War of Resistance

Chapter 902 Sudden change?

Chapter 902 Sudden change?

Neiji Okamura is indeed a good-tempered military commander, but if you take him as a good person, I'm afraid he will lose his head.

Because he is the senior commander of the invading army, he kills without blinking an eye!

"Hay!!" Yamamoto stood at attention and bowed his head in response.

Neiji Okamura took a deep breath and said, "Yamamoto-kun, after you go back, please send a telegram to Matsuura-kun! Tell him to regain his strength, continue to make contributions on Nanxun Road, and hit the Chinese army hard!"

"Hay!" Yamamoto responded, he probably understood what the Commander meant: perhaps he was asked to send this telegram to Matsuura for the purpose of provoking the general.

"Yamamoto-kun, do you think I made a big deal out of a trivial matter? And I didn't deal with a defeated general?" Neiji Okamura turned his head and looked at the deputy chief of staff Yamamoto with a serious face.

"Report to Your Excellency Commander, I have absolutely no intention of doing so." Yamamoto bowed his head.

"Although the [-]th Division has gone through several battles, its foundation is still there. The officers all support Matsuura, the commander of the division. Although Matsuura was defeated, this is only a small setback. If we withdraw He, we are on the front line, will fall into a state of no soldiers available. Or, getting a [-]th division with not strong combat effectiveness is very unfavorable to us." Neiji Okamura said bluntly, There was a sharp light in his eyes.

"Understood." Yamamoto nodded.


The Japanese army is densely packed and is preparing to reorganize the [-]th Division and then launch a massive counterattack.

However, the national army is not idle here, especially Zhang Fakui's Second Corps.

Although it was fought by the First Corps to win Jinjiashan and Ma'anshan, their fate is the same in the border of northern Jiangxi—what is the Japanese army's combat intention?They are still unable to penetrate, but one thing is certain.

That is, the Japanese army is going to capture Wuhan!

Whether judging from the battle on the north bank of the Yangtze River or the war on the south bank of the Yangtze River, the direction of the Japanese army is to intersperse with the greater Wuhan.

What is Wuhan?Wuhan is the heart of the Republic of China!
"Brother Zizhen, the Japanese invaders are coming fiercely now. The Japanese Matsuura Division has suffered such a big loss. I am afraid they will not let it go. What is your new view on this?" In the headquarters, Zhang Fakui looked at Chief of Staff Chen Baocang.

After thinking for a while, Chen Baocang said: "Commander-in-Chief, in my humble opinion, the Japanese army's established strategy may not change. According to the news from the rear, some Japanese troops have re-started and advanced towards the Fujin Mountain line. The Japanese army may have already won the negotiation from the Zhanggufeng Incident."

After hearing the words, Zhang Fakui shook his head and said, "Won the negotiation? I don't think so."

Zhang Fakui went on to say: "The Japanese aggressors are determined to perish me. They have already made an established military strategy to capture Wuhan in the fastest possible time. I am afraid that the Zhanggufeng incident may cause the Japanese side to bow their heads, just to free up a hand. Attack Wuhan."

"If it is really calculated according to this conclusion, this little Japan has made up his mind." Chen Baocang took a breath.

"We can't rule out this possibility. We have to prepare for the worst. If the First Corps can clean up the Matsuura Division, it's okay to say that the main force of the Japanese army will not be able to attack us for a while, but if If the First Corps fails to fight well, our Second Corps will bear the brunt." Zhang Fakui calmly analyzed that he is a qualified commander and general after all.

"But, Boss, from the point of view of the humble staff, I want to escape from the police force. Then what are your plans for this force?" Chen Baocang asked.

"Let's see the situation first! The place where the first police regiment is stationed is, after all, close to the Lushan area. It is not so easy for the Japanese army to enter Lushan. It would be easy if troops were sent from Lushan to penetrate the Japanese army's waist. Police first Let's keep the regiment! Continue to train!" Zhang Fakui made a decision.

To be honest, from the bottom of my heart, Chen Baocang didn't want to spend too much energy on the police regiment.

After all, the First Police Regiment is a unit directly under the theater and may be transferred away at any time. Even if it can make greater military exploits, it would be better to hold the knife in your own hands to feel more secure.

More importantly, the police regiment is a direct line of the Central Army, and they are all from the local army, and they are indeed not too cold about Lao Jiang's Central Army.

"Brother Zizhen, let's take a long-term view. We are all Chinese soldiers. What's more, Zhang Yulin is indeed a man who can fight. If you give him these people and things, you can make the best use of them. As long as you can fight, If I can kill the enemy, I dare to give him someone!" Zhang Fakui said directly, and his philosophy has always been like this.

"I understand." Chen Baocang nodded, at least he seemed to agree with Zhang Fakui's statement.

It doesn't mean that Chen Baocang is keen on fighting among himself or something. These have nothing to do with his patriotism. It's just that a person's deep-rooted thoughts are not so easy to change.

Looking at Chen Baocang's seemingly calm face, Zhang Fakui didn't say much else - the former was just his comrade in arms, his classmate, not his son, he didn't need to preach so much, besides, everyone They are all at this age, and they should have their own thoughts and beliefs.


It is impossible for the controversy on the side of the Second Corps Headquarters to reach the front line.

Anyway, Zhang Tianhai's current plan is to rely on the natural line of defense of Mount Lu to resist the Japanese attack condescendingly.

The most important thing is to stick to your own defense line, and then mobilize your troops, wait until the day when the Wanjialing battle starts, and then do your best to fight this battle.

The Wanjialing battle was always the most important thing in Zhang Tianhai's mind.

Even if he fought a very good battle in Jiujiang, he didn't think it was a big victory. It would be the most fun if he could kill the Matsuura Division with one stick.

Today is the third meeting that Zhang Tianhai has held since the end of the Battle of Jiujiang.

The only difference is that now the third battalion has been filled, the ammunition is also sufficient, and all the troops have gained a certain amount of actual combat experience.

More importantly, he was full of energy, and Zhang Tianhai's plan to expand the sixth battalion was gradually put on the agenda.

"The group is here! Stand up!!"

After Zhang Tianhai walked into the conference hall, a messenger immediately shouted, and all the officers immediately stood up.


PS: I finally finished writing, and I'm sorry for the delay for so long.

Thank you all for your continued support!
(End of this chapter)

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