War of Resistance

Chapter 912 "Military God" Reappears

Chapter 912 "Military God" Reappears

The word "camera processing" has many meanings. As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the practice lies with the individual. How Xu Xun understands it is his business.

In short, Xu Xun's eyes were rolling, filled with chicken thieves - he knew exactly what the commander gave him such an order.In addition to trust, more is to believe in his ability.

As we all know, a company like the Secret Service Company, among the first regiment of security guards in the theater, is definitely a sharp knife in the hands of the regiment. Even the Secret Service Company was dispatched. It is conceivable how much the regiment attaches importance to this operation .

Battalion-level troops, in any regiment-level troops, are the representatives of the backbone force. For the development of the sixth battalion, Zhang Tianhai can't care so much anymore - as long as there are more battalions, many things will be easier to handle.

Although the number of troops in a battalion does not seem to be many, if you only need to add one plus one minus one minus one, it will be more than 600 people.

For Zhang Tianhai's regiment, the number of their own troops has reached more than 6000 and nearly 7000. If this battalion is added, the number will be quite impressive.

The task assigned to Xu Xun is indeed the most important.

After Zhang Tianhai arranged for Xu Xun to carry out this task, Guo Qiliang returned to the regiment headquarters.

"Old Zhang, the situation is not very good now. In Xingzi County, they were killed from morning to night, and from night to morning. The No. 20 Fifth Army Division has suffered heavy casualties. Let me see, Wang Jingjiu's The No.20 Fifth Army may not be able to last that long. At that time, the Japanese army is about to enter Lushan Mountain, how should we deal with it?" This is the first question Guo Qiliang asked Zhang Tianhai after he entered the regiment headquarters one question.

"Old Guo, please be calm and don't be impatient. I can't guarantee other troops, but a regiment like ours must appear on the most critical battlefield. Lushan Mountain is important, but it is definitely not Our long-term plan. Guerrilla warfare is the most suitable for deep mountains and old forests like Mount Lushan. If we use our regiment to fight guerrilla warfare with the Japanese army, we can certainly gain a lot of results, but this result is definitely not what the Ministry of Ministers hoped to see. Content." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, with a very firm tone.

"Indeed, what you said makes sense. Our army is a brigade-level force with an artillery battalion. If it is used to fight guerrilla warfare, it is indeed overkill. Then the next move, have you thought about it? ?” Guo Qiliang nodded and said.

"This matter, how can we decide it? It depends on the thoughts of the minister's department or the thoughts of the Japanese soldiers facing us. Anyway, it is not up to us to decide. All we can do is to make do with the situation. " Zhang Tianhai said with a serious face.


While Zhang Tianhai and others were preparing how to strengthen the strength of the police regiment, the Japanese troops were also frantically attacking Xingzi County.

The sound of shouts and gunshots shook the world, it can be said that it killed a dark world.

However, at this time, as a well-known and powerful reserve division in China, with the approval of Masaki Ito, the head of the [-]st Division, and under the escort of a group of Japanese troops, several Japanese soldiers of war correspondents were on the front lines.

Nanako Kusawa was a relatively well-known newspaper reporter in the Japanese army. After all, Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro's "Military God" image also came from her handwriting.

The surrounding area is a wilderness, and the dense weeds have already covered people's waists. Caochuan Nanako's eyes are observing the surroundings, and she is looking for a flat land.

"Reporter Kusakakawa, I'm going to trouble you again this time." Said Iizuka Kunigoro with a fierce beard in what he thought was a "sexy" voice.

"Captain Iizuka does not need to be so polite. After all, this matter is for each other. If you don't have such a brave 'Military God' image like your Excellency, there will be no day when I will become famous in the newspaper industry. In any case, I must thank Your Excellency for your support. The empire has established such a lofty image, so that the people in the country are all shocked by the image of Your Excellency, and everyone is very moved." A sweet smile appeared on Kusakakawa Nanako's sweet face.

That's right, Nanako Caochuan is definitely a beauty. In the journalist industry, women still account for the majority, let alone a position like Nanako Caochuan.

Seeing the smile on Kusakakawa Nanako's face, Iizuka Kunigoro's heart seemed to melt, and his voice became a little thicker: "To be loyal to the empire!"

Soon, the Japanese soldiers who were exploring the road ahead found a small platform on the top of the mountain, so these soldiers immediately went up to occupy the small platform, and then guarded in all directions.

In order to make a good promotional video this time, and to protect the delicate flower of Nanako grass, Iizuka Kunigoro directly brought out a squadron of Japanese troops.


The grassroots officer of the Japanese army was directing his subordinates to form a defensive formation, for fear that one of his own negligence would ruin the filming operation.

The Japanese officers present were not fools. They knew exactly what this action represented.

This is a political action. If it is done well, the return will not be as simple as one point or two - it will greatly improve the reputation and prestige of the entire division.

And this scene did not fall in the eyes of the officers and soldiers of the national army at all.

Yes, there is a team of national army officers and soldiers staring at them.

On a small hill 300 meters away, a major officer about 30 years old is leading an outpost force to guard nearby. Of course, the force he leads is the No. 20 Fifth Army The reconnaissance team directly under it still has a certain guarantee in terms of military quality.

If it weren't for the guarantee of military quality, they would have been discovered by the Japanese army on the opposite side.

"Quick, Ergou, report to the captain immediately. There is a group of little devils on the opposite side who seem to be doing something. Looking at this situation, it must be something big that the little devil's official wants to do. Report immediately!" The second lieutenant officer with binoculars said to a soldier beside him.

"Yes! Platoon leader." The soldier named "Ergou" responded.

Soon, the news reached the major's ears.

This major is not a pussy either. After receiving the news, he immediately brought two sharpshooters from the reconnaissance team to the front.

The No. 20 Fifth Army is the direct line of the Central Army. Although it can't compare with the No. 70 First Army, which is absolutely authentic and ace direct line, this army is definitely not bad.

To be able to serve as the reconnaissance captain of the reconnaissance team directly under the No. 20 Fifth Army Headquarters is definitely only an officer from Huangpu, and his skills are definitely not bad!

So, soon, the major officer took his position with two sharpshooters, and began to scout the enemy situation on the opposite side.

That's right, and at this time, the Japanese army on the opposite side is also getting ready.

The sun in August is definitely very vicious, almost scorching everything.


PS: The first update will be delivered, and there will be a second update in the evening.

I can't guarantee the others, at least a week from today will be double-updated every day.

Thanks to QQ reading book friend "You are my only (Hengmei Decoration Company)" for rewarding 10000 book coins! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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