War of Resistance

Chapter 913 The Death of the "Military God"

Chapter 913 The Death of the "Military God"

Under such weather, almost everyone was sweating profusely, including Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro, the well-known "Military God" in the Japanese army.

"Miss Caochuan, the weather is so hot now, let's start working as soon as possible! Guys like us don't think there is anything unaccustomed to it, but I'm afraid it will burn you out in the sun." Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro said in a deep voice, His face was full of tenderness and pity, and his burly appearance didn't match at all.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for your concern." Nanako Kusawa was pretending to be shy, and she was in a state of chaos.

"This is the concern on behalf of the soldiers of the empire. Miss Nanako, please accept my heart!" Kunigoro Iizuka's big face full of beards was full of pride.

"Thank you, Chief, for your kindness, but this is a war zone, we should complete the task as soon as possible!" This time, Nanako Kusawa finally returned to her usual indifferent look.

"Then let's...let's start here!" Kunigoro Iizuka reluctantly looked away from Nanako Kusawa, and began to take off his clothes.

Yes, Iizuka Kunigoro's so-called "Military God" image is famous for taking off his shirt and screaming, and then leading a group of people to charge towards the opposite position.

Due to the hot weather, Iizuka Kunigoro didn't wear much clothes, so he quickly took off his shirt.

"Ms. Nanako, I think we can start?" Iizuka Kunigoro deliberately put on a very gentlemanly look.

"Let's get started! My imperial hero!" Kusakakawa Nanako showed a sweet smile on her face, as always.

After seeing Nanako Kusakakawa's smile, Kunigoro Iizuka felt as if he had taken a stimulant. He immediately became excited and began to dance and scream in front of the camera.

However, this scene also did not escape the eyes of the officers and soldiers of the national army.

"Captain, the little devil over there seems to be insane, screaming strangely there, if you don't know, you may think you have epilepsy." A platoon leader looking at the opposite mountain with a telescope murmured said.

"I don't think it's very likely that the little devil has epilepsy. They still have a video recorder there, and they brought so many people to commit epilepsy. How is it possible?" The face of the captain of the major was full of calmness and composure.

"Then captain, what are we doing now?" asked the platoon leader next to him.

"What can we do? Get ready to work, our target is the one dancing in front of the camera!" the captain said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Sir." The two sharpshooters responded.

Soon, the two sharpshooters prepared the shooting location with ease. Unfortunately, they did not have special sniper scopes, so they could only measure with a pair of eyes.

But if they have Zhang Tianhai's equipment, they can definitely complete the task with ease.

As for why the scout captain brought two sharpshooters?The reason is very simple, that is to make up the gun. When one shot hits, you can make up another shot, or if one shot misses, the other shot will also hit.


On the opposite mountain, there is still a passionate look.

Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro held it in his hand.A samurai sword, waving its arms and legs towards the sky, seems to want to kill all those who stand in the way of his success.

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor! Long live the Empire of Japan!!!" In front of the camera, Kunigoro Iizuka shouted wantonly.

It was also at this moment that the two sharpshooters on the opposite mountain opened fire.



The two sharpshooters almost had a high degree of tacit understanding. One sharpshooter fired, and the other sharpshooter followed suit.

Two 7.92 mm caliber bullets burst out from the two guns respectively, and then crossed the sky, leaving traces like the tails of comets.



Both bullets hit the excited Iizuka Kunigoro!

A generation of Japanese "Military God" Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro fell to the ground with a crash, and one of the bullets hit his head accurately!

"Boss!!" Everyone exclaimed, and then they reacted quickly and launched vigilance around them.

Two Japanese soldiers who reacted relatively quickly ran over and snatched Iizuka Kunigoro's body, oh no, more precisely, it was a corpse.

Because one of the bullets hit Iizuka Kunigoro, the place where it hit was the temple!

"Your Excellency!! Your Excellency!!"

The two Japanese soldiers were calling Iizuka Kunigoro, but they never got a response.

And that beautiful Japanese female reporter Nanako Kusawa had already hid in a bush—as a war correspondent, and also a war female reporter, she didn’t have any skills, which was impossible, because of her working environment It's the battlefield, and you may die if you don't pay attention.

It is precisely because of this environment that she has created her own abilities.

After the death of Iizuka Kunigoro, his subordinates frantically fired in the direction where the gunshots sounded.

The officers and soldiers of the No.20 Fifth Army Reconnaissance Team also fired wildly at the direction where the Japanese army was hiding.


"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!!"

There was a sound of gunfire, and the fight was very lively.

The fierce gunshots startled the migratory birds around them into flight.

In general, the Japanese army is still at a disadvantage, after all, they are prepared and unprepared.

The Japanese army was caught off guard, and a dozen people had already fallen.

Don't think that the Japanese army is made of iron. If the bullet hits them, they will die and die in battle. They are just better trained, which does not mean that they will not die if the bullet hits their body. They all carry a head on their shoulders. of.

Who is afraid of who?

However, in such a good situation, the commander of the national army made a decision that made everyone unexpected.


Yes, this order was issued by the captain of the reconnaissance team himself.

The major believed that their established mission had been accomplished—don't forget, the mission of the reconnaissance team was always reconnaissance, and they had already gained something, so they should just let it go.

Killing the enemy is of course very important, but the brothers of these reconnaissance teams are all elites selected from more than 20 people in the No.3 Fifth Army. They should not die here!They have more important tasks.

So, just like that, this unexpected encounter ended anticlimactically.


The signboard of the [-]st Division, the majestic military god of the Japanese army, was killed in battle.

As soon as the news got back to the division headquarters of the [-]st Division, Division Chief Masaki Ito almost went mad with anger.


A fine white ceramic teacup fell to the ground and immediately turned into pieces, and the tea inside also splashed in all directions.

"Baga! Lu! Damn Chinese people, they brutally killed such an excellent soldier under me! Wang Jingjiu! If I, Masaki Ito, can't destroy your army, I will not be human!!" Masaki Ito said viciously cursed.

Of course, as a majestic division commander with a [-] army in hand, his anger is naturally not incompetent rage, but should be put into action.


PS: The second update is here.

Thanks to Qidian book friend Dapeng for spreading his wings and leaving 1000 points as a reward!

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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