War of Resistance

Chapter 923 Chief Chen's warning?

Chapter 923 Chief Chen's warning?

In mid-August 10,000, nearly [-]+ Japanese troops set out from Hefei under the command of King Higashikurimiya Renhiko, commander of the North Route Army of Central China Japanese Army.


At this time, the battle in Mount Lu had reached a fever pitch.

A division under the Second Corps, together with the guerrillas in the Lushan Mountains, was launching guerrilla warfare with the Japanese army in the Lushan Mountains.

This guerrilla war in the Lushan Mountains has obviously had a certain impact on the First Guard Regiment in the north of Lushan.

No, in addition to the intense drills, the First Police Regiment also mobilized a considerable part of its troops as a mobile force in order to deal with the danger of the Japanese army's northward advance at any time.

"Tuan Zuo, is the defensive force we deployed in the south a little short? There are only two battalions of troops. Once the Japanese army invades, they will use more than this number of troops. At least it is a regiment of troops, right?" Chief of Staff Li Chunfei was persuading Zhang Tianhai, hoping that the latter would accept his opinion.

After Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, he said, "Ruian, I know you have just been promoted from the front-line army, so I am afraid that our front-line army will suffer. I am the same as you in this regard. But now you are already a Chief of staff of the regiment, your eyes must rise from one battalion to the whole regiment."

Without waiting for Li Chunfei to speak, Zhang Tianhai went on to say: "Indeed, many Japanese troops entered Mount Lushan, but aren't the troops of the No. 20 Fifth Army and the Second Corps still in Mount Lushan? And our independent brigade, as it is currently Judging from the current situation, the development is not bad, let’s see when it can be used. It is enough for us to put two battalions in the south.”

"Enough? How do you know it? Please tell the group." Li Chunfei said.

"First of all, you have also checked the location of our two battalions. It is indeed a condescending situation. It is not so easy for the Japanese army to take these two places." Zhang Tianhai walked to the huge map of Mount Lu , looked carefully, "Besides, although our independent brigade is adapted from bandit armed forces, our most elite special agent company is also temporarily stationed there, not only for training troops, but also as a big stick for the final command. Now independent Has the brigade reported the latest situation?"

"Reporting to the regiment, according to the reports of Adjutant Xu and Company Commander Liu, our regiment's independent brigade has grown to a size of nearly 500 people, and they are basically reorganized from bandit armed forces." These data are the duties of their staff department , so Li Chunfei is naturally a treasure.

"Okay, this development momentum is very good. There are more than 500 people armed, and the secret service company has trained some of them for nearly half a month. You can still use it as it is." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai grinned, and his teeth were not blackened by smoking.

Oh, it's worth mentioning that perhaps because of the relatively low pressure recently, Zhang Tianhai even smoked a lot less.

In half a month, too many things can happen.

Among these things, including the growing strength of the Independent Brigade of the Police Regiment and the official establishment of the Sixth Battalion of the Police Regiment, many things are proceeding in an orderly manner.

By the way, it should be mentioned that the Second Guard Regiment in Wuhan is also gradually getting on the right track.

The strength of the army can make more people feel safe, not only for those who are on the front line like Zhou Fangjie and Zhang Tianhai, but also for high-ranking officials like Chen Cheng, the commander of the theater.

Only when more and more troops become stronger, the strength of the theater will become stronger, and they will be more confident in the face of the Japanese invasion of Wuhan.

"Junzuo, the situation on the front line is so stalemate. According to the latest news from the military command, the Japanese army has dispatched a group of troops from Hefei, and the strength may be around 10." A major general followed Chen Cheng to report, Surrounded by Qionglouyuyu and rockery, you can tell that only the rich and powerful can live in it.

"One hundred thousand troops...there must be at least four divisions. It seems that this little Japan is really impatient..." Chen Cheng sighed, "By the way, do you have any latest instructions from the committee?"

"Reporting to Junzao, there is no latest instruction from the Commissioner's side. He is still concerned about the southern battlefield, and he is not worried about the central battlefield. , There is no follow-up power." The major general analyzed.

Chen Cheng nodded lightly, and said: "That would be the best result. Now a division of the Japanese army has rushed into Lushan Mountain, trying to open a breakthrough from Lushan Mountain. It seems...Wang Jingjiu and Zhang Fakui still have a heavy responsibility. But the road is far away..."

"One division of Zhang Fakui's department, together with the remaining troops of the No.20 Fifth Army, should be able to survive for a while." The major general said, "It's just that I have received some news here. I don't know if I should tell Junzuo."

"Please, but it doesn't matter." Chen Cheng frowned lightly, still with that calm and airy look.

"It's like this. After receiving the latest information from the front line, Zhang Tianhai, the head of the First Guard Regiment in the theater, had incorporated a bandit unit in the mountains of Lushan during his stay in the north of Lushan Mountain. The designation was the Independent Brigade of the First Guard Regiment. The so-called independent brigade basically absorbs the bandits in Lushan Mountain, and the scale is not small." Major General Hui reported that he was obviously an intelligence officer in the staff of the Ninth Theater.

"After Zhang Yulin incorporated this bandit army, did anything change?" Chen Cheng said the most important question in one word.

"That's not true. After Zhang Tianhai incorporated this bandit force, he sent the most elite spy company in their regiment here and began to train this force. It can be said that the spy company of the first police regiment has basically realized Control this bandit armed force." The major general said eloquently, trying to use the shortest language to express the most precise meaning.

"Oh? From this point of view, I underestimated this Zhang Yulin. Yes, it's quite interesting. How many people has this bandit army grown to? And how far has the first guard regiment grown? "Chen Cheng asked, he usually seldom memorizes such small numbers.

"Junzuo, according to the latest data, this bandit army has grown to a size of about 500 people. As for the first regiment of the guards, their sixth battalion has already been replenished. There are more than 700 people." The major general's tone was very calm, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"Interesting, a reinforced regiment has grown to more than 200 troops in the headquarters, and more than 500 people in the sidelines, but it's almost a division." Chen Cheng laughed, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"What do you mean, sir, we should warn this Zhang Tianhai and make him pay attention?" the major general asked.

I saw Chen Cheng waved his hand and said, "No need, it's a good thing for us to have such talents. As the saying goes, Han Xin counts troops, the more the better. I hope that there will be more such flexible people on the front line. Revitalize the frontline battlefield for me!"


PS: Updates are coming!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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