War of Resistance

Chapter 914 Is this different from the past?

Chapter 914 Is this different from the past?

"Order the troops to move forward, take Fujita Taro as the new captain of the [-]st Regiment, and lead the troops to attack!" Lieutenant General Ito Masaki's eyes showed ruthlessness.

"Hay!!" Everyone responded.

Masaki Ito said that he wanted to avenge his subordinates, but it was not just a joke, he really wanted to personally supervise the battle.


The fighting in Xingzi County was still in full swing. At this time, the outer wall of Xingzi County had already become a piece of dilapidated ruins.

"The battle of Xingzi County was fought so hard! The damned China Army is so tenacious!" Ito Masaki cursed. After all, he was the highest rank among the commanders of the Japanese army present, and his will represented the entire The will of the Japanese troops.

"Then how does your Excellency the division chief plan to proceed with the next step?" asked the chief of staff next to him.

"The advance pace of the frontline troops must continue to advance, but the progress of the frontline is too slow. The fighting will of the Chinese army is tenacious, but our advance is too weak." Masaki Ito Shen Sheng said.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, do you mean that we want to supervise the battle?" asked the chief of staff.

"Yoxi." Ito Masaki nodded, with a very serious look, "If I don't come to the front line to supervise the battle, I think I won't be able to break through the first-line defense of the Chinese army as soon as possible. How about it! I will personally go to the front line to supervise the battle!"

Masaki Ito's determination has been made, so naturally he will not tell lies, he has already come to the front line of the battle in person.

However, due to the consideration of life safety, Ito Masaki did not appear in the most intense street fighting battlefield, but appeared in the front line of suburban fighting.

Ever since the division commander appeared, the officers and soldiers of the [-]st Division couldn't help being shocked: the division commander had come to supervise the battle in person, let alone ordinary officers and soldiers like them.

In the front line of the battle, wherever Masaki Ito appeared, the Japanese army cheered for a while, and their morale was very high.

There were cheers and shouts of killing.

And the national army as the opponent, naturally also noticed the unusualness here...

Ever since, No.20 Fifth Army Commander Wang Jingjiu made a decisive decision and decided to mobilize his own few artillery, aim at the most rampant and fierce Japanese army, and then fire.

One shot after another, simply desperate.

"Army, with the way we fight now, I'm afraid we don't have much shells left..." The chief of staff couldn't help but persuade Wang Jingjiu.

"Our ammunition reserves are not large, but we need to spend them on the most critical places. Like this time, the Japanese army is so excited all of a sudden. It is definitely famous. We just want to concentrate our firepower on their most prominent parts. Don't worry! There will definitely be gains. "Even if Wang Jingjiu made some mistakes, he can definitely be regarded as a leader in Huangpu, otherwise he would not be one of the first batch of people who became army commanders.

"Yes, military seat, I understand the humble position." The chief of staff responded.


Facts have proved that Wang Jingjiu's theory is correct...

Just as Ito Masaki was happily directing his troops on the front line to move on, a deadly shell exploded around him.


Lieutenant General Ito Masaki was seriously injured on the spot!

"Your Excellency, Head of the Division!! Your Excellency, Head of the Division!!"

After the explosion, the Japanese army immediately changed its strategy—all with the priority of protecting the commander of the division!

The offensive momentum of the Japanese army suddenly stagnated!
Within a day, two important figures in the Japanese army were killed and the other injured. Once the news was sent back to the No. 11 Army Headquarters, even Okamura Ningji couldn't help being surprised.

Fortunately, Neiji Okamura has been in the army for many years, and he immediately made a decision that he thought was very correct: at the headquarters of the [-]st Division, the chief of staff will replace the command of the troops, and everything will wait for Masakishi Ito After the leader wakes up, he will make a decision.

After the Chief of Staff of the [-]st Division, San Yukihiko, took over the baton, he immediately continued Masaki Ito's consistent tough policy and launched a continuous and normalized onslaught against the national army.

The starting point is excellent, but the actual effect is not good-no matter how you say it, two generals were lost in one day, one is the most important core, the head of the division; and the other is also the [-]st The division is regarded as the "Military God" of honor and pride.

These two people are like this, and it doesn't affect the morale of the army at all. How is this possible?

Since the accidents of these two men, the offensive momentum of the [-]st Division has not only stagnated, but the national army has suddenly relaxed a lot.

As the saying goes, good things don’t go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles: the news that Masaki Ito, the head of the [-]st Division, was seriously injured, and the "Military God" symbolized the death of Iizuka Kunigoro quickly spread back to Japan and was published in newspapers. It was widely published on the Internet.

In Japan, the whole country was shocked.

These invaders never thought that they would encounter such a big setback on the front line.

It didn't take long for the news that the Japanese army had suffered such a major setback on the front line to spread to China, and the national army also followed suit with hype.

This report was quickly received by the [-]st Police Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, which was very close to the front line of Xingzi.

"Little devil is at a loss now...Old Zhang, look quickly, they are like this, and they still want to take down our Xingzi County?" Guo Qiliang walked in with a happy face holding the "Frontline Battle Report".

"By the way, Lao Guo, how long has Xingzi been fighting on the front line?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"It seems to have been fought for six days and six nights! If there was no news, I don't think they could have survived for so long. Now Masaki Ito, the old thief, has been seriously injured by the bombing. Even their so-called 'Military God' , and the old opponents we fought before all died in their hands, why can't they stand up?" Guo Qiliang said confidently.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said, "Old Guo, you still trust them too much."

Before Guo Qiliang could speak, Zhang Tianhai went on to say: "How powerful our troops are, don't you know? No matter how strong the No. 20 Fifth Army is, it is impossible to be stronger than the No. 70 First Army. Wang Jingjiu has been in command of elite troops for a long time, and this time he has been able to survive for so long. He has indeed contributed a lot. But this time, the No.20 Fifth Army has survived not long ago."

"Why?" Guo Qiliang frowned, and then immediately came to his senses: "Old Zhang, you mean that the No.20 Fifth Army is not as good as the No.70 First Army, so they can't last that long?"

I saw Zhang Tianhai smiled lightly, and said: "Old Guo, you are not so stupid after all. Our army, no matter which one it is, is not as good as the No.80 Seventh Division before Songhu participated in the war! It is the No.80 Seventh Division guarding Xingzi, and it will definitely be able to guard for more than half a month, but now it is the No.20 Fifth Army...it is different now..."

Speaking of this, Guo Qiliang's thoughts seemed to return to the day before Songhu joined the war, and he said with great emotion: "Old Zhang, don't tell me, you were still Li Haocheng's deputy at that time, and I was just the first The staff officer of the [-]st Battalion of the [-]th Regiment never dreamed that this day would come. At that time, our troops were strong and strong, and their fighting spirit was not so strong..."


PS: The first update is here, and there will be another update before twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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