War of Resistance

Chapter 906 Xingzi County

Chapter 906 Xingzi County
It's no wonder that Iizuka Kunigoro was depressed—he had never fought such a useless battle before, that kind of intuition, the feeling that they were being targeted by their opponents since they landed in Jiujiang !
Thinking of this, Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro felt depressed for a while: What kind of opponent is so cunning?And the strike is so fast, accurate, and ruthless!

"I hope it is true! Long-term martial arts is true!" Iizuka Kunigoro said in a deep voice.

Indeed, these cannot be blamed on his incompetence or something, but that the opponent is really too cunning...

Thinking of such a situation, Kunigoro Iizuka became even more depressed. He had to know who this cunning opponent was, and he actually gave him such a big sap!
Right here, a combat staff officer ran over and reported to Iizuka Kunigoro: "Reporting to your Excellency, Captain, the Division Headquarters sent an urgent call, and we have found out who our opponent is in the Jiujiang area!"

"Who is it?" Kunigoro Iizuka frowned slightly.

"It is the headquarters of the First Regiment of the Ninth War Zone of the Chinese Army, and the head of the regiment is Zhang Tianhai. During the Battle of Xuzhou, he severely damaged the reinforcements of the Fifth Division in Tangtou. During the Battle of Lanfeng, he was also the leader of our army. Strong enemy!" The combat staff reported truthfully.

"Souga... It seems that our enemy is really powerful..." Iizuka Kunigoro said in a deep voice, the contempt in his heart had long since disappeared.

In a situation like this, he couldn't help not paying attention to it at all, and he was beaten like this by the enemy with a sap. As long as Iizuka Kunigoro's head was not kicked by a donkey, he would definitely not underestimate such a terrifying enemy army.

The enemy's army is not terrible, what is terrible is that there is a terrible commander, and it is this terrible commander who makes this army win all the battles and then become a terrible army.

"Mr. Iizuka, with your strength, you will soon be able to regain the lost glory. You just stumbled, so you suffered a small loss. The attack on Xingzi County will definitely have your brilliance." Ota Dazuo said.

"According to Mr. Datian's auspicious words, it is said that the Chinese army stationed in Xingzi County is a unit of the No. 20 Fifth Army of the Central Army. The commander of the army, Wang Jingjiu, is Jiang Zhongzheng's favorite general. It is because of the conflict with the garrison commander Zhu Shaozhou in Luoyang. , was transferred away. This is a fierce general." Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro analyzed, he just looks very brave, as if he has no brains.

But actually?A person who can become the captain of the regiment can't be a mediocre person, at least one must be a strength.

Moreover, in this era of Japan, they have received communist education since they were young. In education, many things revolve around militarization.

Being able to become the captain of the regiment does not necessarily mean that he has very high military attainments, but his basic skills and common sense must be very strong.

There is no such thing as those in the anti-Japanese drama, who don't even have the most basic military knowledge.

"Mr. Iizuka, attacking Xingzi County, where the No.20 Fifth Army of the Central Army of China is stationed, your regiment is only responsible for part of the mission. In addition, your [-]st regiment suffered heavy casualties before, despite emergency replenishment The personnel, the combat effectiveness is definitely not as good as before. I don't think His Excellency Masaki Ito, the head of the division, will make such a foolish decision." Ota Ota analyzed.

"I hope so! I just hope that your Excellency, Division Commander, is not thinking of fighting for the honor of our [-]st Regiment and sending us to the most intense battlefield." Iizuka Kunigoro said.

"I hope you will cherish it! Long-lasting martial arts! Iizuka-kun!" Ota Dazuo patted Iizuka Kunigoro on the shoulder and said.

Iizuka Kunigoro also turned his head to look at Ota Daisaku, and then patted the other party's shoulder solemnly and said: "Lucky for a long time! Take care!"

Not long after, after emergency replenishment, the [-]st Regiment of the Japanese Army, which had basically recovered to half its strength, was boarded.

The Japanese warships were also ready, and many soldiers and officers from other regiments of the [-]st Division also boarded rubber boats, and they wanted to board the opposite shore as quickly as possible!

At the very least, you have to land on the west bank before the enemy's large forces arrive!

The Japanese army's battle plan has been set!

Xingzi County, Wang Jingjiu No.20 Fifth Army Headquarters.

Since Xingzi County has not yet been devastated by the war, the entire city can basically maintain its quaint ancient appearance, and even the streets are full of people coming and going.

People come and go on the street, but Wang Jingjiu is not affected at all. He directly set up the general headquarters in the very center of Xingzi County. In his words, "This is the very center of Xingzi County. Only my Now that the military headquarters is here, our troops will try their best to defend this county!"

At this time, Wang Jingjiu, who already had two gold stars on his collar, was wearing a neat military uniform, standing in front of the window, watching everything that was bustling outside.

Even though Wang Jingjiu is no longer the commander of the No.70 First Army, he is still the commander. He is also the commander of the direct line of the Central Army. His domineering spirit is still there, and he is already upright The awe-inspiring appearance naturally looks very mighty.

"Brother Rong An, it seems that this place is bustling and lively now, but I don't know how long it will be when the Japanese army comes over, and this place will be gone." Wang Jingjiu said to a thin figure standing beside him, but also with two collars hanging on his shoulders. The gold star general said.

"Youping, don't worry, with our second division standing in front, the Japanese army can't come over so quickly." said the thin general.

That's right, this emaciated general is none other than Leng Xin, Commander of the Second Division of the Fifth Army No.20, whose name is Rong'an. Jing Jiu, Zeng Kuoqing, Chen Cheng, Gu Zhutong and others are all key members of the Sun Wen Society.

It's just that everyone has their own destiny, and Wang Jingjiu has already climbed to the position of army commander, and he was kicked from the No.70 First Army, an ace unit.

People are really more popular than people...

But there is no way. At the same time, there must be someone who climbs fast and someone who climbs slowly, so there must be a phenomenon of subordinates and subordinates.

After all, not all soldiers from the Whampoa Military Academy are elites, they can only be said to be a mixed bag.

"Hey... According to my guess, this day may not be far away. The Japanese army failed to open a breakthrough on Nanxun Road, and it is very likely that they will extend their knives to our side. You have to be mentally prepared." Wang Jingjiu sighed for a long time. In a word, no one likes war, and he is no exception.

"Don't worry! Youping, even if our Second Division can't handle it, don't we still have the reserve force of the 20th Division? There are more than [-] people in our No. [-] Fifth Army. Japan captured Xingzi County easily." Leng Xin laughed and said confidently.

"It's not that the Second Division can't handle it, it's that the Second Division must be done, and it must fight to the death! The scorched earth war of resistance cannot be a lie." Wang Jingjiu reminded Leng Xin that he trusted the Second Division more than the [-]th Division Strength.


PS: The second update is finally delivered!
Thank you for your continued support!
(End of this chapter)

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