War of Resistance

Chapter 917 The 7th Battalion?

Chapter 917 Seventh Battalion?
"Haha, Adjutant Xu is really an interesting person, and just because you can tell me your purpose directly, I, Xu, am very happy and very happy. If someone Xu is willing to make Adjutant Xu a friend, he will definitely help him with all his strength. Please tell Adjutant Xu, how many guns and ammunition do you have?" Xu Feilong laughed and said, on the surface he looks very rough, but in fact he is as careful as a hair.

"Not to mention anything else, the daily production of [-] pieces and the number of bullets will depend on whether the head of Xu Da's family can eat our batch of munitions." As he said, Xu Xun took a sip of the hot air in the tea, and then lightly Take a sip.

"I don't know how about the price?" Xu Feilong asked very seriously.

"Just five dollars a piece! Three hundred pieces, [-] dollars, and each gun comes with ten rounds of ammunition, what does Master Xu think?" Xu Xun also knew that the price he gave was definitely considered low. , and it's the ultra-low one, almost like a clearance sale.

But don't forget, at this time, when a gun is the grass head king, the gun is the root of survival for a party!

"[-] oceans, and it comes with ten rounds of ammunition?" This price really surprised Xu Feilong. If this batch of ammunition can be eaten, it will not be a level of improvement for Jinshanzhai's strength. So easy.

"Yes, that's the price. To be honest, the Japanese invaders are ready to kill us at any time now. For all of us, that is also a big enemy, so we also want to take this opportunity to strengthen your strength so that you don't have to fight in front of us." When dealing with Japanese invaders, we will only be massacred blindly. In any case, we are all Chinese..." Xu Xun's subsequent words are very meaningful, and the translation is, the batch we gave you at a low price Guns, but I hope you will fight against Japan.

It is not easy for Xu Feilong to become a bandit leader from a farmer. He immediately understood what Xu Xun meant, and said without hesitation: "Adjutant Xu, please rest assured, I am Xu Feilong." No matter what, we will remember that we are Chinese. But we won’t buy these guns and ammunition at such a low price, let’s spend two thousand oceans!”

"Two thousand oceans? Why?" Xu Xun felt a little surprised. He felt that he had underestimated the master Xu.

"Because we are all Chinese, I also want to contribute, but I have an unfeeling request, and I want to ask Adjutant Xu for help." Xu Feilong said.

"Let's say it doesn't matter if Xu Xun is the head of the family, but I have no doubts about what Xu Xun can do." Xu Xun said seriously, his quack spirit is not so heavy.

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight." Xu Feilong gritted his teeth and said, "Actually, our Jinshan Village is full of flesh and blood men, but it's a pity that we have been living in the world as bandits. Not to mention that the common people look down on us, even We also feel that it is not a problem to go on like this..."

Speaking of this, Xu Feilong paused, and finally made up his mind to say: "I want to ask your army to recruit us!"

"Incorporation?!" This time it was Xu Xun's turn to be a little surprised. He was born in the Northeast Academy of Martial Arts, and he never thought that these bandits would have such an emphasis on pursuing their official identities.

If it is replaced by modern terms, it is the pursuit of organization...

Cough cough cough...

"Yes, I implore Chief Xu to call the superior officer to see if we can incorporate our Jinshanzhai! If we can incorporate it, I, Xu Feilong, will definitely demand myself as a regular army, and will never discredit the officer and the police! "Speaking of being excited, Xu Feilong knelt on one knee and cupped his fists to beg Xu Xun.

Seeing this, Xu Xun also knew that Xu Feilong really wanted to make up his own organization, and then fight against Japan in a legitimate way.

"Okay, then I will send a report to ask our team members. If the team members agree, then the brothers in the Xu family and Jinshanzhai, we will be comrades-in-arms and brothers!" Xu Xun stepped forward to support Xu Feilong.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu. It's just that I don't understand something. Mr. Xu said that he would send a report to your regiment commander, but we don't seem to have seen your telegraph?" Xu Feilong asked.

"As for this matter, Master Xu, don't worry about it. To be honest, this time, in addition to the team transporting guns, we also have a combat company accompanying us. This combat company has a radio station with us. You can report to the regiment headquarters at any time. Report the situation ahead." Xu Xun said with a smile.

"Oh...so that's the case...haha, I, Xu, have poor eyesight. How can I transport a large number of guns and ammunition like Chief Xu without the guards, right?" Xu Feilong laughed.


Ten minutes later, Xu Feilong finally saw the "guard force" that Xu Xun said. When he saw this army that was almost armed to the teeth, he was stunned.

Why are you stunned?The reason is very simple, because from their standpoint, fortunately, they did not say anything wrong, otherwise they would have been wiped out on the spot.

It was wiped out on the spot, this is not just talk——

Look at the weapons and equipment of these bandits, most of them are ground-breaking shotguns, and the best ones are made in old Hanyang. There is only one light machine gun in the whole village.

Look at the national army again?All German-made 1924 Mauser rifles, more than 20 light machine guns, and [-] to [-] grenade launchers, let alone grenades, isn't it just a joke to kill them?
"Hehe, Commander Xu, your army is indeed a unit that can beat the crap out of little devils on the front line, it is really strong..." Xu Feilong said as he wiped his cold sweat that was about to break out.

"Okay, let's not say more. Brother Liu, you can arrange for someone to send the report! I will read him to send the report..." Facing Liu Houming, Xu Xun was not so easy to talk to.

"Okay. That's it!" Liu Houming nodded.


Soon, the telegram from Dashanli reached the police regiment headquarters.

"Tuan Zuo, good news... That kid Xu Xun has really made a contribution." Regarding Xu Xun's success, the chief of staff Li Chunfei was the happiest.

"What? This kid sold all the rifles so quickly?" To be honest, Zhang Tianhai was a little surprised.

"That troupe, you underestimated him. Not only did he sell the rifle, but he also brought back a battalion of people for us." Li Chunfei said excitedly.

"People from the first battalion? Could it be that group of people from Jinshanzhai? Are we really going to give them the number of the seventh battalion?" Zhang Tianhai smiled and said.

"The number of the Seventh Battalion, I don't think it is necessary. After all, our number is only for the field troops, and it is indeed a waste to give them." Li Chunfei said.

"What do you mean, Ryan?" Zhang Tianhai narrowed his eyes slightly and asked Li Chunfei.

"If you want me to tell you, why don't you give them the number of the Special Mobile Battalion. Anyway, we will give them the number. If they have guns, we can give them some guns, and we don't need to keep them." Li Chunfei frowned, his mind full of bad thoughts.


PS: The second update is here!

Thank you book friends for waiting. I was supposed to finish writing at [-]:[-], but I had a fight with my girlfriend on the phone, and then I finished writing.

(End of this chapter)

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