War of Resistance

Chapter 907 The Battle of the Stars

Chapter 907 The Battle of the Stars (Refresh tomorrow)

"I see, brother Youping, don't worry! Our second teacher will never be cowardly." Leng Xin assured.

"Whether to be counseled or not is another matter, but our troops must defend Xingzi County. Xingzi County is our army's bridgehead on the west side of Poyang Lake!" Wang Jingjiu nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Understood." Leng Xin nodded.


National Army No. 20 The top five armies are ready for a decisive battle, and the Japanese army is not idle. They are rushing to deploy troops and arrange for troops to land urgently.

"Keah!! Hush!! Hurry up!!"

The Japanese officer shouted at the bow, and the flag bearer beside him kept waving the flag, directing the troops to advance out of the ship.

Groups of Japanese troops got off the warships, landed on the beach, and charged forward.

The dog-skin plaster flags fluttered in front of the shiny bayonets, and these Japanese soldiers all charged forward with ferocious faces.

This is an entire division of troops, more than 3 people, and there are more than 5000 people in the vanguard alone.

So, just like that, the mighty Japanese army marched towards Xingzi County, and the battle was not so fierce.


Xi'an Town, this is a place that can't be found on modern maps.

But this is the most forward position of the National Army troops stationed in Xingzi County.

On a high ground east of Xi'an Town, a battalion of the second division is stationed here.

Since the location is close to the lake, overall, the level is not high. The only advantage is that this is the only high point.

Battalion Commander Gao Huaiyuan looked into the distance with a binoculars. He vaguely heard the sound of Japanese warships' engines turning and horns hissing.

For these, Gao Huaiyuan has long been used to it - warships running across the lake, this is already normal, after all, in the water, the Japanese navy has an absolute advantage.

It wasn't that the navy of the Republic of China was not strong enough. The navy soldiers of the Republic of China had already tried their best. The only hateful thing was that the country was poor and weak, without a strong enough military force, and even a decent warship was unaffordable.

For these Japanese warships that ran across the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake, the officers and soldiers of the national army were helpless.

"Battalion Commander, our troops are guarding here now, can we guard this place?" the adjutant next to him said worriedly.

"Our national army, how many people have died on the front line. Whether we can defend or not is not up to us. What we can do has always been to fight to the end. The only way to face the people and the nation is to fight to the death. " Gao Huaiyuan said in a deep voice, his words were full of seriousness.

"Battalion Commander, I understand the humble position." The adjutant responded.

"Adjutant Li, get ready! I have a hunch that the little devil will come from here sooner or later." Gao Huaiyuan said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Sir!" Lieutenant Li responded.

Not long after, an army appeared on the horizon in the distance. I saw that this army was marching in an orderly manner, and its hands and feet were full of murderous aura.

Gao Huaiyuan's eyelids twitched, thinking: This is definitely the Japanese army!With the strength of our army, it will definitely not reach such a point.

Sure enough, Gao Huaiyuan took a look through the binoculars, and in the distance, countless Japanese troops holding [-] large covers with bayonets were advancing rapidly.

"All troops, prepare for battle immediately!!" Gao Huaiyuan roared, and countless national army officers and soldiers on the hillside began to prepare in a hurry.

The muzzles of these black holes on the hillside began to align with the Japanese army that was approaching our side in the distance.


The camera turned and turned back to the Japanese army on the opposite side.

The commander of the vanguard of the Japanese army is called Jinbei Shiwu. As the vanguard of the [-]st Division, he has a heavy responsibility and is full of confidence.

"Report, Major! Enemy positions are found on the northwest hillside ahead. Do you want to launch a tentative attack?" A soldier ran to Major Jinbei and reported, yes, he is a squadron leader!

"Don't be so anxious. Wait for our large troops, our entire vanguard regiment has already landed, as soon as they come over, we can launch an attack!" Jinbei Fifteen was crazy, but it was not that kind The kind of person who is confident that his troops can beat a hundred with one.

Jinbei Shaozuo also knew that he was still young, and bravery was necessary, but the premise was that he could win the battle. If he couldn't win the battle, but put himself in it, how could he be promoted quickly?His goal is the general, not a small squadron leader!
"Then... Major, shall we just wait here for the arrival of the main force without doing anything?" the soldier asked.

"How is it possible! How can we just wait like this without doing anything?! Immediately prepare the offensive deployment, and wait until the arrival of the large army before launching the offensive!" Jinbei Shiwu said in a deep voice.

"Hay!!" The soldier responded with a very serious expression.

Soon, under the order of Jinbei Shiwu, these Japanese troops began to prepare for combat deployment.

The combat deployment of the Japanese army was basically the same as what was seen on TV. First, they occupied a favorable position as much as possible, and then aimed their guns ahead.


It didn't take long for the main force of the Japanese army to arrive, and it was the advance brigade of the regiment that came. As for more troops, they were not far away.

Until now, Jinbei Fifteen also knew that the time had come to launch a general offensive!
"Report to Your Excellency, Captain, the First Squadron is ready for combat and can launch an attack at any time, please give your instructions, Captain!" Shao Zuo Jinbei reported to the captain in front of him, standing at attention and saluting.

This scene fell into Gao Huaiyuan's eyes.

Gao Huaiyuan held the binoculars in his hand and let out a long sigh: "This little devil, it looks like he is about to launch a general attack soon."

"Then battalion commander, should we report to the regiment headquarters?" the adjutant asked.

"You don't need to ask me about this matter, just call and report to the group! Tell the group that our army is ready to die. Even if we die, we must guard Gao Jiafeng!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" The adjutant responded.


Soon, news of the appearance of Japanese troops in the Gaojiafeng area of ​​Xi'an Township reached the headquarters of the Second Division.

After all, such important news must be reported as soon as possible.

The Japanese army appeared on the front line?This shows what?This shows that the large Japanese army is not far away, and it will not take long to fight over!
Oh, no, they have already called!

Because of this, the national army troops on the front line had to be tense.

"Chief of staff, have you informed the military headquarters of this news?" Leng Xin, the commander of the second division, asked the chief of staff next to him.

"Reporting to the division seat, a report has been made to the military headquarters. The military seat instructed that we must stick to the position and not give up an inch of ground." The chief of staff reported.

"Okay! Let's do it like this!" Leng Xin gritted his teeth, "Order the headquarters of the [-]th Brigade to guard the forward position for me, and prevent the little devils from being sent to Xingzi County!"

Leng Xin knew that the military headquarters was located in Xingzi County, if they didn't even keep the time for the military headquarters to move, it would be a big trouble - what would the military seat think of him then?What would the whole army think of him?

Don't forget, he and Wang Jingjiu belong to the first phase of Whampoa, but now, Wang Jingjiu has assumed the post of army commander a year ago, and he is still the division commander now!

Classmate friendship is very useful, but on the battlefield, the premise is that you must also be able to fight!

Especially at this moment of national peril, one must be able to fight!

The second division was adapted from the preparation of the third division, but after all, it is still the battle order of the central army, and it is definitely not bad in terms of combat effectiveness.

Therefore, both the No.20 Fifth Army Commander Wang Jingjiu and the Second Division Commander Leng Xin have great confidence in it.

If this is not the case, how can the second division be deployed on the front line?You must know that the combat effectiveness of the [-]th Division is also not weak, but it may be a little worse in terms of weapons and equipment and training.

"Yes! Master seat!" The chief of staff responded, and immediately went to carry out the orders of the master seat.

So, just like that, the battle of Xingzi on the east side of Lushan Mountain and beside Poyang Lake began slowly.

This is a tug-of-war between the 20st Division of the Japanese Ace Division and Wang Jingjiu’s No. Hope here, want to quickly break the situation of the tug-of-war in northern Jiangxi.

Neiji Okamura can't wait any longer, he must complete the task of the base camp quickly, otherwise his position as the commander of the No.11 Army will be in jeopardy!
As for the Chinese army, what they have to do is to guard every inch of land and prevent the Japanese army from easily succeeding!

An inch of mountains and rivers, an inch of blood!

This sentence is not just talking, it is the truest portrayal of the scorched earth war of resistance!


The battle kicked off from Gao Jiafeng in Xi'an Town, and countless screaming Japanese soldiers charged with steel guns, and the sound of killing was loud.

Gao Huaiyuan, who stood firm with Gao Jiafeng, began to launch a counterattack against the Japanese army. Bullets were flying in the air, flying towards the opposite side with countless killing momentum.



Flying bullets shot into the opponent's body one after another, blood mist began to fill the air, and even the air was filled with the smell of blood.

"Fight!" The officers at the grassroots level were shouting, and the soldiers were launching a counterattack.

In addition to the murderous intent, everything is murderous, as well as the sound of shouts and guns!


After all, this is an attack on a mountain, and the enemy is in an advantageous position. It is impossible for the Japanese army not to attack with the greatest advantage.

Ever since, at the beginning of the battle, the Japanese army began to bombard Gao Jiafeng.

On Gao Jiafeng, there was a lot of smoke, but it never stopped the enthusiasm of the officers and soldiers to kill the enemy-they were all red-eyed!


The muzzles of the light and heavy machine guns stretched out long tongues of flame, shooting down the mountain. Many unlucky Japanese officers and soldiers were shot and fell down. They were rescued by their teammates and sent to the medical team for emergency treatment.

The Japanese army is only strong in combat effectiveness, but it is by no means invincible.

There is a lot of war on the front line, and they don't feel good either.

The fierce battle lasted for a day and a night, and finally the battalion commander Gao Huaiyuan was seriously injured and sent for treatment, and Gao Jiafeng's garrison was completely wiped out.

The national army began to rely on the terrain to block the Japanese army layer by layer, but it still didn't have much effect. The Japanese army attacked Xingzi City like a broken bamboo.

The military headquarters of the No. 20 Fifth Army of the National Army had withdrawn from Xingzi County two hours before the arrival of the Japanese army.

If Xingzi was a big county, perhaps the military headquarters of the No.20 Fifth Army would not have withdrawn, but this is a small county, and shells can cover it at any time, so Wang Jingjiu had to withdraw his military headquarters Get out of Xingzi County, otherwise there is a risk of overturning.


At this time, Xingzi County was surrounded by silence.

Yes, yes, it is silence.

The two armies faced each other quietly here. The Japanese army did not take the lead in firing the first shot on the outer positions of Xingzi County, and neither did the national army.

Because both parties knew that this was the last quiet night before the storm.

"Your Excellency, are we going to launch a night attack?" A Japanese military officer ran to Hideo Yamaji, the commander of the [-]nd Regiment, and reported.

Shanlu Xiunan glanced around, and then said: "No need, if we fight like this, we will be thankless. After all, our advantage lies in absolute fire suppression. Rushing at night will only put us all at a disadvantage. depreciate unnecessary loss of troops."

"Hay!" The Japanese soldier next to him echoed.

The surrounding bonfire was burning, illuminating everything around, especially the young face of Yamaji Hideo.

However, the surrounding security is fairly tight, and there is no need to worry about the possibility of a sneak attack by the National Army troops—ahem, the main reason is that the strength of the National Army troops in person has not yet reached the level of the special forces of later generations. As the chief general of the defenders, Tian Hai might have dispatched a special agent company to carry out a surprise attack. Anyway, the Japanese army had to be disturbed.

In theory, it is possible to do this, but the national army stationed in Xingzi County does not have the strength.


The situation outside Xingzi City was like this, but inside Xingzi City, there was a dark cloud overwhelming the city, and the surrounding area was busy.

What are you busy with?Probably only the necessary tools for defending the city, such as busy preparing guns, ammunition and shells.

"Quick! Be more agile!! There are still a few boxes of grenades over there! Send them quickly!!"

The grassroots officers of the national army were yelling that they had to arrange everything before dawn.


The officers and soldiers below the city were busy, while Leng Xin, the commander of the second division, stood on the top of the city with a serious face and looked down at everything around him.

"Master, if there are no accidents, the Japanese army will launch a general offensive tomorrow." The chief of staff next to him said.

"Yes, according to the usual practice, it is definitely the case. The Japanese army's combat effectiveness is very strong... It didn't take much effort to beat my main brigade to a half." Leng Xin sighed, and the brows were full of sad.


PS: Sorry, everyone, the leaders of the provincial department have come to inspect and train these days.

As one of the main persons in charge of the competent department, I was entrusted with heavy responsibilities. Basically, I got home at two or three o'clock every day, and got up at 06:30 the next day, so I haven't updated it for a few days.Sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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