Chapter 919
"It has to be interesting, it has to be interesting. Hahahaha..." Xu Feilong laughed heartily. He was so happy from the bottom of his heart. What kind of equipment does he have?
For Xu Feilong, this batch of munitions has made him a fortune, and he can truly become the number one bandit king in Mount Lu...

Oh no, no, Jinshanzhai has become an official army now, so the word "bandit king" should not be used.

"With this batch of equipment, we should be able to unite the heroes of Lushan Mountain, no matter what, this Lushan Mountain must not be handed over to the Japanese, and we must fight to the end!" Liu Houming patted Xu Feilong on the shoulder and said, No one knew that this decision was made by him, Liu Houming, without Zhang Tianhai's consent.

In Liu Houming's view, no matter what the police regiment said, it is also a powerful force. Under the name of the reinforced regiment, it is actually more powerful than a brigade. Since you want others to be loyal to you, how can you not What about being more generous?

But don't forget, the police regiment has a lot of seized weapons and equipment. A hundred rifles and twelve light machine guns are still affordable.

Besides, it was not easy to let these bandits go to the front line to fight the Japanese army desperately. Could it be that they were really allowed to go to battle with kitchen knives?This was beyond Liu Houming's imagination, and he didn't want to see this scene either.

A confidant is a confidant after all. The reason why a confidant can be called a confidant is not only to have extraordinary abilities, but also to understand the heart of the chief. This "heart" refers to mood and thoughts.

Of course, the latter is more important.

On one point, Liu Houming and Zhang Tianhai have the same idea, that is, on the issue of dealing with the anti-Japanese armed forces——

Zhang Tianhai is from modern times. He is a time traveler. He naturally knows what the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War is, and he also knows which path is the correct path. Therefore, in dealing with the anti-Japanese armed forces, he wants to support these armed forces to take up their own weapons. to fight the invaders.

On this point, perhaps influenced by Zhang Tianhai, Liu Houming had the same idea.

As the saying goes, it's not that one family does not enter one family. Obviously, Zhang Tianhai and Liu Houming are the same group of people.

"I understand what Brother Liu means. You want me to gather all the heroes of Mount Lu to form a force to fight against Japan in Mount Lu, right?" Xu Feilong asked.

"Yes, it is to fight against Japan in Mount Lushan. But I have to correct one point, that is, this is the meaning of the group, not my personal meaning. Liu Houming. In any case, the group hopes that Captain Xu can stick to the principle, Work hard to resist the Japanese." Liu Houming obviously drank too much, and even spoke with a bit of a tongue.

"Brother Liu, is this what the regiment told you?" Perhaps influenced by Xu Xun, Liu Houming and the Central Army who came to deliver weapons and equipment, Xu Feilong was very interested in the regiment who was far away in Jijia Village and had never met before. Chang changed his name.

"No, this person in Tuan Zuo has always cherished his words like gold, and rarely said such straightforward words to us, but the meaning in his telegram has been made very clear, that's how it is." Liu Houming replied, "What does it mean to 'fulfill your duties and fight hard for the survival of China'?"

"Isn't this what it means literally?" Although Xu Feilong had learned some culture, he was still at the level of knowing characters. It would be difficult for a king like him to interpret the documents.

"Fulfilling our duties, it is obvious that we want Captain Xu to stick to our original aspiration of being Chinese, to fight hard for the survival of our Chinese nation, to win a free world for our children and grandchildren, and to live with more dignity. By then, our descendants will no longer be bullied by foreign powers, and our country, our home, will be at peace..." As he spoke, Liu Houming lay down on the ground while drunk, looking at the The night sky is full of stars, and there is a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Liu Houming, what is he thinking?He was thinking, if the country and family were really as beautiful as the Tuan Zuo described, that would be great.

"Original heart? Was this word also said by the group seat?" Xu Feilong asked Liu Houming, relying on the smell of alcohol.

"Yes, that's what the Tuan Zuo said. He often said that we must not forget the original intention of the soldiers, and the original intention of joining the army. He also said that we come to join the army and pick up steel guns. That is the hope for our country. Our home is peaceful. More importantly, we can live with more dignity..." Liu Houming murmured, he knows very well what his country and his home are like these years, Far more realistic than in the movies.

"The group's ambition is still lofty..." Xu Feilong also followed Liu Houming and looked towards the sky.


Xu Feilong's troops have taken refuge under Zhang Tianhai's command, but it will not affect the progress of the front line.

The battle in Xingzi County is coming to an end.

It was already dark at this time, and Xingzi County was as bright as day.

Why do you say it is as bright as day?That's fire!

The entire city of Xingzi County has been set on fire, and there are big fires everywhere!
Standing on a hill not far away, the flames in the distance illuminated the face of Leng Xin, the commander of the second division. His face was full of unwillingness, and he wanted to continue to command the troops to charge forward!
"Let's go! Teacher! This battle, we have lost!!" The adjutant pulled Leng Xin desperately trying to pull him away, but Leng Xin didn't move at all.

"The city that our national army was defending with all their might would fall so soon! I'm not reconciled! I'm so fucking reconciled!!" Leng Xin yelled hysterically, his whole body in a state of madness.

The officers around Leng Xin just pulled him, but did not speak, because their eyes were full of tears: the tug-of-war battle continued for seven days and seven nights, and the vitality of the Second Division had already been injured. A full-staffed division with many people has only 1 people left, and no one can accept this result.

"Master seat... Let's go... Xingzi County can no longer be defended. The Japanese naval guns have already flattened the surrounding area of ​​the city. ...The few people we have left will all be accounted for here, this is not what you want to see, right?" The adjutant next to him continued to persuade Leng Xin, because the retreat order was issued by the military seat, and the whole The army can no longer defend Xingzi County, let alone the only [-] people left?

If the fight continues, the defenders of the Second Division will be wiped out, and everyone will die in this Xingzi County!

"I'm so fucking unwilling! We have lost so many good brothers, but we still can't hold on to this place. I'm sorry for the nation, I'm sorry for the party country..." As she spoke, Leng Xin burst into tears.

"Master, let's evacuate first! Keep the green hills, so we don't worry about running out of firewood. Let's evacuate!" The adjutant continued to pull Leng Xin, but he found that Leng Xin was still indifferent.

So, the anxious adjutant winked at the soldiers next to him, and then shouted loudly: "Come here!! Come with me immediately, take the teacher's seat away, if you can't do it, kidnap me!!"

The officers and soldiers around him naturally knew that the adjutant's decision was correct at this time, so they immediately tied up the division commander and dragged him away.

Mr. Leng, who had already reacted, couldn't help yelling: "Chang Qiu! You don't want to die, do you?! Do you want me to kill you!? Let me go immediately! If you don't let me go ... Chang Qiu! I'll fucking kill you!!"

In the face of the teacher's threat and roar, Adjutant Chang remained indifferent, he just said softly: "Master, my Chang Qiu's life was taken back by you, if you want to shoot me, it's a big deal, let's kill me." I will return my life to you, but Chang Qiu must send you away from the battlefield safely today!"

The ancients said, if you treat me as a gentleman of the country, I will repay you as a soldier of the country!


PS: The second update is here.

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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