiangxi has not dissipated.

On the contrary, it is getting thicker.

The [-]th Division of the Japanese army Junrokuro Matsuura suffered a big blow on the front line, and he obviously would not give up the idea of ​​making a comeback so easily.


The No.11 Army Headquarters of the Central China Expeditionary Army of the Japanese Army.

Possibly due to security considerations, the No. 11 Army headquarters did not continue to move forward, but continued to be stationed in Pengze Town.

Lieutenant General Neiji Okamura, commander of the No.11 Army, stood on a hillside and stared into the distance, as if only at this moment could he relax the depressed mood in his heart.

That's right, for the Matsuura Division suffered a big loss on the front line, the pressure on him was not small.

The No.11 Army, as the number one main force of the Central China Expeditionary Army, is very important in the face of the established strategy of the Japanese army's base camp to capture the three towns of Wuhan.

In June, at the emperor's imperial meeting, the emperor had already given instructions to capture Wuhan within three months!
Now, it's not just that the high level of the entire Japanese army who invaded China put their hopes on him, but the eyes of the whole of Japan are focused on him!

In this battle, he can only win, not lose!

As far as the Chinese army is concerned, the Japanese army is indeed equipped with fine weapons and powerful weapons. In the eyes of many people, it does have a great advantage.

But only Neiji Okamura, the commander, knew that although the Japanese army had excellent soldiers and powerful weapons, it also had a fatal shortcoming—that is, there were few soldiers!
On the surface, 10,000+ troops is indeed quite a lot, but in this huge land of China, it is still quite small.

There is no other reason, but because China is so big that 10,000+ troops are put in, just like a huge stone protruding into a lake.

If you don't have enough strength, you can't make much waves at all.

If you have to use one word to describe Neiji Okamura's state, then "step by step" is the most appropriate.

As long as it is a wrong move, facing the Japanese army may be a disaster.

As the high-level commander of the Japanese army, Neiji Okamura is not as blindly optimistic as the officers of the Emperor's Faction below. In fact, the Chinese army is still resisting. As long as the Chinese government does not surrender, they will not win a day!

Looking into the distance, Okamura Ningji sighed for a long time: "I only hope that Mr. Matsuura can be more confident, lead our troops, continue to sprint forward, and be able to stabilize Nanchang and cover the main force of our army until Insert Wuhan..."

Yes, in Neiji Okamura's strategic concept, sending the [-]th Division to attack Nanxun Road, on the one hand, really wanted to expand its own advantages and disrupt the strategic deployment of the Chinese army; The troops were attracted to Nanxun Road, so that his army would have less barriers when attacking Wuhan.

Of course, the latter aspect is the real purpose of Neiji Okamura.

"Your Excellency, Commander, you don't seem to be in a good mood. Is it because the [-]th Division suffered a major setback at the front line?" asked the deputy chief of staff.

"Yamamoto-kun, you underestimate me, Okamura Neiji too much. How could a mere [-]th Division be frustrated so much?" Okamura Neiji shook his head and said.

"Then why does your Excellency the Commander look so gloomy?" Deputy Chief of Staff Yamamoto asked again.

"What really makes me feel bad is that our [-]th Division has the entire division as the main force, but it has not achieved the desired effect. Our 'blockers', the Chinese Army, and the Second Corps under Zhang Fakui are still in Jiujiang The whole area is standing still. It may not be so easy to really break their block." Facing his own person in front of him, Neiji Okamura still revealed his feelings.

"It seems that you are also not optimistic about the prospects of this battle..." Yamamoto said with a wry smile.

"The prospect of war? The prospect of war is indeed not good. We have invested too much manpower and material resources in this war. If we cannot force the Chinese government to surrender, we will fall into the quagmire of this war. Get out." Neiji Okamura revealed his feelings, after all, everyone knows this.

"However, Commander, whether we can force the Chinese government to surrender, I am afraid that we will have to work hard to achieve it." Yamamoto tried to persuade the commander to regain his confidence.

Neiji Okamura certainly knew what Yamamoto wanted to express. He shook his head and said, "Yamamoto-san, it is not a question of whether we will work hard or not, but that we must work hard... Our country has less potential for war than China, If we cannot destroy China in the shortest possible time, sooner or later we will be defeated due to the exhaustion of our military resources. Therefore, what we have to do is not to work hard, but to work hard!"

In the end, Neiji Okamura's voice revealed a stern look, and his calmness had long since disappeared.

Like a one-eyed tiger that only wants to go down the mountain!

PS: The first update is here!

For the second update, please wait until 01:30 to refresh!

Thanks to Qidian book friend Tianze Dragon King for the 500 points reward!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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