Chapter 920
Xingzi, who had held on for seven days and seven nights, fell. The reason was not that the No.20 Fifth Army was ineffective in combat, but because after Masaki Ito, the commander of the 11st Division, was seriously injured in the bombing, the commander of the Japanese No.[-] Army Okamura Ningji urgently dispatched the Ninth Division to help the front line in an attempt to break the deadlock.

The battle that followed was even more dazzling.

Zhang Fakui, Commander-in-Chief of the Second Corps of the Ninth Theater, directly ordered a division of his troops to enter Lushan Mountain to start flexible operations against the Japanese invaders.

In Zhang Fakui's original words, that is: "If the little devil dares to enter Lushan Mountain, I will desperately put these little beasts in Lushan Mountain!"

At the same time, the independent battalion of the first theater security regiment authorized by Zhang Tianhai is also frantically absorbing the heroes of the green forest, trying its best to develop it into a unit that can stand on its own.

More importantly, after Zhang Tianhai's Sixth Battalion got Xu Feilong's Two Thousand Oceans, it also started a period of great development, began to recruit troops, train troops and perform martial arts.

"Tuan Zuo, shouldn't our troops need to worry about these things from now on?" Li Chunfei said excitedly.

"Yeah, we shouldn't have to worry about these things anymore, but new challenges are coming soon. The Japanese army will definitely not let us go. Our troops have indeed gradually grown, but we are still far away from the Japanese army. There is a certain distance, now that the Japanese army is pressing down on the border, Lushan Mountain already has our independent brigade, and there is also a division of the Second Corps, at least in a short period of time, it is not so easy for them to take over our land." Zhang Tianhai analyzed.

Indeed, with the advance of the Japanese army, the entry of a division of the Second Corps, and the establishment of the Independent Brigade of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, Mount Lushan has become a water surface that has been thrown into a shocking boulder. There was a burst of waves.

But obviously, the Japanese army's offensive was not very effective. Instead, it was restrained by the national army at various levels, and it was impossible to break through the Lushan defense line at all.

And just when No. 11 Army Commander Okamura Ningji was extremely anxious because he could not complete the order "quickly capture Wuhan" issued by the Japanese base camp, the battle on the north bank of the Yangtze River also entered a fierce juncture.

The first elite of the Japanese army, the headquarters of the Sixth Division, had already attacked along the north bank of the Yangtze River, and on August [-] they captured Huangmei County, which was heavily guarded by the national army.

Inaba Shiro, the commander of the sixth division of the Japanese army that captured Huangmei County, couldn't help being overjoyed: he could already foresee the situation when their troops took Guangji and then Wuhan.

"Warriors of the sunrise, let's get ready to drive into Wuhan and go to Wuhan for breakfast tomorrow." Inaba Shiro shouted excitedly, as if he had drunk two or two meters of rice wine.

"Long live! Long live! Long live!!!"

These crazy Japanese soldiers were also shouting, for fear that their cheers would not be heard by the head of the division.

At the head of Huangmei City, the rising sun flag of the Japanese army has already been raised, and the Japanese soldiers all over the city are shouting.

If the modern Chinese see this scene, they will definitely shudder—not that this scene is terrible, but that under the influence of the bullshit anti-Japanese drama, the brutality of these Japanese people has long been forgotten by the world.

All the Japanese soldiers who saw this scene were shocked by this scene, including Inaba Shiro's Chief of Staff, who said: "Look, Your Excellency, Division Chief, our troops will definitely enjoy the benefits immediately. Cheers of victory. When we hit Wuhan, we will be the creators of the glory of the empire.”

"Chief of Staff, it's too early to say this. I'm afraid our fierce battle is still on the way from Huangmei to Guangji. The Chinese Army will definitely not let this place go. Because this is their focus." Inaba Shiro said in a low voice.

"The road from Huangmei to Guangji?" The chief of staff couldn't believe it, "Our Sixth Division even took down Huangmei, which was heavily guarded by them. With these field roads, can they stop our progress? "

"Chief of Staff, you underestimated them." Inaba Shiro shook his head, "The Battle of Huangmei was a street fight, and we could win it, but we may not be able to win a field battle. Because of our artillery fire, it is difficult to lock in one place. "

"What the division commander said is absolutely true!" The chief of staff responded, like a pug with smooth hair.


What happened later, just as Shiro Inaba had speculated, the headquarters of the Sixth Division was met with a desperate counterattack by the national army on the way from Huangmei to Guangji.

The troops in charge of guarding this line of defense are none other than Liu Ruming's No. 60 Eighth Army.

As early as during the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War, the No.60 Eighth Army was famous all over the world for killing the enemy with big swords, let alone this army was good at defending.

To Shiro Inaba's place, what he never expected was that their army wandered on this road for eight days and nights without making an inch of progress.

The Japanese army used planes, heavy artillery and other heavy weapons to bombard them in turn, and almost didn't overturn the place. However, it was useless, because the national army was trying to hold their position no matter what, even at the cost of sacrifice. life.

Countless national troops on the top of the mountain are launching a counterattack, while the Japanese army at the foot of the mountain is desperately attacking upwards.

"Sir, it's not good, the front is almost over!" A soldier ran to Liu Ruming and reported.

"No! The front must be defended!" Liu Ruming said ruthlessly.

"But I can't hold it anymore. Sir, the brothers in front are almost dead!" said the soldier, "The enemy's firepower is too fierce, we can't stand it anymore!"

Liu Ruming looked at the crude weapons in the hands of his troops, and said, "Come on! Organize a sword team for me right away! I'm going to kill these Japanese bastards!"

"Yes! Sir!" Everyone responded, their morale was very high!
Soon, a team with a high fighting spirit was formed.

I saw this team, all armed with big knives, and their steel helmets were shining brightly in the sun.

"Brothers! It's been a long time since our Broadsword Squad has seen blood! This time, we are no longer in a civil war, but are fighting against the outside world to kill these bastards." Liu Ruming shouted.

"Brothers! We... kill!!" Liu Ruming raised the sword in his hand, "Brothers, I, Liu Ruming, will not be able to follow you to kill the enemy today because I have to command a large army to fight. I wish you, return with glory!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Ruming raised the wine bowl in his hand and drank it all in one gulp, then ruthlessly fell to the ground, and the wine bowl was instantly torn apart.

And the members of these death squads followed suit, smashing the wine bowl in their hands into pieces, and their momentum was like a rainbow for a while.

"Commander, if we don't come back alive, we will be your soldiers in the next life! We will follow you to kill the little devils!!" shouted the captain of the death squad.

After finishing speaking, the captain of the death squad with big swords turned around and said to the brothers behind him: "Brothers, let's fight the little devils! Let's...see you in the next life!!"

After saying this, the death-death captain took the lead in charging, and the officers and soldiers behind him followed closely behind without any fear.

In the dust billowing all over the sky, hundreds of big swords armed with big knives came out. They had ferocious faces and murderous looks all over their bodies, waiting for the moment when the Japanese invaders appeared, and then struck desperately.

Soon, the Broadsword Squadron of the National Army came into close contact with the Japanese troops.

It's not that the Japanese army didn't want to hit the opposing national army with bullets, but that the distance was too close!

Although the 47 caliber of the Japanese army is small, but after passing through the human body, the lethality of the bullet bag suddenly increases, which is equivalent to the lethality of the ak[-].

It is precisely because of this that the Japanese army must return the bullets, and then go into battle to fight the national army to the death.

It's a pity that the Japanese army's wishful thinking was wrong-they were facing the Northwest Army, which is the most powerful in melee combat in the Chinese army!

As Liu Ruming, one of the "Thirteen Taibao" next to Feng Yuxiang of the Northwest Army, it is naturally impossible to lose the tradition of the "Big Sword Squad" of the Northwest Army.

"Kill!!!" A strong man of the Northwest Army held a big knife and slashed down like a bow.


A Japanese soldier who was busy fighting bayonets with other officers and soldiers of the Northwest Army was cut in half at the waist, blood sprayed like a blowout, and there was a fog of blood all around, as if he wanted to dye the land red.

"You little devil! I hate your grandma!!" Countless shouts and killings followed one after another, accompanied by the strange cries of countless Japanese soldiers.

This narrow hillside is crowded like a crowd, and there is a scuffle all around.

In the distance, the Japanese commander, who was watching this scene with a telescope, couldn't help but took off his hat, threw it on the ground fiercely, and cursed: "Baga! Damn Chinese people, dare to fight with us and be invincible!" The imperial army went to fight with bayonets! Are they crazy?"

That's right, the action of throwing the hat is exactly the same as that of Zhang Damiao in "Bright Sword".


The rage of the Japanese commander can almost be called impotent rage...

Why?Because his anger is useless-he can neither order the troops to fire on the hillside, nor increase the troops to fight hand-to-hand, because these two results will only make the frontline troops suffer, and they will suffer greatly!

"Kono-kun, what should we do?" the commander asked the officer next to him who was only one rank lower than himself.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Captain, I believe that we should not increase our troops to fight fiercely with the enemy at this time, because our advantage lies in how to use the strengths of aircraft and cannons to defeat the enemy, rather than fighting the enemy hand-to-hand." The lieutenant officer said.

Without waiting for the captain to speak, the lieutenant continued: "I believe that if our troops fight the enemy hand-to-hand, it can certainly show the spirit of Bushido and the bravery of our Great Japanese Empire, but from the perspective of the battlefield, it is difficult for us to fight. It is very disadvantageous."

"It seems that we can only wait for a while!" The Japanese army captain's eyes flashed a murderous look.

The Japanese army has been fighting hard here and hesitated to move forward - the Northwest Army is good at defending. Although the Japanese army has strong ships and guns, this is no longer a civil war. The Chinese soldiers' determination to resist will not easily collapse.

Why can't it collapse easily?That's because when the Chinese beat the Chinese, it's their own people who beat them, and everyone is unwilling to fight, and it hurts the vitality of their own country.

But fighting against Japan is different - this is a faith-based and organized war, and this is a war about the survival of the nation and the survival and dignity of future generations!

Therefore, in this battle, the Northwest Army will be nailed to the position even if they try their best!

On the mountain, the smoke of the wolf rose and fell, and the sound of shouting and killing shook the sky.

However, this is a time limit after all, and after about half an hour, everything returned to calm.

After all, it ended with the defeat of the Japanese army. There was no one standing on the mountain, and the people who were still alive sat on the ground because of exhaustion, panting heavily, as if celebrating the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.


The people on the mountain were celebrating their survival, but the people down the mountain were blushing with anger.

"Baga! Damn the Chinese army! It's so tenacious! This is our third attack! How should I explain to Imamura brigade commander such a loss of troops!!" The regimental captain cursed viciously, his face full of unwillingness.

Indeed, this time the Imamura brigade was placed with high hopes by Inaba Shiro. Under the leadership of Major General Imamura Katsuji, their infantry No.11 brigade has always had a reputation for being good at attacking.

Because Major General Katsuji Imamura had the prestige of "Generals Good at Attacking", and the Sixth Division was originally a division of tigers and wolves, so they were given the title of "Brigades Good at Attacking".

However, the Imamura brigade, which Shiro Inaba placed high hopes on, did not play its due role, but hesitated to move forward, and was blocked by the Chinese army on the road from Huangmei to Guangji.

"Baga!!" Major General Katsuji Imamura cursed fiercely, he would never have thought that he would stumble here.

Along with the scolding, there was the sound of a teacup being "slapped" and smashed to pieces. Maybe all the teacups were relatively smooth, so smooth that almost every big man would drop it when he was angry.

Cough cough cough, it may be because other low-ranking Japanese army officers can't afford to throw it - after all, a good teacup also costs some money, you can snatch it, but you may not be able to own it.

After all...good things belong to the leader...

"Your Excellency, brigade commander, please calm down. Our troops are slowly entering the state. Although our troops have lost some people, it doesn't matter, we still have secret weapons!" Another Japanese officer next to him Said.

"Secret weapon?!" Imamura Katsuji frowned, he naturally knew what the "secret weapon" the officer next to him was talking about.

"Yoxi, it's the secret weapon. Once we use the secret weapon, wouldn't it be easy for us to level a mountain?" said the Japanese officer next to him.

"Poison gas is used at this time. Isn't this damaging the honor of our imperial soldiers?" Imamura Katsuji frowned slightly and reprimanded lightly.

"Your Excellency, brigade commander, at this time, don't worry about this thing. What we have to do is to win the battlefield, that's all!" The officer who spoke was still the same officer, and it seemed that he was the Imamura brigade Chief of Staff.

"The chief of staff's words are justified, and I also think this strategy is feasible. Let's do it! Use a secret weapon!" Katsuji Imamura said in a deep voice.


PS: This update was originally meant to be updated at two points, but it was delayed until the day after tomorrow.

It was because I fell ill and had a fever of 38 degrees Celsius. I slept at home for a long time, and I didn't want to move, and I couldn't move.


Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!




(End of this chapter)

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