War of Resistance

Chapter 903 approval?

Chapter 903 approval?

I saw that the meeting hall of the regiment headquarters was full of officers from the first police regiment. Basically all the battalion-level cadres had arrived, as well as the heads of various departments directly under the regiment headquarters.

Zhang Tianhai walked to the main table of the meeting with a serious face, and the adjutant Wang Liang followed closely behind.

The officers present were all wearing neat and tidy military uniforms, and they stood up straight. If it was accompanied by a BGM, it would be a scene from a TV series.

"Sit down, everyone!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai sat down on the main table with great determination, and then looked around at the crowd.

After seeing the head of the group sit down, all the people followed suit.

"Everyone, I called everyone to this meeting today to talk about the current situation of our regiment." Zhang Tianhai got straight to the point and entered the topic of the meeting.

Everyone didn't make a sound, but listened quietly to the head's speech.

So, Zhang Tianhai went on to say: "Now our regiment, on the surface, the weapons and equipment of the soldiers have returned to the pre-war level. But there is another extremely important issue, which is our combat effectiveness. Compared with before, our combat effectiveness is fundamentally lower than before. It’s incomparable. Now that the artillery battalion has added two more large-caliber artillery, it stands to reason that the overall combat effectiveness should increase.”

I saw Zhang Tianhai paused, and then said in a deep voice: "But don't forget how much our veterans have lost! I hope everyone can continue to carry forward the Whampoa spirit and lead the troops well. Now that the Japanese soldiers are on the front line, they want to Take Wuhan within three months. Comrades, we still have a heavy task on our shoulders, I hope you can understand the current situation of the country's peril!"

"Yes! Group seat!!" Everyone responded.

"Now I'm announcing an appointment!" Zhang Tianhai took out a notebook with the badge of "Blue Sky and White Sun" printed on it.

Those present immediately stood up.


Time goes back a day.

This day is the fifth day after the Jinjiashan and Ma'anshan counterattacks ended.

After full deliberation, with the joint efforts of Zhang Tianhai and the staff of the regiment's staff department, they finally came up with a rectification plan, and then reported it to the commander's department of the ninth theater.

The camera turns to Wuhan again, the Commander's Department of the Ninth Theater.

Today's Ninth War Zone Commander's Department is still so heavily guarded. After all, the enemy's target has been staring at this place. They can't wait to assassinate Chen Cheng immediately, and then blow up this place.

Only in this way can the national army troops on the front line be severely damaged.

This is the command center of hundreds of thousands of troops in the ninth war zone. If you count the local troops, there are nearly a million troops.

It is precisely because this place is important that it is heavily guarded.

People in the surrounding area are used to this.

In this heavily guarded military zone, Chen Cheng, commander of the ninth war zone, and Wu Yizhi, chief of staff, are discussing countermeasures for the front line.

"Chief of Staff, our situation is still very serious now." Chen Cheng sighed. On the map in front of him, the red attack arrow symbolizing the Japanese army was already approaching Wuhan in several ways, so he couldn't help but not worry.

"Junzuo, our armies are already resisting the Japanese attack. The fifth theater and the third theater have basically devoted themselves to this battle. It's not just our ninth theater fighting." Wu Yizhi looked It was easier than Chen Cheng, he believed that the frontline troops would win.

"Brother Xiqi, you should be calm after all..." Chen Cheng said with a wry smile, "Li Zongren's Fifth War Zone did win a big victory in Xuzhou, but its own casualties were not small, plus the current Third Army , Tang Enbo's army has been transferred from the fifth theater, and their situation is also very difficult..."

"In any case, it is an irrefutable fact that the Japanese invaders have excellent weapons." Wu Yizhi calmly analyzed, "The only thing we can do is to command the troops to inflict heavy damage on the enemy. What's more, there are two war zones If they cooperate with us, it will not be so easy for them to enter Wuhan."

"Look! As long as the frontline troops don't collapse, everything will be fine." Chen Cheng said with a wry smile. The greater the official position, the greater the responsibility.

At this moment, a staff officer came over with a translation of the telegram, stood at attention and saluted, "Report Jun Zuo, Sen Zuo, the first regiment of the theater guards sent a telegram asking for instructions!"

"Oh? The first regiment of security guards in the theater? What the hell is Zhang Tianhai trying to do?" Chen Cheng raised his brows, obviously he was not usually impressed with Zhang Tianhai.

"Report Jun Zuo, this is their request for the approval of adding an infantry battalion and adding a deputy commander." The staff officer reported truthfully.

"Add another infantry battalion? It seems that this guy has a big appetite... His regiment is already a brigade, and he will continue to add more? Isn't this a lion's mouth? If our theater is like This guy is the same, how can there be so much military expenditure?" Chief of Staff Wu Yizhi said with a wry smile.

"That's not the case. There are indeed difficulties in the war zone now, but the difficulty lies in the supply of guns and ammunition. I think Zhang Tianhai is indeed a fierce general, and he has won a lot on the front line. If he is approved The infantry battalion may have even greater gains." Chen Cheng said with a smile, his attitude was somewhat clear.

"Junzuo means that their numbers are approved? But if this is the case, our military expenditure will be difficult, and we are afraid that everyone will follow suit..." Wu Yizhi persuaded Chen Cheng.

"Flock to follow suit? There is no need to worry about that. As long as you add a sentence to the order, there are not many troops who can afford to learn from it." As he spoke, a confident smile appeared on Chen Cheng's face. His forte!

Speaking of military expansion and mergers, among the factions of the national army, how many are comparable to the civil engineering department?Not at all!
It is precisely because this is his strong point that he has strong self-confidence!
"How can we stop them from following suit? Please tell Junzuo!" Wu Yizhi said seriously.

"It's very simple, as long as you add a sentence of 'food, firearms and self-financing' after the approval order, who can afford this except the police regiment? Let's not talk about other things, they can make up for the losses of the troops , That’s pretty good. Not to mention the expansion of the army, if they can’t win the battle, why should they save money?” Chen Cheng sneered.

"What if they can win the battle?" Wu Yizhi didn't know whether it was a twitch of his brain or a subconscious reaction that made him ask this sentence.

"If they can all win the battle, so what if I expand them all? If we can win all the battles, we would have regained Nanjing long ago." Chen Cheng sneered, but this sentence is also true.

Indeed, as a senior commander, he really hoped that his troops could win the battle and drive the invaders out of the country as soon as possible.

Chen Cheng's meaning is very clear - as long as you can win the battle, I will give you people, give you guns, and let you lead the team!

For troops like the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, which often win battles, even if they are small victories, Chen Cheng will not deliberately block them.

Chen Cheng, Mr. Chen said that he has a small mind, but that’s not too small, and if he said that he has a big mind, it’s definitely not that big—he only has a little bit, just don’t touch his bottom line.

What's the bottom line?One is disobeying orders, and the other is deliberately getting close to He Yingqin's family.

Indeed, He Yingqin's faction has been strongly suppressed by Chiang Kai-shek since the Xi'an Incident, and He Yingqin is also very smart, and has never deliberately formed other factions.

But it is still the case. Minister He, the second in command of the central government, still has too much prestige—especially when he was the head of education in the Huangpu period, which is only inferior to the existence of the principal Jiang Zhongzheng at that time.

Chen Cheng is incomparable to being the second in command of the central government, plus being the dean of education in the previous periods of the Whampoa Military Academy.

The discord between Chen Cheng and He Yingqin was already an open secret throughout the Republic of China. In order to avenge his almost being shot, Chen Cheng also opposed Minister He everywhere.

Therefore, this has also become one of Chen Cheng's bottom lines.

As for why Chen Cheng indulged the development of the police regiment that belonged to He Yingqin's department, maybe he simply admired Zhang Yulin, and then wanted him to win him over, and then annexed him to become the backbone of the civil engineering department?

In fact, Chen Cheng can be called the "little committee chairman" by the people in the national army. , he will not target you in particular, even if you are the ace unit of any department...

For Chen Cheng, a simple and capable soldier like Zhang Yulin, as long as he can join his civil engineering department, he doesn't care about anything.

Well, if you use an idiom, it means "regardless of past suspicions".

"Is this really possible?" Wu Yizhi was still a little worried.

"No, listen to me, there will be nothing wrong. Just reply to the first security regiment like this! After all, they are still the security forces in our war zone, so it doesn't matter if you treat them better." Chen Cheng said confidently, as if just now The pressure has been swept away.

People always feel kind and confident about things they are very familiar with.

"Then they want to apply for an additional deputy head, and also added a personnel appointment and dismissal, do you agree with them?" Wu Yizhi asked again.

"It's said that good people do their best and send Buddhas to the west. They have expanded to such a large size. They only have a deputy head and a chief of staff. They are indeed weak. Why don't you agree with them generously so that they can also be on the front line? Work harder." Chen Cheng waved his hand very generously.


Soon, this approval telegram was sent back to the first regiment of the guards.

This time it was Zhang Tianhai's turn to be dumbfounded: What the hell is going on?Chief Chen is so stingy?There is still a discount for this thing?How much discount is there?
Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhai became angry——Comrade Chen Cheng, you are such a fucking big commander, can't afford to support my battalion?Let Lao Tzu raise his own salary?

That's right, in Zhang Tianhai's view, bullets are not a problem, the key is how does the food come from?Is it really necessary to lower the food standards of other battalions to expand a battalion?

Forgive Zhang Tianhai for saying it bluntly, he can't do it... Let the brothers go up hungry and fight the little devil?If you really don't have the ability, then it's a big deal not to expand it.

Hey, generally speaking, Zhang Tianhai is still a very conscientious officer.

Looking at the telegram, Zhang Tianhai said helplessly, "Wang Liang, arrange someone immediately to call Deputy Commander Guo and Chief of Staff Li back. We have important matters to discuss."

"Yes! Group seat!!" Wang Liang stood at attention and saluted.

After Wang Liang left, Zhang Tianhai felt a headache when he saw the approval call back: I don't know how Li Yunlong in "Bright Sword" supported so many people. A total of 1 people beat Ping'an County?Where did their food come from?Is it really necessary to send this battalion to study guerrilla warfare?

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhai felt a headache.

After all, he, Zhang Tianhai, generally speaking, still wants this battalion to be put into the frontal battlefield, so as to wipe out more enemies and have a large enough effect.

Of course, guerrilla warfare can indeed accumulate small victories into big victories, but it does not apply to the current police regiment.

Why?Because the police regiment is now strong and strong, and it is the turn of the elite, which is also among the best among the national army troops at the same level.

What's more, a battalion goes to fight guerrillas without a strong mass base, so life is not ordinary.

Thinking about this, Zhang Tianhai felt a headache: the troops had to be trained, people had to be recruited, and the battalion had to be raised, and their troops only had less than two months to go, and they were about to attack Wanjialing. How could he have so many troops? Dedicated to sending an army to fight for war?
In the first police regiment, Wang Yongcheng's cavalry battalion is probably the only one who can afford to support battles with battles, but Zhang Tianhai would never send such a troop to support wars with battles—that would be a waste of money Ah... Zhang Tianhai didn't allow this to happen.

Not long after, Guo Qiliang, deputy head of the regiment, and Li Yinglun, chief of staff, returned to the regiment headquarters.

Seeing Zhang Tianhai frowning while holding this telegram, they almost thought it was because the higher ups didn't approve it.

"What's the situation with the group seat? But I've never seen you with such an expression..." Li Yinglun stepped forward and asked directly. After so many days of getting along, he and Zhang Tianhai are not so strange anymore.

"I agree, but I agree, but we need to raise our own expenses..." Zhang Tianhai sighed, and then handed the translated message to the two comrades in front of him.

The two accepted the telegram suspiciously, and read it seriously.

At this moment, Guo Qiliang grinned: "Old Zhang, have you become stupid now? Anyway, they have approved us to expand the sixth battalion. Besides, this is a precedent. 'Approved, but self-financed'? In other words, in the future, as long as there are people with guns and food, we can continue to expand!"


PS: The update is finally delivered, sorry, everyone.

Made everyone wait for over an hour.

Thank you Qidian book friend 2018020514258410 for the reward of 500 points!

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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