War of Resistance

Chapter 924 Guerrilla Operations?

Chapter 924 Guerrilla Operations?

"Yes, Junzuo." The major general responded.

Indeed, for Chen Cheng, the front line was already tense, and many division-level officers of the national army were successful generals, not enterprising ones.

In fact, speaking with conscience, it is not to blame that the officers in front are afraid to do it, but because they are already very good at maintaining their own survival.Furthermore, they are not officers from Whampoa. If they are a little upset, they may be doomed, so they dare not do it...

There are Japanese who want to fight for the survival of the nation in front, and a group of people who are afraid of them treason are staring at the rear. It is strange that they dare to act recklessly.

But Zhang Tianhai was different - Zhang Tianhai was born in the Whampoa Military Academy, he was a serious student of the Son of Heaven, and he fought and won many tough battles on the front line. Such a person would be treasonous.

Therefore, there are some things that not everyone can copy - some things, some people do it, it's okay; but some people do it, but it's a dead end.


Naturally, Zhang Tianhai had no way of knowing the conversations of senior officials in Wuhan. He was like an old farmer waiting for the fruits to ripen in autumn, waiting for the fruits to ripen by the fields.

"Ruian, you order people to ask Liu Houming and Xu Xun about the training results of the independent brigade in the name of the regiment." Zhang Tianhai finally made a decision. It's useless.

"Tuan Zuo, you have already made up your mind, are you going to let the Independent Brigade join the battle?" Li Chunfei asked tentatively.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you don't let them participate in the war, I will give them so many guns and recruit them, and I will also send the most elite special agent company of our regiment to train them. Think we are helping the poor?" Zhang Tianhai frowned. Pick, said righteously.

After hearing these words, Li Chunfei understood: In the minds of the group, although the Independent Brigade was crowned with the name of the National Army, it was still a bandit reorganized army. It should be concluded after seeing blood. Whether a "troop" of China can really become an army that Krupp kills the enemy.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo! The humble job will be executed immediately!" Li Chunfei responded.

Just when Li Chunfei was about to go out, Zhang Tianhai stopped him: "By the way, Liu Houming is fully responsible for commanding the battle, and Xu Xun assists in commanding. Be sure to obey Liu Houming's military orders!"

"Yes! Group seat!" Li Chunfei replied again.


Ever since, the commander in this Lushan guerrilla war was decided like this.

At least Zhang Tianhai's order is absolutely effective in the area of ​​the First Guard Regiment in the war zone.


As soon as the camera turns, it turns back to Jinshanzhai, where the Independent Brigade of the Police Regiment is stationed.

"Company Commander, Adjutant Xu, urgent telegram!" The correspondent ran to Liu Houming and Xu Xun with a telegram to report.

"Tuan Zuo urgent call?!" The two stood up almost in unison, because they knew that Tuan Zuo never did such nonsense things, and when the telegram came this time, it probably had a mission.

After paying a military salute, the correspondent said: "Yes, two officers. According to the order of the regiment, Liu Houming, Company Commander Liu, will be the commander of this guerrilla operation, and Adjutant Xu will assist in the command. The general principle is just one sentence." In other words, when the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we fight, and when the enemy retreats, we pursue. The original words of the regiment were to find ways to drag the Japanese army to Mount Lushan!"

"Brother Xu, this time, you have to help me. You are a smart boy, but you are much more agile than an old brother like me. You have to help me with many things." Liu Houming took a picture He patted Xu Xun on the shoulder and said, there was not much hypocrisy in the words, they were all real words.

"Brother Liu, don't laugh at me. Don't say this is the order of the group seat, just say that we are Chinese soldiers, and I have to listen to what you say. Besides, if I don't obey your orders Order, the group will not kill me when you turn around?" Xu Xun laughed and said, looking very carefree.

Xu Xun is different from Wang Liang, who is honest and somewhat cunning, and his reaction is really very astute.

"Okay, since Brother Xu said that, I can rest assured." Liu Houming smiled and said, "The enemy we are facing this time is very powerful, and a whole division of Japanese troops is running around here. Fortunately, Brothers from the No.20 Fifth Army and the Second Corps will carry it, otherwise we will be in big trouble."

"Brother Liu, in fact, even with them, our troubles would be just as big." Xu Xun said with a wry smile, "With our little people, the real fighting power is only the two hundred or so members of the secret service company. How? Going to carry other people's tens of thousands of troops? Even if they send a brigade of troops to kill us, we will be in trouble."

"No, you have underestimated this group of them. The brothers in the Independent Brigade are indeed not from the regular army, and have not even received formal training. But it is not that simple for them to survive here. Try Right! What if there is a miracle?" Liu Houming patted Xu Xun on the shoulder.

Xu Xun smiled wryly, but did not make a sound, because he always felt that it was unreliable to place his hopes on these bandits.

"Look! There will be a miracle." Liu Houming smiled, and what was in his heart was always hidden in the deepest part of his heart and he did not say it out.

Indeed, Liu Houming's views are similar to Xu Xun's. How can I say that this group of bandits is also a group of unorganized and undisciplined people. How can such troops be trained in two weeks?

It takes at least three months!And this is just the appearance of training and dispatching troops in front of him, and it can't really go to the battlefield immediately.

But why did Liu Houming know this and go to provoke the Japanese army?

The reason lies in Liu Houming's trust in their special agent company itself. You must know that this special agent company was brought up by Liu Houming, and he knows better than anyone else how his troops are doing.

The matter of provoking the Japanese army was originally part of the group's established plan. Besides, even if they couldn't beat them, with the strength of the secret service company, it would be no problem to run away, right?
More importantly, running at this time does not violate military discipline, because the regiment commander has already spoken beforehand—the enemy advances and retreats;

In consideration of this aspect, Xu Xun is always inferior to Liu Houming, a seemingly honest old fox, there is no way, he is young.

Being young is a good thing, but it also means lack of experience, or lack of experience. Once you lack experience, you will naturally be less thoughtful in thinking about problems.

In fact, Xu Xun can't be blamed. Before he became an adjutant, he was just a small combat staff officer. He was just doing some combat planning. How could he stand alone all of a sudden?

No one is a fairy, the kind who can do everything a little bit.

"Yes, Brother Liu, I understand." Xu Xun nodded.

So, just like that, under the leadership of the Secret Service Company of the First Guard Regiment, the first battle of the Independent Brigade since its establishment began.


PS: Updates are coming!In a few days, the update will be normal.

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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