War of Resistance

Chapter 927 Rich Jinshan?

Chapter 927 Rich Jinshan?
Facts have proved that Liu Houming's trust in Zhang Tianhai is absolutely well-founded. At least during this period of time, the Japanese troops were firmly attracted to Lushan Mountain, and had no intention of fleeing northward to commit crimes.

At least, during these ten days, there was indeed no northward movement.


It was still the familiar small mountain village, Jijia Village.

At this time, the small mountain village did not become less busy because of the departure of the secret service company, on the contrary, it became even busier.

The soldiers coming and going proved what was going on here, and it had turned into a veritable barracks anyway.

"Teacher, there is still no news about the independent brigade and the special agent company. I'm afraid there may be something wrong." Li Chunfei, who was standing aside, said.

"Don't worry, I believe in the strength of the secret service company. It won't be long before there will be news." Zhang Tianhai still looked very calm.

"I hope, after all, there are so many little devils in Mount Lu." Li Chunfei sighed.

"Fu Jinshan...the fight is about to start." Zhang Tianhai said meaningfully.

"Fu Jinshan?" Li Chunfei's pupils narrowed. He had never heard of this news. As the chief of staff of the regiment headquarters, he had a lot of information in his hands. He was sure he had never heard of this news.

"Yes, it's Fujin Mountain." Zhang Tianhai nodded, "Nowadays, both sides of the Yangtze River are in a mess, and the south bank and the north bank are the same. But they all have a common feature, that is, the Japanese army did not continue to advance, or they Weak advance. The Japanese army has set a tough policy of taking down Wuhan for three months, and now two and a half months have passed. If the Japanese army does not want to be beaten in the face, they will definitely open the gap from the direction of Fujinshan.”

"Why did you open the gap from the direction of Fujin Mountain? Please tell the Tuan Zuo clearly." Li Chunfei asked, after all, in his opinion, Tuan Zuo is a powerful person.

"Chunfei, come here and have a look on the map." Zhang Tianhai walked to the front of the map.

"Yes, group seat." Li Chunfei's attitude was still respectful.

"Look, from the Huangmei Guangji area, our army used three armies to desperately intercept the headquarters of the Japanese Sixth Division. Although they have advanced a lot, their steps will never be easy. After fighting so After a long battle, their own casualties will definitely not be small. In my opinion, the Sixth Division cannot push forward. Now on the south bank of the Yangtze River, their troops are entangled by us in the Lushan Mountains and Jiujiang. If they want to To complete the task, we can only find another way." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai lit a cigarette, and the smoke was lingering for a while.

"So, Tuan Zuo, do you think that the Japanese army's next combat direction is the direction of Fujin Mountain?" Li Chunfei asked.

"At least according to the current situation, it is true. The battle we fought in Lanfeng blew up the mouth of the Yellow River, and there was a yellow flooded area everywhere. This area is definitely not small, and now the Japanese army has also changed the direction of march. Judging from the various forms at the forefront, the Japanese army has assembled no less than [-] troops here in Hefei, and according to the international situation, they have almost dispatched troops." Zhang Tianhai said, his words were still chic and determined .

"International situation?" Li Chunfei frowned, obviously he didn't pay attention to what the international situation is like.

"Before the Japanese were in Mongolia, didn't they engage in the Zhanggufeng incident with Lao Maozi? If the commander of the Japanese army is not an idiot, then he must have reserved an army of no less than [-] in reserve. Team, go north to support the Kwantung Army at any time." Zhang Tianhai said coolly while breathing out smoke.

"According to this, you think the [-] troops in Hefei are their reserve team," Li Chunfei said sternly. After all, what Zhang Tianhai said is based on evidence, and it happened in reality. He couldn't help but not believe it, and based on Captain Zhang's usual performance, since he said so, it was almost inseparable.

"According to the chronological order, it is impossible for the Japanese army to maintain a large-scale military confrontation with Lao Maozi on a normal basis, which is extremely detrimental to both of them. Therefore, the Zhanggufeng incident should have been almost resolved ten days ago. Once the Japanese army solves the Zhanggufeng incident, they will immediately send a large army to attack Wuhan!" Zhang Tianhai said with certainty, with a very determined look, obviously Zhizhu was in his hands.

If you want to ask why Zhang Tianhai dares to be so sure, it can only be said that he has the advantage of being a traverser—according to the chronological order, the Japanese army is indeed preparing almost the same, and it is time to start appearing in Fujin Mountain.

So is this really the case?Then turn the camera around!


The camera turns to Henan.

location, mall.

In a nice-looking house in the shopping mall, groups of soldiers with live ammunition were patrolling.

At this time, the mall is already dominated by the No.70 army. Why do you say that?That's because the entire city has become a large barracks for the No.70 First Army.

The No.70 First Army is not the time when Song Xilian just took over the No.70 First Army. The No.70 First Army is already strong!

After the No.70 First Army was originally transferred from the Lanfeng battlefield, it was transferred into a No.60 First Division (Division Commander Zhong Song) into the No.70 First Army's battle sequence, and it was repaired in Jiaxian County, Henan Province. It has reached [-] troops.

This is not over. In June and July of 30, the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government transported the No.30 Sixth Division, which was resting in Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province, to Yanshi, Henan Province, and then ordered the No.70 Sixth Division to belong to No.[-] One army governs.

This was a big deal. No. 30 Sixth Division was originally Song Xilian's old army, and it was transferred in at once. No. 70 First Army has become a large army with a strength of nearly 5 horses.

At least in the vicinity of Henan Mall, the No.70 First Army Headquarters has become the local "one tyrant".

That's right, this large house in the mall has been temporarily requisitioned as the military headquarters by the No. 70 First Army Headquarters.

In the office of the commander of the No. 70 First Army, Song Xilian already looked like a Confucian general, full of gentleness - he didn't look like a decisive general, but more like a powerless general scholar.

But as long as you know him, Commander Song... oh no, everyone who is named Commander Song knows that this is a strong Chinese soldier, who dares to face the bullying of foreign enemies without bending down. The king stood in front of him, the kind of person who wanted to pluck a few hairs off others!

At this time, Song Xilian, Army Commander Song, was sitting upright behind the table and correcting official documents. The No. 70 First Army could not move forward without his hands.

Just as Song Xilian wrote "Agree" and signed his name very coolly, a staff officer ran in outside and reported: "Military seat, urgent report ahead!"

"Oh? Urgent report ahead?" Hearing this, Song Xilian raised his head.


PS: The update is here, I've been really busy during this period, try to keep double updates these days!
It's the end of the year, all kinds of inspections, it's too busy.Sorry.

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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