Chapter 926

After hearing these words, Xu Xun seemed to understand Liu Houming's intentions - this is clearly killing two birds with one stone, which can not only preserve his own strength, but also achieve the greatest results.

But is this really the case?Not so often.

Liu Houming's consideration was not so dark, on the contrary, it was quite simple - why did Xu Feilong and the others fire the first shot, because Xu Feilong and the others lived in the mountains of Lushan Mountain, and they were undoubtedly very familiar with Lushan Mountain. They came to fire the first shot, which made them more active and less passive.

No matter how bad it is, they can run away.It is undoubtedly the best strategy to let the Japanese army chase them. At that time, they can follow these Japanese troops and adopt a joint linkage policy to wipe out part of the Japanese army in mobile warfare.

No matter from which point of view, as long as these Japanese troops are moved, it is the national army that has an absolute advantage.

The right time and place are indispensable.


So, just like that, a battle among the mountains of Lushan started.


Two days later.

Xu Feilong, who was in a mess, climbed to the top of a mountain, and there were only 300 of the [-] soldiers behind him.

"Damn it, these little devils can really run away... They have kicked me out for two days!" Xu Feilong said angrily.

"Master, do you think this is Liu Houming's strategy to drive away tigers and wolves? We fought so embarrassingly here, they seem to have won many battles, and as far as I know, they don't seem to have killed anyone Nah..." said a young man.

"Don't be so damn provocative, I'll kill you any more!" Xu Feilong scolded, "What the hell is comparing us with Commander Liu's troops? Can we beat them? Look at them , the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, the guys in your hands are so good, and the execution of the troops is so good, how can we compare with others?"

Xu Feilong has seen Liu Houming's ability to train troops - besides, it seems not surprising that someone with such ability can train such an army.

His army won the battle, and his own army was chased like mad dogs. If he was jealous of such a thing, then Xu Feilong would not be worthy of living here long ago, and should be wiped out.

"It's... the head of the family..." Xiao Xiaoluo responded with a grievance on his face.

"Okay, let's see how to fight. Anyway, we have wiped out several teams of little devils. Damn, don't say it, Chief Liu's method of ambushing the enemy is really fucking useful and difficult!" Said Thinking of this, Xu Feilong finally had a smile on his face.

In any case, his team of bandits seems to be getting stronger and stronger, and they are already at the forefront of fighting against the Japanese invaders.

"Big boss, don't even mention it, it's much more comfortable to be a little devil like this than when we can only beat our own people in the mountains. If we die when we beat a little devil, then he's a hero, right?" Another little guy said. Said.

"A hero is a hero. Damn it, why do you call me the head of the family one by one? Now we are the army and the anti-Japanese hero army. You want me to be the captain and change the title." Xu Feilong stared. , raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, captain." The people next to him grinned. They also understood the captain. This thief has been a thief for a long time, and he is always hunted down by the officers and soldiers, and his reputation is not very good.

To be honest, if possible, who doesn't like to live in the sun, and then have a beautiful body and neck.

"Hahahaha... It's easy to clean up, let's continue working with the little devils! Let's get ready! Let's eliminate more little devils, and then harvest more guns and ammunition. Work hard and strengthen the team!" Xu Feilong suddenly had a proud face. After all, he is also a hero in this Lushan Mountain!

Xu Feilong's side is gradually getting on the right track, but what about Liu Houming's side?What happened?
As soon as the camera turned, it turned directly to Liu Houming's side.

In the same endless mountains, the officers and soldiers of the [-]st Special Agent Company of the Ninth Theater Guard Regiment were also very tired, but they were in much better condition than Xu Feilong.

At least the officers and soldiers of the secret service company have almost no downsizing, and the number of little devils annihilated is almost twice that of Xu Feilong's independent brigade——

Of course, this can't be blamed for the poor combat effectiveness of Xu Feilong's troops, it can only be said that the combat effectiveness of Liu Houming's company is too fierce.

Let’s not talk about the strong firepower. The key is that these guys can shoot accurately, not to mention one shot, at least four or five shots. It is simply the principle of firepower first.

Of course, things like playing fire coverage also have a fatal shortcoming: that is, gun bullets are consumed quickly.

No, this spy company has already lived a "two-gun life".

What is double gun?That is a German-made 1924 rifle, and a small Japanese [-] big cover.

"Adjutant Xu, how are you doing? How do you feel? Are you tired?" Liu Houming looked at Xu Xun with a smile.

Xu Xun, who seemed to be exhausted to the point of exhaustion, nodded and said, "I'm sure I'm tired, I'm almost out of breath, and I really admire you, you don't even blink, it's no wonder that the delegation regards you as It is the most capable unit in the regiment."

"Then how do you feel now?" Liu Houming looked at Xu Xun with a smile on his face. It was obvious that he was asking for a compliment.

"Now I'm really convinced by you, tell me! You have such a training method every day, so you're not afraid of training people?" Xu Xun said, as an adjutant who was born as a combat staff officer, he is not as good as Liu Houming This must also be an established fact.

"Just like what the group said, if we didn't train desperately, we would have to pay the price in blood like Xu Feilong and the others. From the beginning of the war to the present, our spy company has three minor injuries and one serious injury. More bullying than less, and taking advantage of firepower and geographical advantage, this shows that our training is still very effective, but we have wiped out more than 100 Japanese troops, and reached half a company in no time." Liu Houming laughed.

"It seems that we have to continue to deal with these little devils. No matter what, we have to drag the little devils here. If we let them go to Jijia Village, then our regiment headquarters will be in danger." Xu Xun said seriously.

"No, even if our army is gone, our regiment headquarters must be safe. The regiment commander won't make such a low-level mistake." Liu Houming shook his head, obviously full of confidence in Zhang Tianhai.

Nonsense, I have been with Zhang Tianhai for so long, how can I not know what kind of person Zhang Tianhai is?

"Really that confident?" Xu Xun asked nonsense.

"Yes. That's how confident I am!" Liu Houming replied.


PS: The update is here. Recently, the unit is waiting for the inspection and has been working overtime. I can't take care of the update at all.Feel sorry.

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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