War of Resistance

Chapter 930 Adjustment?

Chapter 930 Recall?

"But regiment, shouldn't they have so many people from three divisions, nearly [-] Japanese troops, how can we stand up with just our few people?" the chief of staff worried.

"Then let's hold on for a while longer! Don't talk about anything else, we definitely need 10 minutes, otherwise the law enforcement team will want my head." Zheng Zaiqian sighed, seemingly not in a good mood .

But to be honest, under such circumstances, Zheng Zaiqian couldn't feel better - his troops were almost wiped out.

"Yes, group seat. Just wait for 10 minutes before we retreat!" the chief of staff said anxiously, looking at his group leader.

"That's it!" Zheng nodded in front.

However, the reality is always contrary to his wishes. He only lasted for about 15 minutes. Under the strong military pressure of the Japanese army, he couldn't do anything about many things.

In this way, the Japanese army began to attack Fujinshan.

Back to half an hour ago, the Japanese Army Command.

As the leading commander of the Japanese army, King Tokyuimiya Toshihiko is full of spirits—whether it is from the royal family or other identities, it is a very honorable thing to be able to command an army of [-].

"Report to His Royal Highness, the enemy army is invincible. When our troops pass by, we will win this battle. There is another unexpected discovery." A staff officer ran in and reported.

"Accidental discovery?" King Tokyuimiya Renhiko frowned slightly.

"A mountain was found on one side of the road. A large number of Chinese troops have been stationed on the mountain. They have already acted as a deterrent to both sides of the road. Please His Royal Highness decide whether we should launch an attack?" the staff officer asked.

"After defeating the enemy army in front of you, immediately go to the mountain to inspect and observe!" King Renhiko of Higashikuni Palace was not an easy guy, and he made a decision immediately.

"Hay!" The staff officer responded, and then went to deliver the commander's order.


Ever since, in this way, after the No.60 First Division Zheng Zaiqian regiment was repelled, the Japanese army launched a reconnaissance work on Fujin Mountain.

Song Xilian was well aware of this.

Sometimes, reconnaissance does not necessarily require troops to carry out reconnaissance to know the enemy's movements, but because of prediction.

"Military seat, now the regiment of the No. 60 Division of Zhongsong's No. 30 Division has been defeated, and the Japanese army is about to launch a fierce attack on our Fujin Mountain." Said Chen Ruihe, commander of the No. [-] No. [-] Division.

"The onslaught is inevitable. They will conduct reconnaissance on our side soon. Let's ignore Zhong Song's side for the time being. Let's solve these urgent matters first!" Song Xilian sighed softly.

On the surface, Song Xilian looked calm, but Chen Ruihe, who was Song Xilian's old subordinate for many years, heard the pressure from the former's sigh.

That's right, facing the threat of a hundred thousand enemy troops, how could Song Xilian be relaxed?The most important thing is that the combat power of the Japanese army far exceeds that of the national army.

Yes, it is far superior to the national army. When the German weapon masters were still there in the past, Song Xilian would not feel so much pressure. After all, the German weapon masters were better than the Japanese army in terms of light weapons, but inferior to the Japanese army in terms of heavy weapons. Just the Japanese army.

"Understood, the military seat. I will arrange the preparations for the humble position." Chen Ruihe responded, as the unit with the strongest combat effectiveness among the four divisions in the entire army, the No. 30 Sixth Division is stationed in the main position, so the pressure is not great. Generally big...

"Okay, that's it!" Song Xilian said.

"That... the military seat, there is another word about the humble position, I don't know if I should say it?" Chen Ruihe asked.

"But it doesn't matter." The telescope in Song Xilian's hand was still observing the ants-like Japanese army in the distance.

"I'm thinking, Zhang Tianhai's regiment..." Chen Ruihe asked tentatively.

"That regiment? The first regiment directly under the third war zone before? The current first guard regiment in the ninth war zone?" Song Xilian frowned slightly.

"Yes. Zhang Tianhai's regiment was stripped from our No.30 Sixth Division, including the current Second Guard Regiment in the Ninth War Zone. It is also related to our No.30 Sixth Division. Why don't you ask the chairman, Transfer these two regiments back to our No.70 First Army?" Chen Ruihe seriously revealed a frenzy, obviously, he wanted the police regiment to transfer them back.

"The idea is quite good. Bring back the first regiment of the guards and the second regiment of the guards, so that it will be a brigade... Oh no, it should be almost a division! Do you think Mr. Chen will Release?" Song Xilian looked at Chen Ruihe with a smile.

"As long as you speak, the military seat, the principal will agree, right?" Chen Ruihe's expression was a little shaken.

"No, it's impossible. The troops on the south bank of the Yangtze River are coming fiercely. Let's not talk about whether the police regiment can get away from this problem! The troops on the south bank are also stretched. Under this situation, no matter what the reason is, the principal They will not give this regiment to us. According to what I heard before, the strength of the First Police Regiment has exceeded a brigade, and with their weapons and equipment, there is absolutely no problem in attacking a regiment of the Japanese army. Therefore, No matter how you say it, it is impossible for the Ninth War Zone to release people." Song Xilian calmly analyzed.

"Okay!" Chen Ruihe sighed. After all, he was promoted to the commander of the 30th brigade, and he still has feelings for the old man of the No. [-] sixth division, especially since he also knows how Zhang Tianhai was promoted. up.

It is precisely because he knows that Zhang Tianhai is an old man of the No.30 Sixth Division, and what Zhang Tianhai's ability is, Chen Ruihe definitely wants Zhang Tianhai to come back, even if he is asked to be the brigade commander of the [-]th Brigade, Or the brigade commander of the [-]th brigade, there is no problem at all.

"This guy Zhang Tianhai... Not only do you want to transfer him back, but I also want to, but there are no conditions. Zhang Tianhai's promotion is too fast. He is only a student of the seventh batch of Huangpu. It is already very scary to be promoted from deputy company commander to head of the reinforced regiment, but if you are promoted to deputy brigade commander again, there will be a big problem." Song Xilian said seriously, his brows full of righteousness.

"The humble job knows." Chen Ruihe responded.

While the No.70 First Army leaders were discussing whether they could take Zhang Tianhai back, the commander of the Japanese North Route Army, Higashikuni Gong Minhiko, had already appeared on the front line of Fujin Mountain.

Along with King Minoruhiko of Higashikuni Palace, there were also three division heads of the Japanese army.

They are Shinozuka Yoshio, head of the 13th division, Dizhou Libing, head of the No.16 division, and Fujie Keisuke, head of the No.[-] division.

"Everyone, the front is the enemy garrison detected by the front troops. Looking at this situation, I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle to be fought..." King Tokunhiko smiled and looked at Shinozuka Yoshio and Dizhou Libing .

"Report to Your Excellency, Commander, I am willing to lead the No.13 Division as the main attacking force to make contributions to the empire!" Dizhou Libing was the first to stand up. Since the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the losses of the No.13 Division have not been considered It is very important, so he has this confidence.


PS: I have been in Calvin for the past few days. I don’t know how to write down to write well, and I have been thinking about how to control the full text.

So I thought about it for a while.

Thanks to Qiqidian book friends Li Geshen and Brother Daxi for their rewards of 100 points each!

(End of this chapter)

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