War of Resistance

Chapter 905 Straight into the stars?

Chapter 905 Straight into the stars?

For the police regiment, this was the biggest personnel transfer after Zhou Fangjie, the deputy head of the regiment, left.

Everyone knew that Li Chunfei, the battalion commander of the first battalion, was the confidant of the regiment, and it was a matter of time before he was promoted, but it was a bit surprising that he was promoted at this stage.

What is even more surprising is that the police regiment now has two deputy heads and a chief of staff as standard.

However, Zhang Tianhai's speech was not fully completed. He continued: "Everyone, in addition to the appointment and removal of personnel, there is also the issue of the division of labor and cooperation of the regiment headquarters. First of all, my duty is to command the entire regiment to fight and control the entire regiment. all matters;
Deputy head Guo is in charge of the first battalion, second battalion, and third infantry battalion, and is responsible for the dispatch and command of these three battalions and daily training affairs;

Deputy head Li is in charge of the fourth battalion, fifth battalion, and sixth battalion of the infantry. Like deputy head Guo, he is responsible for the dispatch and command of these three battalions and daily training affairs. The position of the battalion commander of the sixth battalion , Let Adjutant Wang Liang be in charge for the time being!

And Li Chunfei, chief of staff, is responsible for formulating combat plans and strategies, serving as the main command organization of the regiment headquarters, responsible for the management of the troops directly under the regiment headquarters, and responsible for the logistics support and training of the entire regiment. "

Apparently, it's a bigger bomb...

Once Zhang Tianhai made such an announcement, the internal structure of the police regiment was immediately distinguished.

Although it would be very clear if you look at it this way, there is also a fatal weakness, that is-it is easy to form gangs and form small hills.

But does Zhang Tianhai have any other choice?He is gone, the organization of the police regiment is too bloated, if it is not reformed, there will inevitably be a decline in the overall combat effectiveness.

Why is this happening?That's because the responsibility for the task has not been implemented to the individual.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai not only wants to reform, but also to carry out drastic reforms.

There is another thing that Zhang Tianhai didn't say, that is, the regiment's staff department will continue to expand in size. With the expansion of the police regiment, the staff department, which originally managed two to 3000 people, is becoming more and more overwhelmed.

"I hope that you will uphold the concept of sincere unity, continue to serve the country, and be loyal to the country. We don't have much time now, and we must seize the time to recuperate. If we don't have the spirit of sincerity and unity, we will not be able to Can win this war. Please, everyone." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes!! Sir!!" Everyone stood up and responded in unison. The scene was very shocking.


While the police regiment was undergoing reforms, the Japanese army was not idle.

As soon as the camera turned, it turned to the No. 11 Army Command of the Japanese Army far away in Pengze Town.



With a sound of cursing, a teacup shattered.

Neiji Okamura couldn't accept that the frontline war situation was so rotten—don't forget, he had issued a military order in the base camp, and if he failed, he would be benevolent.

It was a good thing to issue a military order, but it didn't mean he wanted to die.

The purpose of issuing a military order is to better perform the task and complete the task better, not for death.

It has been one and a half months since the arrogant plan to win Wuhan in three months. According to this progress, it is definitely impossible to complete the established combat mission.

Because of this, Okamura Ningji was so impatient. The [-]th Division came in menacingly, but they punched on the iron plate, and there was a possibility of falling into a tug-of-war.

Once this happens, it will definitely be very detrimental to the Japanese army, so Okamura Ningji cannot let this happen.

After smashing the white porcelain teacup, Okamura Ningji finally calmed down a little, and he said to the combat staff next to him: "Order the [-]st Division to retreat from Jiujiang and storm Xingzi County along Poyang Lake! "

"Hay!!" The combat staff responded.

Neiji Okamura has no choice at this time, he must break this deadlock, otherwise it will be a very troublesome thing to fall into the quagmire of the tug-of-war in northern Jiangxi.

Although the [-]st Division also suffered a big somersault in Jiujiang, after all, it didn't hurt the fundamentals, and it still has a very strong combat effectiveness, so it is very necessary to send it to the battlefield.

Ever since, when Ningji Okamura was determined to break the deadlock, the main force of the [-]st Division of the Japanese Army quickly moved to the east bank of Poyang Lake and prepared for a powerful landing operation.

That's right, it's landing operations.

For the Japanese army, the risk is too great to pass through Lushan Mountain and then go straight to Xingzi. Let’s not talk about the ambush that may be encountered during the period. It is also very troublesome in a rugged area.

No matter which aspect is considered, it is the most sensible choice to go straight to Xingzi County from the east bank of Poyang Lake.

"Come on!! Hurry up! Hurry up!!!"

"First team, get ready!!"

"Second unit, prepare!!"

The grassroots officers of the Japanese army are directing their troops to board the ship, and the Japanese army is also in an orderly boarding state, which is very lively.


The Japanese warships were emitting black smoke and let out a long cry, showing no fear that the Chinese army would discover their whereabouts.

Indeed, the Japanese navy has become the absolute main force in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Poyang Lake area. The Chinese navy has long been suppressed by the Japanese navy, and then it was defeated.

If this were not the case, why would the Japanese navy be so rampant?

Teams of troops from the [-]st Division were boarding the ship, while the "Military God" Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro was full of depression—he could never have imagined that with the combat power of his [-]st Regiment, How could he turn his back on his back?

Don't forget that the [-]st Regiment is also the number one force among all reserve forces in the Japanese army, and it can even be understood as the absolute main force of the reserve force.

With such a troop, how can it overwhelm a person?Almost two-thirds of his troops were hit with a casualty ratio, let alone the second garrison of the headquarters...

In the entire Second Jiujiang Battle, the battle damage reached an entire regiment!
Iizuka Kunigoro's big face full of beards is full of "innocent depression" similar to Wang Baoqiang.

"Ota-kun, is my [-]st Regiment really not capable of fighting?" Iizuka Kunigoro asked another commander beside him, but this commander was wearing a navy uniform.

I have already caught a navy officer to ask them about the situation of the army. It seems that Iizuka Kunigoro's depression is not so severe...

That is very heavy...

"Mr. Iizuka, there is no need to be so unconfident. You know, your army is a rare elite among the imperial army. You can tell by the spirit of your army. It is something that other troops do not have. This kind of mental state." Ota Dazuo said.

"But, with such an army, why did they lose the battle?" Kunigoro Iizuka sighed.


PS: The first update is here!The later one, it may be after twelve o'clock, because there is something to work overtime.

Thanks for the 500-point reward from starting point book friend Taihao, Level [-]!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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