War of Resistance

Chapter 909 Coexistence and Death

Chapter 909 Coexistence and Death

"What?! The Commander's Ministry actually asked us to stick to Xingzi County?!" This was the No.20 Fifth Army Commander Wang Jingjiu's first reaction after receiving the news.

"Yes! Military seat! This is an order from Commander Chen Cheng, commander of the theater!" The combat staff stood at attention and saluted.

"That's all." Wang Jingjiu frowned slightly, and sighed, "Order the second division to stick to Xingzi County, even if you die, I will die in Xingzi County!"

"Yes! Sir!" The combat staff officer responded.


So, just like that, the order to fight to the death from the Commander's Department of the Ninth War Zone was handed down to the second division responsible for defending Xingzi County.

"Master, what should we do next?" The chief of staff came over with this telegram and asked Leng Xin.

"What can we do? Order the troops to prepare to fight to the death!" Leng Xin clenched her fists tightly, with a murderous look in her eyes.

"Yes! Fight to the death!!" The military chief had already made his decision, and the military assistant officer had no reason to refuse.

The determination to fight to the death is from top to bottom, no one dares to say no!Because this is the overall situation of the War of Resistance!


In Xingzi County, the surrounding area was quiet. At this time, it was just dawn, and the playground was already full of soldiers with live ammunition.

The division commander Leng Xin stood on the podium with a solemn face, his eyes were full of murderous intent, his lips moved lightly, but he said forcefully: "Brothers! Now there are more than 2 Japanese troops outside our city! Bayonet, ready to attack us at any time! What should we do?!"

"Go to hell with the devils!!" There was a shout from the crowd.

Soon, the slogan of "going to the devils" was connected together, which is quite exciting to watch.

But this scene was quickly interrupted, because the Japanese attack was about to begin!


At this time, the sky still didn't look bright, but the observation hot air balloon of the Japanese army had already risen slowly and stayed in midair.

"It's not good, I'm afraid this battle will be entangled." This is the first sentence that the second division commander Leng Xin said after seeing the Japanese hot air balloon.

"It seems that they are going to dispatch sea gunboats and artillery on the road." The chief of staff also had a serious face.

"This is inevitable. Hot air balloons can point them in many directions. We have already seen our city defense." Leng Xin said with a serious expression, "Have our troops been deployed nearby?"

"Reporter, don't worry, now the two regiments of our division have been deployed in the outer positions. If necessary, they can reinforce the city defense army at any time." The chief of staff reported.

"That way, I, Leng Xin, will lead the division to live and die with Xingzi County!" Leng Xin said coldly.


Ever since, in this way, the headquarters of the Second Division of the National Army began a tug-of-war with the Japanese army.

Yes, this tug-of-war was fought around Xingzi County.

For three consecutive days, they were killed from daytime to dark, and then from dark to dawn, Xingzi County was already bleeding like a river!

"Kill!" A Japanese sergeant pulled out the samurai sword at his waist and swung it forward, and dozens of Japanese soldiers around him immediately launched a fierce counterattack.

I saw that these Japanese soldiers had a very high combat quality, and there was an elite style as they walked, and I saw that they were the kind of fighters who could fight.

"Bang! Ding!!"

There was a gunshot, and a [-]-cap bullet burst out of the barrel, passing a light in the air, and then hit the helmet of a national army soldier, and a small hole was immediately broken in the helmet .

"Quick! Get to the position of the machine gunner!!" The platoon leader next to him shouted.

Soon, another officer and soldier who was not afraid of death rushed up, took the position of the machine gunner, and continued to fight the Japanese army.

But soon, the Japanese continued to charge.

Such a fierce battle lasted for a long time. The national army and the Japanese army kept fighting back and forth around the palm-sized place of Xingzi County. The slogan is fighting with the Japanese army.

"Your Excellency, division commander, at present, our troops are struggling to advance..." the chief of staff of the [-]st division said to Masaki Ito, the division commander next to him.

"Indeed, our troops are currently advancing very hard." Yito Zhengxi frowned deeply, but still nodded, "Now our main force, the [-]st Regiment, has not been of much use at the moment. If the [-]st Regiment had been involved, it probably wouldn't have lasted so long!"

The chief of staff naturally knew what the division chief was worrying about, and he added: "It's a pity that the [-]st Regiment has stumbled in a small place like Jiujiang. Never thought of it."

Masaaki Ito shook his head and said, "Iizuka Kunigoro can't be blamed for this. After all, ours is an elite army, but the enemy's army is also the elite of the Chinese army. Chen Cheng is so good at writing... unexpectedly, even himself The main force of our security force has also been dispatched to attack our [-]st Division."

"Haha... The commander of the division has gone too far. Since Chen Cheng can send his guards, it proves that they attach great importance to our front-line troops, and it also shows that Wuhan is about to fall into the status quo where the troops cannot sustain. It will be a good thing for us to break through Xingzi County in a short period of time." The chief of staff of the [-]st Division of the Japanese Army revealed a murderous look in his eyes, and his words were very clear.

"What Matsushita-kun said is reasonable, let's see our next step, how to go." Ito Masaki said in a deep voice.


When the frontline was in full swing, Wuhan was not idle.

As analyzed by Ito Masaki and his chief of staff, the national army has indeed fallen into a state of shortage of troops near Wuhan.

So, against this background, a force was formed.

Under the shade of a tree covered by a lush forest, there are soldiers with live ammunition standing full of guns, but their faces are full of childishness-obviously, this is a group of recruits.

On the podium, a burly figure stood on it, his face full of determination floated gently.

"Today! It's the day when the Second Guard Regiment of our Ninth War Zone was established! Let me tell you, you are all top recruits, and I hope to see something in you. This kind of thing is called persistence! !” Said the burly figure, and saw that his collar badge was impressively marked with two bars and three stars—this is a colonel!
"Maybe, you didn't know me before, including now, but you will gradually understand me in the future." The colonel said in a deep voice, his voice was full of magnetism and temptation.

At this moment, all eyes on the field were already on the colonel.

"Well, now let me introduce myself first. I am your regiment commander, that is, the commander of the Second Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone. My name is Zhou Fangjie! From now on, please give me your advice!" The colonel said in a deep voice, not bad, he It's Zhou Fangjie, Zhou Fangjie who was transferred back from the No.70 First Army by Chief Chen Cheng!


PS: The update is here, I'm sorry, there are too many entertainments and various mundane things these days, sorry.

Thank you Qidian book friend Huohuo 2020 for the reward of 1500 points.

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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