Chapter 918

"Special Mobile Battalion?" Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly, obviously he was still a little hesitant about this new concept.

"Yes, it's the special mobile battalion. We give them a battalion-level organization, but we don't care how many people they bring in to expand the battle. We just care about how to command them to continue fighting on the battlefield." Li Chunfei said, " At the very can be guaranteed that the team in Mount Lu is fighting against Japan."

"That's fine, why don't you give them the number of an independent brigade! The establishment is from the battalion level, the food and salary are self-financed, and the number of people is up to them to decide. I hope they can fulfill their duties and fight hard for the survival of China. If there is any infringement For the interests of the country and the people, I, Zhang Yulin, will clean up the door myself!" Zhang Tianhai finally made up his mind.

"Yes! Group seats!" Li Chunfei responded, looking at Zhang Tianhai with eyes filled with admiration.

That's right, this is called personality charm. In Li Chunfei's view, Zhang Tianhai is a perfect soldier—he has flesh and blood, and he has a will like steel. Luan, still a calm look.

After giving this order, Zhang Tianhai turned his eyes to the distance, he didn't know whether his move was right or wrong - could he control this group of bandits whom he had never met before?Can he make these bandits content with the status quo and obey his orders?If these people don't obey his orders, how will it affect the police corps?
This is a huge problem before Zhang Tianhai.

"Hey...forget it, let's take one step at a time..." Zhang Tianhai sighed softly, and only he himself could hear this sigh.

Indeed, he has already reached his position, and many things are more restricted, and many things cannot be done as he wants.

As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. The more one reaches this position, the more one must walk on thin ice. To put it bluntly, an order from Zhang Tianhai can already stir up the battle in northern Jiangxi.

Don't underestimate Zhang Tianhai's brigade here. It doesn't look like a lot of people, but they are strong in combat effectiveness. The most important thing is that they are troops directly under the theater, and in a sense, they are not under the jurisdiction of the Second Corps headquarters.

Zhang Tianhai himself saw this very clearly, if not, he wouldn't be afraid of taking a wrong step.

Zhang Tianhai has never regretted growing his team to such a large size, but he kind of misses the joy he had when he was battalion commander or company commander. At least he didn't have so many troubles.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhai suddenly remembered that it seemed that it had been a long time since he personally led troops into battle to kill the enemy.

"I haven't killed the enemy for a long time, and my hands are raw. It seems that I have to make some trouble for the little devil." Zhang Tianhai laughed at himself.


As soon as the camera turned, it switched back to Jinshanzhai.

At this time, Xu Feilong, the boss of Jinshanzhai, Xu Xun, deputy officer of the first police regiment, and Liu Houming, the commander of the special agent company of the first police regiment, were already sitting together. It was summer and the wind on the mountain was very refreshing.

The cool breeze was blowing on everyone's faces, as if the summer heat had been reduced immediately.

"Mr. Liu, do you think that Head Zhang will approve us to join your group?" Maybe it was because of waiting for a long time, Xu Feilong seemed a little nervous.

He also underestimated the name of the Police Regiment, let alone the fact that it is a unit directly under the theater, but the battle fought under the city of Jiujiang, where the blood of the little devil was killed, how could he not admire it?
"Brother Xu, don't worry. According to the temper of our group, there should be no problem. But his bottom line is also very clear. If anyone dares to betray the country and surrender to the enemy, he will be the first to clean up the house." Liu Houming grinned , smiling very brightly.

"Don't worry, on this point, I, Xu Feilong, can definitely tell the difference between right and wrong." Xu Feilong assured, with the status of the police regiment, they are no longer bandits, they are officers and soldiers, they can Become a regular army.

At this moment, the correspondent of the secret service company came over and reported: "Report to the company commander, the regiment headquarters has returned the call, please read it."

"Come on, what's the news?" Liu Houming said directly to express his trust in Xu Feilong.

"The delegation has already issued an order to grant Xu Feilong's department the title of 'Independent Brigade of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone', with self-financing, administrative staffing from the battalion level, and staffing at the battalion level. The requirements are to fulfill their duties and fight for the survival of China. Fight hard and obey the command." The correspondent said directly.

After listening to the correspondent's report, Liu Houming and Xu Xun stood up at the same time and clasped their fists at Xu Feilong, saying, "Congratulations to Master Xu... Oh no, congratulations to Captain Xu, we are comrades in arms."

"I wrote about the mutual assistance of the two officers. In the future, if the two officers have something to do, please speak up. Xu Feilong dare not refuse." Xu Feilong vowed.

"Brother Feilong, we are all on the same front now, let's not talk about anything else, we have nothing to say, you must obey the order of the group seat." Liu Houming smiled, his whole body was like a fist The unsheathed sword is generally sharp and murderous.

"Thank you, Chief Liu." Xu Feilong's face was full of joy.

"You can't be an officer once. You just need to remember that there is only one officer in our first security regiment, and that is Zhang Tianhai, head of the regiment." Liu Houming said seriously.

"Yes, sir." Xu Feilong grinned.

Today is indeed a good day for Xu Feilong. Although there is no need for this number, there is only one number, but at least he is an officer and can get rid of the name of bandit.

Ever since, Jin Shanzhai slaughtered one of the few pigs in the village, and celebrated with great fanfare as a member of the first regiment of security guards.

And Xu Xun and Liu Houming did not refuse, they also drank some wine here to celebrate.

"Brother Liu, Brother Xu, I want to ask, what do you mean by our independent brigade's reply saying that we are allowed to make up our own staffing?" Xu Feilong asked Liu Houming cautiously. Lien Commander Liu might be the head's confidant, and although Adjutant Xu's position is important, he should not be regarded as the head's most confidant.

"The understanding of this is very artistic. To put it bluntly, it is to let you have as big a team as you are capable of. If you can pull out a division, the regiment will not bother." Liu Houming seemed to be A little drunk, but actually very sober - Xu Feilong is very important at this stage, if he is guided well, he can bring great benefits to the group.

Although Liu Houming is the company commander of the spy company, his understanding of the regiment is far beyond that of other people - no matter how he is, he is the absolute confidant of the regiment commander, from the adjutant at the beginning to the leader of the regiment. The commander of the spy company who exists like a sharp knife, these are all expected positions...

"Huh? The regiment commander trusted me so much? He let me recruit so many soldiers? Where did the guns and ammunition come from?" Xu Feilong stared round his eyes, looking drunk, but those eyes were extraordinarily bright.

Obviously, he wasn't drunk.

"They are all anti-Japanese teams. The group is very tolerant of the anti-Japanese team. Therefore, in terms of the number of people, the group must hope that the more the better, but the size of the team depends on Captain Xu You are capable." At this point, Liu Houming paused, and then continued: "As for the supply of guns and ammunition, you have to seize them by yourself. What our regiment can do for you is to allocate an extra hundred and three Eight rifles and twelve crooked light machine guns are given to you."

"Twelve crooked light machine guns?" Xu Feilong was shocked by Liu Houming's aura.

"Yes, it's twelve. In terms of bullets, you are basically given one hundred rounds for each. Isn't that interesting?" Liu Houming smiled, but the smile in the corner of his eyes was thick.


PS: The first update is here!

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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