War of Resistance

Chapter 910 The 2nd Regiment of Theater Guards?

Chapter 910 The second regiment of theater guards?
Yes, when the Japanese troops suppressed Wuhan, the Second Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone was established, with Zhou Fangjie, the first head of the regiment.

Unlike the wealth and wealth of the first guard regiment, the weapons and equipment of the second guard regiment can only be divided according to the normal direct line troops of the Central Army, and more importantly, it is not a reinforced regiment.

In fact, when Zhou Fangjie first received the order to be the head of the second security regiment, he was rather hesitant, but there was nothing he could do, because it was an order from his superiors.

"Tuan Zuo, why do you look a little unhappy?" Fang Zhongjian, the first chief of staff of the Second Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, said. He was transferred from other troops, not from the No. 70 Army with Zhou Fangjie.

In fact, from Zhou Fangjie's point of view, no matter how bad the No. 70 First Army is, it is the main regiment under Chief Song's command as the regiment leader, who can get what he wants, unlike the second regiment of the security guards, who start from scratch.

New troops, new soldiers, new officers, new equipment, everything is new, so it is equivalent to starting from scratch and starting a new business.

Because of this, Zhou Fangjie felt a lot of pressure. If he had to make a metaphor for a film and television drama, probably only Li Yunlong in "Bright Sword" was transferred from the old army to the new regiment can be compared.

The transfer from the new regiment of the main force to the independent regiment that was taken over by the Yamamoto secret service is almost of the same nature.

"Although we are now a security force directly under the theater, our force is still too small compared to Zhang Tianhai's first guard regiment. Their force has already surpassed a brigade." Zhou Fangjie said with a wry smile. He is the deputy head of the [-]st Guard Regiment, he is very aware of the potential contained in this force.

"A brigade?" The chief of staff was a little dumbfounded.

"Yes, it is a brigade." Zhou Fangjie nodded, "Zhang Tianhai, head of the first police regiment, is not a simple person. I was his deputy head at that time. From a reinforced regiment of 500 people, it has expanded to 6000 today. There are many people, and the troops are strong and strong, with infantry battalions, cavalry battalions, and artillery battalions, everything you need, even engineering companies, small artillery companies, and mortar companies.”

Zhou Fangjie specifically pointed out the strength of the first police regiment like a few treasures. Just because he knew the strength of the first police regiment, compared with the second police regiment he had just established, he felt a sense of disparity.

It's not that Zhou Fangjie doesn't have confidence in himself, but because the gap is really too big.

"It's no wonder you are so moved by the regiment. If our regiment develops, we won't be too far behind the police regiment." The chief of staff showed a firmness on his face.

"I hope! But no matter what, we have to find ways to lead the soldiers well and make this army a force that dares to be the first! The police regiment is indeed developing faster than us, and the scale is larger, but As a security force in the war zone, we will not be much worse than them." Zhou Fangjie's eyes revealed a firmness, he used to work with Zhang Tianhai, even his life was rescued from Nanjing by Zhang Tianhai alone, he I don't want to be ranked behind Zhang Tianhai forever.

Zhang Yulin, just wait for me, you boy!When Laozi's Second Police Regiment expands, it will be able to help you, or in other words, fight side by side to drive out the Japanese invaders.Zhou Fangjie muttered to himself, but his voice was so low that no one could hear him, including the chief of staff beside him.

"I would like to fight with the regiment to the end, drive out the Japanese invaders, and return me to China." Fang Zhongjian, the chief of staff, revealed a frenzy in his eyes. He could feel that Zhou was not an ordinary person. In other words, his future is still very bright.

Fang Zhongjian was not an officer from Whampoa. He graduated from the Yunnan Lecture Hall, but he was from Hubei.

In fact, it does not mean that those who are born in Huangpu must be the dragons and phoenixes, while officers from other military academies or lecture halls are incapable, or what—it is not easy for people to have a place in this era, especially people like Fang Zhongjian was born in a local martial arts hall, but he was able to serve as the chief of staff in the direct line of the Central Army, which is indeed not easy.

Zhou Fangjie's attitude towards the new chief of staff is unknown, but what is certain is that Fang Zhongjian must want to put the treasure on the head of the regiment Zhou - why do you say that?Because head Zhou was born in the direct line of the Central Army, and he is a student who graduated from the sixth batch of Whampoa. Not a person who is easy to be with.

"Since the chief of staff has this confidence, I, Zhou, are also very happy. As for how to plan and build our regiment in the future, we still need to come up with a detailed plan. Let this task be handed over to the chief of staff! Let's go, let's go first Just go and meet our three battalion commanders." Zhou Fangjie waved his hand, and his steps were very heroic.

Zhou Fangjie had seen the information of these three new battalion commanders more than once, and he wanted to grasp this regiment accurately.

One thing that is good about the security force is that no matter what, the backbone of this force must be composed of graduates from the direct line of Whampoa.

Without exception, these three battalion commanders are all graduates of the eighth and ninth batches of Whampoa.


Time back to two weeks ago.

Location, Wuhan, Commander's Department of the Ninth Theater.

"Mr. Chen, we are in a tight situation in Wuhan. Do we have any spare money to continue building our security forces?" Chief of Staff Yu Hai asked.

"No matter what, our security force must be well established and perfect. Besides, isn't our security force, like the first regiment of the security guard, also sent to the front line?" Chen Cheng had a serious face, like He has seen the combat effectiveness and excellence of this unit of the first guard regiment, so he wants to create another unit like this.

"Sir, I understand. You want this newly established Second Guard Regiment to be good at fighting like the First Guard Regiment, and then put it on the front line to shine, right?" Yu Hai asked.

"It can be understood in this way! The first regiment of the guards, this troop gave me a deep impression. And I never thought that such a troop could defeat such a powerful enemy, so I think It is necessary to set up another unit like this." Chen Cheng said very seriously.

"Then the new head, have you already decided on a candidate?" Yu Hai asked, after all, this is also one of his responsibilities.

"Director Yu, you don't have to worry about this. I've already made up my mind. Let Zhou Fangjie, who was the deputy head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone of the predecessor of the first security regiment, preside over the overall situation! This kid is in Zhang Tianhai's His subordinates have held such an important position, so they must be able to learn some hard things, and it is perfect for him to host." Chen Cheng said, he said so, but there are still some things in his heart that he has not said. .

What is it?This sentence means that no matter how capable or capable Zhang Tianhai is, he was promoted by He Yingqin, not Chen Cheng.

This inner defense cannot be eliminated in a short while.


PS: The update is here, I've been too busy these days, and the update can't keep up.After a while, when the old man resigns, he can concentrate on writing.

Thank you for the 700 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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