War of Resistance

Chapter 916 Raising Bandits' Self-Respect?

Chapter 916 Raising Bandits' Self-Respect?

It's not that there are no people in the mountains, but that they are hidden too deep for people to notice their existence.

There is quite an artistic conception of "the sky is high, the birds fly away, and the people in the thousands of paths disappear".

Soon, the carrier pigeon flew back, and a man came down from the mountain, dressed in plain farm clothes, with a kerchief wrapped around his head, and holding an earthen shotgun in his hand, he looked very mighty.

"Sir, our head of the family asked you to enter the mountain for a while. You can go up the mountain with us, but you must cover your eyes halfway up the mountain. Please understand!" said the bandit who looked like a farmer. It looks pretty honest.

Xu Xun thought for a while, then nodded, and said, "Yes. Let's go to the mountain and talk about it!"

Not far away, Liu Houming saw this scene clearly.

"Quick, follow up secretly! Don't let them find our tracks!" Liu Houming said in a deep voice.

"Yes, company commander." The surrounding officers and soldiers responded in a low voice, and then sneaked towards the hill where Xu Xun went up the mountain.

Four rows, a team of more than 200 people began to move forward. If you look carefully, they still have a set of gestures that only their insiders can understand.

Yes, this set of gestures is exactly tactical gestures.

Although the formal confrontation has not yet begun, the actions of the secret service company have already begun. As Liu Houming said, there is no need to have the intention of harming others, and the intention of preventing others is indispensable.

When he was halfway up the mountain, Xu Xun was indeed covered.

The bandit, who looked like a farmer, said: "Sir, I'm sorry. I have to wrong you."

So, Xu Xun was taken away like this, and he didn't know how long he walked, and finally reached the cottage.

What came into view was a two-story wooden building, which occupied a large area. If Zhang Tianhai was here, he would definitely think: "They are all illegal buildings, let me demolish them! Demolish them all!"

Cough cough cough, the book returns to the main story.

This wooden building does occupy a large area, but it is definitely not eye-catching. If you don’t look carefully in the air, you will not be able to find it at all. Maybe the village owner and these young people used the branches and leaves to cover the upper part of the building. The top layer is covered!
When Xu Xun arrived, some young people had already gone in to report.

A burly man walked out of the wooden house. He looked like a very honest person, not the kind with a murderous look on his face.

After Xu Xun's blindfold was removed, he saw the burly man on the opposite side. Although he was a little timid, he also knew that he represented the police team at this time, not himself, so he stood up straight, Said: "Presumably, Your Excellency is the head of Xu Da?"

"Unfortunately, I am exactly Xu Feilong. It doesn't seem too good to call yourself the master in front of the chief, right?" Xu Feilong smiled, but the eyes under the thick eyebrows were extraordinarily energetic.

"Master Xu is polite. Let me introduce myself first. I am the adjutant of the First Regiment of the National Army's Ninth War Zone. My name is Xu Xun. I am in the same family as you." Xu Xun also smiled. It's quite polite.

"It turned out to be the first regiment of the security guards who fought a big victory in Jiujiang County... But I have admired it for a long time. Adjutant Xu, please!" After hearing Xu Xun's self-introduction, Xu Feilong's whole person immediately changed It is unbelievable that he has changed from an indifferent head who refuses people thousands of miles away to a kind and amiable neighbor uncle.

Yes, looking at his appearance, I can't wait to invite Xu Xun into the lobby of the village as if he were an uncle.

This time, Xu Xun was not polite, and directly accepted Xu Feilong's overture.

I saw the three words "Juyitang" written on the plaque at the entrance of the lobby, which looked like a very vigorous and powerful one, and it must have been written by a master.

No wonder it was not easy for Jinshanzhai to stand out among the many bandits in Mount Lushan.

As for why there were no bandits with a scale of 2000 people here, the reason is also very simple. Before the Japanese army came, Lao Jiang liked to hold Lushan training classes here.

Since Lao Jiang is going to conduct training classes here, how can he allow such a big threat?Is it true that the big swords of the Central Army are not sharp?

The bandits with more than 800 people were wiped out long ago, and some 500 people were also wiped out.

It can be said that banditry started to rise again when the Japanese army approached Jiangxi, and Xu Feilong and his group grew rapidly during this period.

"Master Xu, you are so stylish here, you must have been in business for a long time, right?" After all, Xu Xun has been with Guo Qiliang for a long time, and he has seen this scene before.

"Adjutant Xu was joking. Compared with the victorious battles your army fought on the front line, how can we be regarded as magnificent here? A real man should lead an army to gallop on the battlefield. Come on, Adjutant Xu, please sit down. Come on." , watch tea!" Xu Feilong laughed.

"Well, it seems that Master Xu is also a patriot." Xu Xun sat down in the direction Xu Feilong pointed, and sat on the old Chinese furniture.

"Adjutant Xu is ridiculous." Xu Feilong said with a smile, and then asked someone to pour tea for Xu Xun, and then asked: "Our village is actually like this. There is no good tea. Please ask Adjutant Xu to take care of it." .By the way, I think Adjutant Xu must go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, can I ask Adjutant Xu why he came to Jinshanzhai this time?"

Xu Xun took a sip of tea and said, "To tell the truth, Mr. Xu, I have come to Jinshanzhai to visit you this time, and I really have something to discuss."

"What's the matter? Please make it clear, Adjutant Xu, those of us who are in the rivers and lakes, among other things, loyalty is a must, especially in the face of your heroic army, as long as I, Xu Feilong, can help , I have nothing to say." Xu Feilong's eyes revealed a flash of light, and there was no sign of refusal in what he said.

"In this matter, our group does ask Master Xu, but we will not treat you badly." Xu Xun also knew that time was running out, so he didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the topic, "To be honest, I want to find You guys make a deal."

"Deal?" Xu Feilong frowned.

"Yes, that's right. It's a deal. It's an arms deal." Xu Xun said it without any hesitation.

"Arms deal? This word came out of Adjutant Xu's mouth, but I was a little surprised. After all, isn't the front line now in full swing? It is the time when there is a shortage of people and guns. Forgive me for talking, I would like to ask Adjutant Xu , What is the reason why your army wants to do this? To support the bandits' self-respect?" Xu Feilong's words are really very explicit, after all, the word "supporting the bandits' self-respect" is not a good word.

"Master Xu is too worried. I am here this time because of the wishes of our regiment. Our troops need to be expanded, and Shangfeng will not give us military expenses to expand. This is not just right, we have won a big victory on the front line , seized a lot of things, just came to trade a sum of military expenses for expansion." Xu Xun smiled and directly explained the purpose of coming.


PS: The first update is here!

There will be another update around 12:30, please wait and see!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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