Chapter 922

The defenders on the mountain who had lost their ability to resist were all killed by the Japanese army, and none of them gave in.


"Commander, are we still fighting this battle?" A staff officer next to him asked with trembling hands.


A loud slap sounded, and a bright red slap appeared on the face of the staff officer.

"Let me tell you, this is the first warning. If anyone dares to say such words again, I will immediately shoot him on the spot! No matter what!" Liu Ruming said viciously.


The ensuing battle was still fierce. In such fierce battles, the Japanese army fought hard to reach Guangji.

In this case, the Japanese army launched the Battle of Guangji.

After the battle of Guangji, the sixth division, the first elite of the Japanese army, suffered heavy casualties.

Under such circumstances, Inaba Shiro, head of the Japanese Sixth Division, had to send a telegram to explain the situation to Commander Hata Shunroku of the Central China Dispatch Army.


The camera turns to Nanjing.

At this time, the former capital of the Republic of China has become the headquarters of the Japanese Central China Expeditionary Army, and the six generals of Hata Jun commanded the troops to fight here.

At this time, the strength of the Central China Dispatch Army can be said to be strong. There are ten divisions with a total strength of more than 30 troops.

"The No. 11 Army is progressing slowly, and the Sixth Division is also progressing slowly..." Hata Junroku murmured, rubbing his aching temples, "No, this is definitely not the way to go, we have to find a way to open up a new front."

Thinking about it, Hata Shunroku put down the telegram in his hand and said, "Come on! Come in right away!!"

Soon, the sliding door of the back door of the screen was opened, and a young lieutenant walked in, and then said to Hata Shunroku, "Commander, please give instructions!"

"By the way, the troops in Henan are ready, right?" Hata Junliu asked.

"That's right, they've already arrived in Hefei. According to the report of His Royal Highness King Minoruhiko of Higashikuni Palace, the troops of five divisions have already assembled." The young lieutenant officer said.

"Since this is the case, let His Royal Highness King Minoruhiko of Higashikuni Palace lead the troops of four and a half divisions to open the gap from the Dabie Mountains! The remaining half of the divisions should stay behind and stabilize! Try to take down Wuhan as quickly as possible. ! There is not much time left before the promise made in front of the Emperor." Hata Toshiroku said seriously.

"Hay!!" The young lieutenant officer responded.

Not long after, the order was sent directly to Hefei through the radio station in Nanjing.

At this time, Hefei has become a large barracks, with cars coming in and out, and even the city head is full of rising sun flags.

"The second unit, enter the city!!"

The Japanese commander on the top of the city shouted, directing the troops below the city to come in and out.

There are five divisions assembled here. According to the establishment of the Japanese army, a full division has 8000 people, and five divisions has a total of 14 troops.

This is just the troops of the Japanese army, what about the other puppet troops?What about the logistics team?This is not a small amount.

It can be said that Hefei is a veritable barracks.

The headquarters of this large barracks in Hefei is in the center of the city, and the temporary commander is King Renyan of Dongjiuer Palace.

Why do you say it is a temporary commander?Because the official letter of appointment has not yet been issued.

"Your Highness, Commander of the Central China Dispatch Army, Commander Hatatoshi Sixth General will call, saying that His Highness will be appointed as the commander of the North Route Army, commanding four divisions and one brigade under his command to open a passage from the Dabie Mountains. Assist Wuhan!" A major general The officer came in and reported.

"Yoxi, this is good news. Immediately notify the heads of divisions to come to the meeting and announce the appointment certificate." King Dongkuer Gong Minhiko said in a deep voice, with a radiant look on his face .

Obviously, this is a happy occasion for people to be in good spirits.

"Hay! Congratulations, Your Highness!" The major general replied in a deep voice. Obviously, he is the confidant of King Renyan of Dongkuer Palace.

It didn't take long for the division heads of these five divisions to arrive at the headquarters office of King Renhiko of Higashikuni Palace.

When the chief of staff of the headquarters read out the appointment order of King Renhiko of Higashikuni Palace, the entire headquarters applauded, and they all applauded to congratulate King Renhiko of Higashikuni Palace for his promotion.

King Renyan of Dongjiuer Gong is an old man, and he belongs to the royal family. People are not surprised by his promotion.

On the contrary, it was expected.

"Everyone, whether it is the No. 11 Army of the South Route Army fighting on the south bank, or the Sixth Division of the Central Route Army, they are already caught in a bitter battle and cannot make an inch of progress. Now, it depends on our North Route Army. "This is the first sentence of King Minoruhiko of Dongkur Palace since he took office.

All the division heads present were quietly listening to the speech of the new boss Higashikurimiya Toshihiko, and needles could be heard on the spot.

"Now our North Route Army can be said to be the essence of the entire Central China Dispatch Army, and it is also the strongest force. No matter how strong the South Route Army is, it still has four divisions, and it is basically a reserve division. And we, The permanent divisions are the main ones. More importantly, we have five divisions in our hands. In addition to the left-behind brigade, we can dispatch four and a half divisions. Our army will win this battle!" Dong Jiu Rengong Renyan Wang said in a deep voice, his tone was full of impassionedness.

"Hay!" The division heads present all bowed their heads in response.

The successor of Kenji Doihara was also included in these division heads, Lieutenant General Masataka Iseki, the new head of the No.14 Division.

It can be said that the main force of the North Route Army is basically the main force that has fought the Battle of Xuzhou and the Battle of Lanfeng, including the Fifth Division, the Tenth Division, and the No.14 Division.

If it weren't for these permanent divisions as the main force, how could King Tokyuimiya Renhiko be so confident?
It should be known that these divisions were in the Chinese battlefield in the early stage, and they were all the absolute main force. Except that it was Rensuke Isotani who caused the Tenth Division to lose a strengthened brigade in Taierzhuang, which caused a serious injury. The other divisions were more or less unharmed.

By the way, the loss of the Fifth Division was not small, and a brigade was severely damaged in Tangtou.

It was only due to Seishiro Itagaki's good influence in the country that he took the lead in supplementing it-so, in theory, after a period of training and rest, the Fifth Division has almost recovered.

"Next, I'll announce the battle plan." King Tokyuimiya Toshihiko took out a draft paper that had already been prepared.


The battle plan prepared by King Minoruhiko of Higashikuni Palace is actually not long, but a complete military route from Hefei to attack Wuhan.

As for when to capture a point here, King Tokyuimiya Minoruhiko did not specifically mark it, because war has too many uncontrollable elements, when it is won, it will be based on when, that's all.

It is precisely because of this that King Renyan of Dongjiuer Palace has only one instruction-to take Wuhan in the shortest time!


PS: Another update is here!

These chapters may be a bit boring, but they are indispensable, because this is the general trend of the battlefield.

If these chapters are missing, the following chapters will be very difficult to read.

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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