Chapter 928
"Yes, the military seat. According to the urgent battle report from the front, about one division of the Japanese army is marching west from Lu'an." The combat staff reported truthfully.

"A division... from the direction of Lu'an..." After speaking, Song Xilian stood up from the chair, and then walked to the map with strides.

After careful scrutiny, Song Xilian asked, "Then, have you reported this news to Commander-in-Chief Sun?"

"Report to the military seat, and have not yet reported to Commander-in-Chief Sun of the Group Army!" said the combat staff officer.

Yes, the No. 70 First Army is now under the command of Sun Lianzhong's Second Army. Anyway, the area in the east of Henan is basically dominated by troops commanded by Sun Lianzhong's Army.

"Immediately report the situation to the group army headquarters! In addition, order the troops to be ready for deployment at any time, and tell these division commanders to move quickly!" This was the decision Song Xilian made immediately.

Indeed, this is the most correct decision.

Soon, Sun Lianzhong received the latest report from the front.

Sun Lianzhong is by no means an idiot. After receiving the news, he immediately made a decision: "Order the No. 70 first army headquarters to immediately go to Yejiaji and Shihe area to deploy defenses! Let Tian Zhennan's No. The .30 Army takes over the mall!"

"Yes! Sir!" The staff officer who came to report responded.


So, just like that, the No. 70 First Army was ordered to go to the Shihe area and the Yejiaji area to deploy defenses.

Everything is so natural, everything is so peaceful and smooth.


Ever since the No.70 First Army Headquarters was stationed in Yejiaji, it has been a barracks here.

After arriving here, army commander Song Xilian immediately led his four division commanders to the front line to inspect the defensive positions.

But when Song Xilian led the teachers to continue to observe, they discovered something - Fujin Mountain is like a fan, very close to Yejiaji, and on the south wing of the road, it is condescending and an excellent defense important place.

After seeing this place, Song Xilian was very moved, and wanted to deploy the main force of the army here to resist the advance of the Japanese army.

But Song Xilian was not the kind of reckless and impulsive person. He looked at Chen Ruihe, who took his place as the commander of the No.30 Sixth Division, and said, "Mr. Chen, do you think this is suitable as the main position to resist the advance of the Japanese army?"

Chen Ruihe nodded, and said: "The military seat already has the answer in his heart, there is no need to test Rongguang (Chen Ruihe's name) anymore."

"In my opinion, this place is indeed a good place, but we have to arrange troops to block it. Otherwise, no matter how good the terrain is, it's useless." Song Xilian said seriously.

"Army, I have a merciless request. My No. 30 Sixth Division is the only ace army left among the German weapon divisions, and it is also an old army brought up by the military. Why don't you let us No. 30 Let the Sixth Division guard the main position! We guarantee that we will be able to defend the position well!" Chen Ruihe assured that the military seat is absolutely clear about the combat effectiveness of the No.30 Sixth Division.

"Okay, that's it! I want to see what will happen after I hand this No.30 Sixth Division into your hands. But no matter what, you must hold the main position, otherwise, we will Someone Song's military law is also very strict." Song Xilian took his time and beat Chen Ruihe, confirming the defense request.

In fact, Song Xilian's move was very clever, because he said it in front of all the teachers, obviously beating Chen Ruihe, but actually warning all the teachers that they must complete the task, otherwise they will be dealt with by military law.

Sure enough, the four division commanders present said in unison: "Absolutely obey the orders of the military seat, and ensure that the mission is completed!"

After hearing this, Song Xilian showed a satisfied smile on his face. He said, "Well, I will issue a combat mission now. You must keep in mind what your mission is and what you want to do! You must complete the mission!"

"Yes! Military seat!"

After answering, the adjutants around the division commanders took out the small notebooks they carried with them, and prepared to start to record them in detail.

"First of all, let's talk about the combat mission of Fujin Mountain! The troops of two divisions will be stationed. The No. 30 Sixth Division is responsible for the left-wing defense line, and the No. 80 Eighth Division is responsible for the right-wing defense line. Then, the [-]th Division is the military headquarters. The general reserve team." Song Xilian was originally a veteran of the army and a leader in the first stage of Whampoa, so the decision he made was naturally very reasonable and fast.

"What about our division? Military seat?" Zhong Song, commander of No. 60 First Division, asked.

"Mr. Zhong, the mission of the No. 60 Division is different from that of other troops. Your division is responsible for driving to Gushi, occupying positions, and then trying to block the enemy's westward advance to buy time for other troops to deploy. Your division's mission is the most important. Seriously, it is also the first unit of our No.70 First Army to exchange fire with the Japanese army, and your tasks are very heavy." Song Xilian said solemnly, perhaps because he felt that he hadn't finished, he added: "If you encounter a powerful The pressure can be gradually shifted to move closer to the shopping mall.”

"Yes, the military seat. The lowly position can definitely complete the task!" Zhong Song assured, "By the way, the military seat, the lowly position still has one thing that I don't know. What do you mean by strong pressure?"

"You are clearer than me about this matter. You can handle it yourself. If you give up your position without encountering strong pressure, Long Muhan will end up." Song Xilian said lightly, warning full of meaning.

Who is Long Muhan?The people present knew this best. Most of them had participated in the Battle of Lanfeng.

Even the dignified disciples of the Son of Heaven, Long Muhan from the first phase of Whampoa couldn't keep his head, let alone them.

Of course, don't question the determination of the people above, after all, there is Xue Weiying behind, which is also a living example.

"My military command post should be set up on the top of the mountain! If there is any situation, please report at any time. Our army must fulfill its duties and do its best to defend the great Wuhan. Our country cannot perish!" When Song Xilian said this , It can be said to be resounding and very firm.

"Yes! Military seat!" Everyone responded, but it was full of momentum.

At the foot of Fujin Mountain, the preparations for war are ready!

As soon as the camera turned, it turned back to Lushan Mountain.

After a long period of fighting in mobile warfare, whether it is the officers and soldiers of the secret service company or the Xu Feilong Department of the Independent Brigade, they are basically used to the existence of mobile warfare.

It's just that the difference between the troops is infinitely magnified because of the same mobile warfare. For example, the officers and soldiers of the secret service company have less than ten people with minor injuries and serious injuries, while the independent brigade has reduced its personnel by about 200 people.

This result made Xu Feilong feel heartbroken, but good things always come with bad things.For example, the equipment of Xu Feilong's two hundred or so people has become quite good. Basically, they are fully equipped with light and heavy machine guns, cantaloupe grenades, [-] big caps, and bullets.

The guy in his hand has healed, and the combat effectiveness of the troops has also increased. Xu Feilong's mood has obviously improved a lot. Of course, it has something to do with the guerrilla warfare training given to them by the secret service company.

As for the results of the battle, it goes without saying that the secret service company basically crushed the independent brigade with a complete victory.

Why is it called crushing? Because the special agent company has a special feature in the battle. They always take out the outstanding part of the Japanese army by surprise. Basically, they use the power of a lion to fight a rabbit.

And what about Xu Feilong's independent brigade?However, due to problems such as the weak combat effectiveness of the troops and insufficient combat execution capabilities, some accidents always occurred when digging holes for the Japanese army, which led to an increase in casualties.

But fortunately, Xu Feilong's independent brigade is also growing continuously during the battle with the Japanese army, so the casualties are also decreasing. Otherwise, most of Xu Feilong's people would have to be left here.

"How about it, Captain Xu, it looks like the harvest is good. The soldiers are strong and strong, and it looks like they can go back and expand soon." Liu Houming has a smile on his face, and now he is a veritable spokesman for the regiment.

As for Adjutant Xu Xun's words, cough cough cough... It can only be said that he still needs to continue to work hard to improve, he still has too many things to experience - after all, he is young.

"Mr. Liu, you're joking. The Independent Brigade can't be today without your credit. If you say that, you'll beat me, Xu Feilong. I'm ashamed..." Xu Feilong's face was full smile.


PS: Updates are coming!

Thank you for the 1200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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