War of Resistance

Chapter 911 Layout

Chapter 911 Layout
Looking at Chen Cheng, he formed a clique in history, formed a family of his own, and was very powerful.

Think about it, Chen Cheng was able to go from being an ordinary artillery company commander to being the head of the civil engineering department and the commander of the ninth war zone, which is not something ordinary people can do.

The reason why a leader is a leader is not only a strong personality, but also countless scheming.

Chen Cheng wanted the troops in the Ninth War Zone to win the battle, but he absolutely hoped that his faction would become stronger day by day, so strong that no one would dare to ignore his existence, Chief Chen!
"Director Yu, no matter what, our core task is to defeat the Japanese army and our invaders." Chen Cheng's eyes revealed a bright but firm look.

"Yes! Sir!" Yu Hai responded.

So, that's it.

Zhou Fangjie, the former deputy head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, was appointed as the second guard regiment of the ninth war zone.


The establishment of the Second Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone was naturally unknown to Zhang Tianhai—after all, he was far away from the rivers and lakes, so he couldn't care about temple affairs.

Now the task of the First Regiment of the Ninth War Zone Guards is to lead the soldiers, sharpen the sword, and then be ready to unsheath it at any time.

It was still Jijia Village, that unknown remote mountain village.

Living in poverty for a long time, Zhang Tianhai almost forgot what life in the city was like in the Republic of China.

Sometimes, Zhang Tianhai even thought that if there was no war, it would be a very happy thing for him to station his troops here to practice.

"Ruian, now that you're the chief of staff, don't you feel different?" Zhang Tianhai turned around and asked Li Chunfei.

At this time, Li Chunfei had officially assumed the post of Chief of Staff of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, and the position of First Battalion Commander had been handed over to Lu Shaojie.

"It's really different to report to the group seat. The humble position is what it is today, it all depends on the cultivation of the group seat. If it weren't for this, the low position would have died on the battlefield long ago." Li Chunfei smiled and said, like a loyal guard, Standing next to Zhang Tianhai, looking down the mountain not far away.

"Our regiment is now the size of a brigade. There is nothing wrong with it. The key is how to implement the military expenditures for the battalion we added. We can't let the brothers go hungry without even military pay. The battlefield..." Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly.

Indeed, Zhang Tianhai was a good officer. He didn't want to see his family not even getting a penny after his brothers sacrificed.

"Student, to be honest, with the strength of our regiment, if we sell the loot to other troops, our battalion's food will definitely not be a problem, but it may not be so easy to pay the military salary." Li Chunfei looked embarrassed, after all he He also just took over a lot of work from the staff department.

"Is there any other way to exchange military expenses?" Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Yes, yes, but I don't know if it will work..." Li Chunfei scratched his head, looking very embarrassed.

"It's okay for you to say it." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

Li Chunfei thought and thought, and finally said: "Sell the spoils, sell the [-] big caps captured from the hands of the little devils, and sell them to the surrounding bandits!"

"Bandits?" Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly, "Just these things that rob houses and kill thousands of knives, and you still have to trade with them? Wouldn't it be enough to just wipe them out?"

"Tuan Zuo, at any other time, I think it is not inappropriate to suppress bandits. It's just that this is a troubled time, and among these bandits, I'm afraid there are many who want to resist Japan? If we carry out bandit suppression, they will It's easy to wipe out, but I'm afraid it will hurt our own strength." Li Chunfei analyzed very calmly.

"Ruian's words are justified. Then let's ignore them! It's true to see how to exchange these seized ordnance for silver dollars." Zhang Tianhai said seriously, "Then who will follow up on this matter and be responsible for the comparison Suitable?"

"Then let me recommend someone to you for the humble job! Your new adjutant, Xu Xun, can you see if it's suitable for you?" There is no need to hide too much.

"Xu Xun? This kid can do it?" Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly, full of disbelief.

"Maybe your position is too high to see this kid's flexibility." Li Chunfei said something for Xu Xun.

"Since the chief of staff has already said so, let him try it! This operation will be carried out by the special agent company in cooperation with Adjutant Xu!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, yes, he has already regarded the special agent company as a panacea. used.

As for the preparations for the sixth battalion, isn't it short of money now?Therefore, it is impossible for Wang Liang, the battalion commander, to take up his post in the near future.

It is precisely because Wang Liang cannot take up the post in the near future, so he can only continue to serve as an adjutant.

As for Xu Xun's words, there is nothing to say, he is still standing still, just slowly learning something from Wang Liang.

"Yes, group seat." Li Chunfei stood at attention and answered. He was still used to Zhang Tianhai's role as a battalion commander. It was probably impossible for him to change his role completely in a short time.

Regarding Li Chunfei's habits, Zhang Tianhai didn't say too much, because he knew that the former still needed time to change.


Soon, not long after, the new adjutant Xu Xun appeared in front of Zhang Tianhai with strides.

"Reporter, I have been ordered to report to you!" Xu Xun stood at attention and saluted.

"Well, I believe you have received the order?" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, the Tuan Zuo wants the humble official to negotiate with the bandits, right?" Xu Xun responded.

"It can't be said to be a negotiation! It can only be said to be a business deal. Whether our sixth battalion can have it depends on you, the adjutant." As he said, Zhang Tianhai patted Xu Xun on the shoulder, looking The appearance of earnestness and earnestness.

"Thank you for your trust, I will definitely live up to your expectations and promise to complete the task!" Xu Xun said seriously.

"By the way, the secret service company is now under your command. You have to make good use of this resource. You can deter them, and even shock them." Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly, and taught Xu Xun, a newcomer, "In short In other words, while avoiding conflicts as much as possible, sell these arms to bandits who have anti-Japanese intentions, so as to strengthen our anti-Japanese armed forces.”

"But what should we do if we meet bandits who are willing to turn to the enemy?" Xu Xun rolled his eyes, he wanted a promise from the group.

"Do you still need to ask me for this trivial matter?" Zhang Tianhai said impatiently, "Take care of the camera!"


PS: The update will be sent.

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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