Chapter 931

"My Tenth Division is also willing to be loyal to the empire, and to be the vanguard of the empire to attack the mountains!" Yoshio Shinozuka said not to be outdone.

Only Lieutenant General Fujie Keisuke did not speak out, because his No.16 division was still on the way and had not yet arrived at the front line.

King Minoruhiko of Higashikuni Palace thought for a while, and made a decision: "Let Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing lead the No.13 Division as the main attacking force for this battle! The Tenth Division is on standby!"

"Hay!" Yoshio Shinozuka, Rihei Ogizhou, Keisuke Fujie and the three responded in unison.

Now that His Royal Highness has made a decision, it is difficult for them to say anything.

Why did King Minoruhiko of Higashikuni Palace make this arrangement decision?That's because he knew that the [-]th Division had already suffered huge losses in the Battle of Xuzhou. Although Rensuke Isotani had been replaced, the backbone of the Kodo faction had already been disabled.

So, in this way, the order of the Japanese army's attack was determined.


"Army seat, the enemy troops have begun to move forward." Song Xilian's adjutant reported to Song Xilian.

"Huh?" Song Xilian immediately picked up the binoculars in his hand and looked forward.

Sure enough, the Japanese army started to move. Groups of Japanese troops began to set up positions on the flat ground in front of the mountain. Of course, their positions were artillery positions.

The artillery unit has been lined up, and the muzzles are neatly aimed at the mountain.

"Damn it, little Japan is still playing the old three!" Song Xilian said bitterly, after all, he knew the Japanese army very well, and he was also an old opponent of the Japanese army.

"Inform the troops that in addition to dealing with shelling, prepare a bucket of water for each squad," Song Xilian ordered.

"Water? Isn't there a bucket of water for each shift now? Is it ready?" the adjutant next to him asked. After all, water must be prepared on the ground, and watering is necessary for machine guns to heat up. This is common sense.

"Prepare one more barrel, this little Japan is not a good thing, and it may launch a poison gas offensive. We have to be prepared accordingly." Song Xilian ordered very seriously. Indeed, in his opinion, this must be done. of.

"Yes, military seat!" The adjutant responded.

Song Xilian was already prepared for the fact that the Japanese army would use poison gas bombs. He had already experienced it when he was in Shanghai.

The momentum of the Japanese offensive was very fierce and fierce.

After preparing the artillery position, the artillery shells began to fire violently towards the Fujinshan position where the national army was stationed.





The shells formed a dense firepower network and began to fire towards the positions of the national army.




The shell quickly pierced through the sky, and then slammed into Fujin Mountain fiercely, raising waves of dust, and the whole mountain couldn't help but shake.

Wisps of dust were shaken from the top of the bunker and landed on the head of No. 70 First Army Commander Song Xilian.

"Damn! Little Japan is too bullying! But as long as we have artillery, their artillery positions will be finished!" As he spoke, Song Xilian's fist slammed on the wall next to him, feeling powerless. Born from within.

Looking at Song Xilian's command post, the movement of the Japanese army is very clear, but there is nothing to do with them, because the national army is weak, and there is no way to bomb the artillery positions of the Japanese army with artillery, let alone The Air Force is such a rare species.

The rumble of artillery lasted for almost half an hour, and the Japanese troops finally began to attack.

Teams of Japanese soldiers who could almost be said to be armed to the teeth began to attack. They were fully equipped, and the rising sun flags fluttered gently under the sharp bayonets.

"Keep!! Kill!!"

The junior officers of the Japanese army were shouting loudly, their samurai swords were already waving towards the sky. They never thought that their bullets would attract the opponent's bullets. They only had the word "war" in their minds!
The Japanese officers were shouting loudly, while the Japanese soldiers moved forward quickly under their command.

Just when the group of Japanese soldiers began to approach the national army's position, another violent explosion sounded. It turned out that the Japanese artillery fired again!

When the shell hit the hard mountain, it was immediately torn apart, and then formed a strong shock wave, killing in all directions.

The forward troops of the Japanese army took this opportunity to start fighting with the forward position troops of the national army...




"Tut, chug, chug..."

All kinds of gunshots rang out together, mixed with a lot of shouting and cursing.

"Kill these little sons of bitches!" The officers and soldiers of the National Army were yelling and cursing, yes, it was the troops of the 36th Division.

For the troops of the No.30 Sixth Division, it is not a day or two for them to fight the Japanese army. It is just that since the last time they broke out from Nanjing, the troops of this division have fallen into a long recovery period.

Although it may not be able to restore the vitality before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, at least it is more elite than other troops.

"Military seat, the ones in front have gone crazy. I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. This time, the Japanese army has launched a full-scale attack." The chief of staff next to him said to Song Xilian.

"So what if you're beaten crazy? Little Japan can be crazy, but we can't? Give me a hard hit!" Song Xilian swears a lot, after all, for a gentleman like him, things that can make him swear, That seemed pretty bad.

"Yes! Military seat!" The chief of staff responded, since the commander has already spoken, what can he do?I can only follow the army commander and fight to the death with these damned Japanese troops!
The Japanese army's offensive has always been fierce and straightforward. The No.30 Sixth Division of the National Army is not a soft persimmon, with quite strong firepower, which once frustrated the offensive of the Japanese army's frontline troops.

"Which unit is the Chinese army in front? It's so powerful?" Looking at the retreating troops in front, King Renyan of Higashikuni Palace asked.

"Report to His Royal Highness, the number of the unit ahead is unknown for the time being. We have called the Special High School and asked them to verify it for us." The Japanese military officer next to him reported that he was a major general according to his rank, and his specific position has not yet been known. up.

"Souga, we can let the super high class take action, but we must not completely rely on them! We have to find an opportunity to directly attack the enemy's position. In this case, all troubles will be eliminated. It's easy to solve." King Tokyuimiya Toshihiko analyzed that for him, it was just a normal incident that he didn't take down the enemy's position.

The Second Army... Oh, that is, the Army of the North Route Army. Since it went north, it has fought against countless national army troops. As for which national army troops to fight against, King Tokurimiya Renyan really didn't pay attention—— Because the troops they fought were easily defeated by them without exception.

It's just that the troops in front of them are particularly tenacious, so that's why King Dongkunimiya Toshihiko is more interested.

Sometimes, where the elite troops are, this will determine the trend of the battlefield.

For those with a keen sense of war, what is the important message?That's it!

PS: Another update is here!

Thank you for the 100 dot coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen.

(End of this chapter)

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