War of Resistance

Chapter 932 The Battle of Rich Gold Mountain

Chapter 932 The Battle of Rich Gold Mountain
"Hay! I will definitely do my best to break into the enemy's position!" Yoshio Shinozuka said.

"That's it, let's fight hard! Try to take down this mountain as soon as possible. By the way, order the troops to arrest a few ordinary people nearby to ask, what is this place?" King Renyan of Dongjiuer Palace stood with his sword, His eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Hay!" Yoshio Shinozuka responded, as one of the main attacking troops here, their divisions don't have so many combat missions at present, so he has to take on this small mission.

However, with the military quality of the Japanese army, it is absolutely impossible for such a low-level mistake of asking the supreme commander to speak before collecting intelligence.

Therefore, after King Minoruhiko of Dongkur Palace gave the order, relevant military information was immediately submitted to King Renhiko of Dongkur Palace.

"Reporting to His Royal Highness, we have received a report from the following that the mountain we are currently attacking is named Fujin Mountain, and it is the main road leading to Wuhan." Yoshio Shinozuka stepped forward and reported, after all, this errand, He has taken it.

"Now it seems that the Chinese army has deployed heavy troops here. Let me ask, if we bypass here, can we avoid the tug-of-war with the Chinese army, and then pass through Wuhan as quickly as possible?" King Ren Yan of Dongjiuer Gong said in a deep voice. Asked, his eyes were still flickering, as if he had a little luck.

"His Royal Highness, in my humble opinion, it is not suitable for us to take a detour, because this is the closest place. And if we take a detour, it will take at least half a month to arrive. At that time, the Chinese army will deal with it again." If we carry out delaying operations, our itinerary will be greatly lengthened. Besides, if the Chinese army resists again at that time, our plan to quickly take Wuhan will be greatly delayed." Shinozuka Yoshio persuaded Dong King Toshihiko Kure Gong, after all, he is also a very good military officer in all aspects.

Of course, who can take up this position, who is a simple person?

Not to mention that Shinozuka Yoshio first served as the commander of the First Army, and later served as the principal of the Japanese army. It is conceivable that this person is really capable.

"Xiaozuka-kun's words are very reasonable. Once we continue to go north, there will be no way to hide the traces of our four and a half divisions. The Chinese army will still set up ambushes in dangerous places. So, let's continue to use this as the main direction of attack! "Lieutenant General Toshihiko Higashikuni, the commander of the Second Army, finally made a decision.

"Hay! Your Excellency, Commander, is wise!" Wearing everything, but not wearing flattery, Yoshio Shinozuka's flattery is still to be flattered, and it is very natural, the shaved head is extraordinarily shiny.

After all, King Tokyuimiya Toshihiko is not a useless commander, on the contrary, he is very shrewd, he knows Yoshio Shinozuka's strength, and also knows that what he said is true, so he naturally follows the good advice.

Therefore, under the direction of combat guidance that the top Japanese army had made a decision to open a gap to enter from Fujin Mountain, the Japanese army had begun to mobilize artillery units more frequently, and even used aircraft troops to bombard Fujin Mountain indiscriminately.

All of a sudden, thick smoke billowed from Fujin Mountain.

The national army was miserable.

Fortunately, Song Xilian and other officers are the most qualified Whampoa graduates, so they know how to use the terrain to have the greatest beneficial effect on their side.

The main direction of the Japanese attack is still the position of the No.30 Sixth Division.

The No.30 Sixth Division’s position has several diamond-shaped lines, which can extend to the flat ground, while the No.30 Sixth Division’s headquarters is deployed on the mountainside of the diamond-shaped line, and can extend all the way to the top of the mountain along the diamond-shaped line.

Yes, the headquarters of the No.70 First Army is on the top of the mountain.

The officers and soldiers of the No.70 First Army knew how to use the terrain to deploy defenses, but the Japanese army was not a vegetarian, so they immediately mobilized artillery firepower and aviation firepower to concentrate on the No.30 Sixth Division's position.

Therefore, it can be clearly seen from a distance that the ridgeline of Fujin Mountain is smoking, and there are scattered dust and flames everywhere.

When the battle was fierce, the Japanese artillery shells even hit Song Xilian's military headquarters directly.


After a burst of shelling stopped, Song Xilian came to inspect the position of the 30th Regiment of the [-]th Brigade of the No. [-] Sixth Division.

That's right, the [-]th Regiment was exactly the unit Zhang Tianhai was in before.

The battlefield is still smoky, and there is a choking smell of smoke and dust everywhere. Most importantly, there is also the smell of burnt meat.

Of course, the smell of meat was not caused by someone grilling, but that the burning flames were burning on the bodies of the soldiers who had already died.

As an old officer, Song Xilian was no stranger to such situations.

Standing in the trench, Song Xilian said loudly: "Brothers, we have fought very hard in this battle. We have been fighting fiercely for a whole day and night. Our fortifications have almost been bombarded by the Japanese army, but the Japanese army wants to stop here. It is impossible for us to surrender! I, Song Xilian, was the commander of the No.30 Sixth Division before, and the 36th Division is my old unit. You must fight hard! Play the glory of our German weapon masters!"

"Yes! Military seat!!" The officers and soldiers responded in unison, their morale like a rainbow.

But don't forget, Song Xilian has been with them for a long time. If it weren't for Wang Jingjiu's mess with Zhu Shaozhou in Luoyang, Song Xilian might still be the teacher of No. 30 Sixth Division.

Seeing that the brothers below still had the will to fight, Song Xilian also felt a burst of relief, so he left.

Song Xilian's departure was not to withdraw from the military headquarters, but to go to the next point - he clearly knew that the No. 30 Sixth Division was under the greatest pressure at this time, which was at least one division plus several The artillery units of the divisions are bombing here, and the infantry units are also launching a very ferocious attack.


Another two days passed, and it was September [-], [-].

At this time, the Japanese army's offensive momentum is still very fierce, because they have received a deadly order from the division head Dizhou Libing: must capture Fujin Mountain in the shortest possible time!
Seeing that four days have passed, since the No.30 Sixth Division of the National Army adopts a trapezoidal deployment state, the Japanese army has to pay a very huge price for every step forward along the ridge line. Even the captain has already lost a lot of names. Under the circumstances, Dizhou Libing couldn't help but not be in a hurry.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Division Commander, the troops have suffered heavy casualties. The No. 60 Fifth Regiment has suffered more than half of its casualties. Regiment Commander Aizu Benjiro asks for additional reinforcements!" Lieutenant General Zhou Li reported.

Dizhou Libing's thin horse face showed a trace of helplessness, more anger.

"Baga! What is this red deer Aizu Honjiro doing? It's only been a long fight, and more than half of it has been lost!!" Dizhou Libing scolded angrily.

Of course, according to the "glorious tradition" of the Japanese army, when Japanese military officers scolded people, they would naturally not use such fun things as slaps.

Ever since, the staff officer who made the report suffered a disaster - the bright red slap on his face is the best proof.

"Hay!!" The Japanese staff officer who was slapped had no choice but to bow his head to Dizhou Libing.

This is the result of the Japanese Communist Party brainwashing them from childhood—well, the result was very successful, and they all became war machines that can only kill people, and most of the bottom officers absolutely obey the orders of their superiors, no will resist.

Of course, if you want to talk about the "excellent tradition" of the Japanese army below the top, it is only a capable officer who can afford it, at least he must be above the commander, right?The little major has no right to speak at all!
After Dizhou Libing finished the slap, he seemed to be refreshed, and he said: "Then let Aizu Honjiro withdraw the troops! Let's go to Sendai's [-]th Regiment! "

"Hay!" The Japanese Major also naturally didn't have the strength to fight Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing, so he could only endure everything.


Yes, the Japanese attack is already the same as the old "three axes", the artillery bombards the infantry and rushes, and the infantry rushes after the artillery bombards.

After another two days and nights of fierce fighting, the Sendai United Team, which Dizhou Libing placed high hopes on, did not create very happy news for him, on the contrary, it made him very sad.

Why do you say it's so bad?Because more than half of the headquarters of the [-]th Regiment from the important town of Sendai were killed and injured, and many captains and squadron leaders died.

Under such circumstances, in order not to lose the combat effectiveness of the two important regiments under him, Dizhou Libing could only face the North Route Army with a cheeky face... that is, the commander of the Second Army, King Higashikurimiya Toshihiko Come to ask for someone.

Yes, to put it simply and bluntly, I want people!

Who do you want?Not only the soldiers, but also the officers, they must make sure to take down Fujin Mountain as quickly as possible, and then open the passage to Wuhan!

"Nani? There are more than half of the casualties of the two alliances so soon?" King Tokyuimiya Toshihiko was a little surprised. He knew that the fighting ahead was fierce, but he didn't expect the casualties to be so large.

"Yo Xi, Your Excellency Commander, the front troops are rushing fiercely, and the warriors are using their lives to launch an attack on the Chinese army, but due to the fierce resistance of the Chinese army, our army suffered huge casualties!" Dizhou Libing was ashamed He lowered his head.

"The No. 30 Sixth Division of the China Army...This unit, if I remember correctly, has fought against General Matsui's unit several times on the Songhu Battlefield, and they fought for three months. , is a rare elite of the Chinese Army. Right? Dizhou Division Commander?" King Tokyuimiya Renyan murmured, then looked at Dizhou Libing and asked.

"Yoxi, Your Excellency Commander, the army we met is exactly this army." Dizhou Libing said in a deep voice. He is no stranger to this No.30 Sixth Division, and he has fought against it several times. .

"Yo Xi, it's the mustard seed weapon. We've already spent enough time here in Fujin Mountain. Four full days have passed. After the Central Route Army and the South Route Army open the gap, there will be no stage for our North Route Army to perform. Already." Tokyuimiya Toshihiko said solemnly, for him, he is an excellent commander first, and then the emperor's clan!

It was dawn, and the artillery positions of the Japanese army had already begun to get busy.

Since artillery shells are likely to accidentally injure one's own troops when fighting at night, the Japanese army did not use artillery at all in the fierce battle at night, but used the most primitive infantry units to start the charge.

After fighting fiercely all night, the Japanese army, which is not good at night fighting, lost the advantage of aircraft and artillery, and did not have the advantage of geographical advantage. Naturally, they suffered heavy losses.

Obviously, Dizhou Libing had high hopes for this bombardment operation-he hoped that this bombardment operation would cause heavy casualties to the national army, and his soldiers who had already worn gas masks could In one go, he took down Fujin Mountain.

"Haas!! Reload!!"

The officers and assistants of the Japanese artillery were roaring loudly, and their flag bearers were also desperately waving the flags in their hands, trying to use the flag language to make the comrades who could not hear the order see it as soon as possible.

Of course, all the Japanese soldiers on this position wore gas masks.

Not to mention anything else, but from this point of view, the officers and soldiers of the national army are not as "rich and powerful" as the Japanese army.




With the sound of steel knocking, the artillery of the Japanese army was in a very orderly state, and the whole state was orderly.

"Success or failure is determined by one action! Long live the Emperor! Martial luck lasts forever!" Dizhou Libing said softly, but his eyes were full of madness - Fu Jinshan must be taken from Dizhou Libing's hands!

PS: The update is finally finished, sorry to keep you waiting for so long.

Thanks to all the book friends for your strong support, let Xiongying continue to write this book. Since changing positions, Xiongying's work has become extremely busy.

This is a working state that I have never tried, so the first two months have been half-off.Here, Xiongying apologizes in advance!

Thanks to QQ reading book friends who plundered the devil of love for rewarding 400 book coins!

Thanks to Qiqidian book friends Li Geshen and Lin Zhuo for their rewards of 100 points each!

(End of this chapter)

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