War of Resistance

Chapter 933 The Battle of Rich Gold Mountain

Chapter 933 The Battle of Rich Gold Mountain



The sound of firing the base of the cannonball came from the barrel, and the warhead of the cannonball burst out from the muzzle of the cannon. After drawing beautiful arcs in the sky, it slammed hard on Fu On the ridgeline position of the Jinshan National Army.

Unlike other ordinary artillery shells, these shells did not explode when they hit the national army's position, but slowly emitted bursts of poisonous smoke, and the entire position was filled with the breath of death.

Seeing this scene, Dizhou Libing said to the staff around him: "Order the front-line troops to immediately implement the attack plan according to the No. [-] plan!"

"Hay!" The staff officer responded.

That's right, this gas bomb attack is an attack that Dizhou Libing has planned for a long time. Naturally, he will not make the low-level mistake of waiting to think about problems before the battle. He must ensure that this attack is foolproof!
Ever since, these Japanese soldiers wearing gas masks and holding [-] big cover rifles began to act.

"Ha Youku!! Charge!! Victory is ahead!!" The Japanese officers at the grassroots level shouted, looking full of confidence and ready to attack the front position at any time.


These Japanese soldiers were shouting frantically, as if they were ready to attack the opponent's main position at any time.

Yes, the current Japanese army still has not advanced to the main position of the national army. After all, under the steadfast defense of the officers and soldiers of the No. 30 Sixth Division, the Japanese army is still in the state of attacking the outer positions and cannot enter at all.

The frontier position in front of the mountain is already covered with thick smoke, if you are not careful, you may inhale these deadly smoke and dust, and then you will die.

It is precisely because of this that both Dizhou Libing and their grassroots officers and soldiers believe that this battle is a sure thing.

However, what they never expected was that after they rushed into the thick smoke, they discovered that the national army in the smoke was not killed in battle, on the contrary, they were still alive and well!
When the two armies fight, isn't the most important thing is that the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road?It is impossible for the two armies, which are about to fight to the death, to show mercy!
Therefore, after rushing into the position, these Japanese troops were in a tragedy-they were knocked down by this dense fire blockade, and the attack was very fierce!



"Da da, da da..."

Gunshots were everywhere, and it was impossible to distinguish things in the smoke.

However, this is a great benefit for the national army - because they are sticking to their positions, there is always only one direction in which the Japanese army can charge!

So these national army officers and soldiers just fight in one direction, without thinking too much at all.

In contrast, these Japanese troops were terrible, and they had no time to retreat!

Wearing a gas mask is inherently inconvenient, let alone looking for enemies in the smoke.

With preparations and unpreparedness, coupled with the disadvantages of the terrain, it is no surprise that the Japanese army was defeated.

In fact, Dizhou Libing felt very bad when he heard the burst of gunfire, not to mention that when he saw his troops rushing up, there was no sound at all.

"Baga! Damn the Chinese army, it's so cunning!" As he spoke, the angry Dizhou Libing punched the sandbag next to him. He couldn't accept this fact at all.

But don't forget, this battle plan was formulated after he thought for a long time, and he was quite confident.

When the cruel fact really happened before his eyes, it may not be true that few people can accept this fact.

After the smoke dissipated, hundreds of corpses of Japanese soldiers wearing gas masks were left lying on the forward positions of the national army, while the surrounding area was silent.

Seeing this scene through the binoculars, Dizhou Libing still doesn't know what's going on?Obviously his opponents were already prepared, so the gas bomb trick didn't work.

In a rage, Dizhou Libing ordered the artillery unit to switch back to ordinary shells, and then continued to launch a new round of attacks on Fujin Mountain.

It is true that although the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties, with the strong support of the Second Army Commander Higashikunimiya Toshihiko, the No. 13 Division of the Japanese Army has been replenished many times, so it is not expected that it will be weak in the future.

But the national army is different. Their No.30 Sixth Division must nail the entire division here, and the Japanese army is not allowed to move forward!
Just after this round of offensive failure, King Higashikuni Gong Minhiko, who was already in a very anxious state, once again came to the front line of the No.13 Division to inspect the situation.

Now that the commander of the Second Army, and Prince Higashikunimiya Toshihiko, has come to the front line again, Ogizhou Libing, the division head of the No.13 Division, must accompany him throughout the journey.

Yes, even if he accompanied Dizhou Libing the whole time, even if he was in a bad mood, he couldn't break the rules.

"Mr. Dizhou, your division has not made any real progress for several days. Instead, it has lost a lot of troops. If it is not possible, we will adopt other offensive methods to relieve the pressure on the Fujinshan position." Dong Jiu King Renyan of Yougong said to Dizhou Libing who was beside him with a bitter expression on his face.

"Your Excellency, Commander, please give us two more days. If you cannot complete the offensive mission, it will not be too late for you to send other troops to join the battle. Please believe in the strength of our No.13 Division!" Di Zhou Li Bing bowed his head and begged.

Although the No.13 division was the original standing division, after emergency reconstruction and many battles, their division strength is not weak.

On the contrary, it is quite strong.

It is precisely because of this that Dizhou Libing wants to fight for opportunities for its troops, and the Fujinshan battlefield is the best proof of their strong combat effectiveness.

Seeing Dizhou Libing's swearing appearance, King Tokyuimiya Renyan chose to believe him once.

Immediately, King Renyan of Dongkuer Palace nodded and said: "Since Mr. Dizhou has already said so, and the No.13 Division is the elite of our imperial army, I will give you another chance! If two days If you still cannot take effective measures to deal with the Chinese army, then I will send other troops to the battlefield!"

After hearing what the Commander Dongkuergong Renyanwang had said, Dizhou Libing couldn't help being overjoyed, and he hurriedly responded: "Thank you, Commander, for your trust. I will spare no effort in my humble position and do my best to bring the rich to the world." Jinshan won, providing a strong guarantee for the imperial army to march into Wuhan!"

Next, Dizhou Libing's behavior was really desperate.

In the next two days, the Japanese army launched a total of three general attacks, and no fewer than eight other types of attacks, but they were all repelled by the national army.


On the top of Mount Fujin, No.70 First Army Headquarters.

"Junzuo, it seems that this little Japanese is staring at this place. The pressure that the No.30 Sixth Division has to bear is not ordinary..." said Zhong Bin, the commander of the No.80 Eighth Division.

"So what if you keep an eye on this place? As long as the No.30 Sixth Division is still there, they won't be able to break in. Then we have to be on guard against them coming in from other positions..." Song Xilian said firmly, but he was full of worry.

"For other directions, just leave it to my 88th Division. No matter how bad it is, there is also Shen Fazao's 87th Division, right?" Zhong Bin said.

"That's true. However, Mr. Zhong, you have to pay attention to other directions. After all, the Japanese army has been unable to attack Fujin Mountain for a long time, and they must be in a hurry. They haven't attacked our main position on the mountainside for six days. , and they suffered huge casualties. It is normal for them to have the idea of ​​jumping over the wall in a hurry." Song Xilian analyzed.

"Please don't worry, military seat! With our No.80 Eighth Division here, it won't be that easy for Little Japan to attack behind us." Zhong Bin assured.

"That's good. We will leave our backs to you." Song Xilian said solemnly.

"Yes! Military seat!" Zhong Bin responded.


The camera turns to the other side, the temporary headquarters of the Japanese Second Army.

Similar to other Japanese army headquarters, the headquarters of the Japanese Second Army are also very close to the forward positions, and their headquarters are all shot in nearby villages.

Why is it located in a village?Because they are not afraid of the national army's aircraft and artillery bombarding the villages where they may have headquarters.

This is the helplessness of the poor and weak country. No matter how they struggle, they are still temporarily unable to defeat the powerful enemy army.

Alright, back to the book.

The military headquarters of the Second Japanese Army was located in a relatively luxurious mansion in the village, and the commander, King Higashikuni Gong Minhiko, was sitting in his office, sipping a cup of tea very leisurely.

"Xiaozuka-kun, I remember that two days ago, Dizhou-kun promised me that if they failed to take Fujin Mountain within two days, I would send other troops to participate in the battle. Do you still remember this? "King Minoruhiko of Higashikuni Palace looked at Yoshio Shinozuka and said.

Yoshio Shinozuka immediately stood at attention and lowered his head, saying, "Report to Your Excellency, Commander, I remember very clearly that you did say that!"

"In that case, Shinozuka-kun must have understood what I mean, right?" Tokunimiya Toshihiko said looking at Yoshio Shinozuka.

"Your Excellency, Commander, do you want us to participate in the battle with the Tenth Division?" Yoshio Shinozuka asked cautiously.

"Yoxi, that's what I plan to do. Shinozuka-kun is the chief graduate of Lu Shi No.17, and he is an elite of the empire. In the name of the commander of the Second Army, I would like to ask Shinozuka-kun to send troops to participate. In this battle of Fujin Mountain, we must strive for an early victory, otherwise, we will all be in trouble." King Dongkunimiya Toshihiko said very seriously, there was no hint of a joke in his words.

"Hay, I understand what your Excellency the Commander means, please rest assured, Your Excellency, I will definitely complete the task satisfactorily." Shinozuka Yoshio assured.

"Then, does Shinozuka-kun have any other ideas for the next action?" Sitting on the chair, Higashikunimiya Minoruhiko leaned forward slightly, with both hands and feet on the table, and the whole person was slightly nervous. leaned forward.

It is obvious that King Minoruhiko of Higashikuni Palace attaches great importance to the opinion of Yoshio Shinozuka in front of him.

Yoshio Shinozuka thought for a while, and then reported: "Your Excellency, I believe that this battle must destroy the enemy's command system. Only in this way can we defeat the Chinese army." Tenacious resistance. Especially our old opponent, Song Xilian, who is very firm in his will to resist Japan, and is a rare outstanding student who graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy. If not, his troops would not be easily captured by us Crushed."

"Then what are you going to do with this 'destroying the enemy's command system'?" asked King Renyan of Higashikuni Palace.

"Because the terrain near Fujin Mountain is very dangerous, and our troops are too large, it is easy to expose the target, which will be very easy for the enemy to detect, so I am planning to form an elite force of about 1000 people. Pass through a narrow place, and then attack Song Xilian's headquarters!" Yoshio Shinozuka's analysis was extremely clear and courageous.

"Yoxi! Since Xiaozuka-kun has already made up his mind, then this battle will be handed over to Xiaozuka-kun. I am at the headquarters, waiting for your good news!" King Renyan of Dongkuer Gong said in a deep voice. , the tone is full of trust.

Apparently, King Minoruhiko of Higashikuni Palace is full of confidence in Yoshio Shinozuka!
"Hay! Thank you, Commander, for your trust. I will definitely live up to the high expectations of His Highness the Prince, and quickly complete the tasks assigned by the empire. Do my best to help our imperial army win the three towns of Wuhan!" Shinozuka Yoshio stood at attention and saluted, Very polite.


So, in this way, the Tenth Division of the Japanese Army joined the battle against Fujin Mountain in this way.

But people are not as good as heaven, and the Japanese army is just about to use the night to make a roundabout outflank to Wumiaoji, where the No. 70 First Army headquarters of the National Army is located, in an attempt to destroy the headquarters of the National Army and cut off the national army. When they contacted the line in the rear, they were discovered by the national army's search force.

The unit that found the enemy's traces was the search unit sent by No.80 Eighth Division to conduct reconnaissance on the enemy's flank.

After discovering that there was a change in the enemy's army, Liang Yun immediately sent this important information back to the division headquarters.

It happened that the division commander Zhong Bin had already returned. When he heard the news, he immediately summoned relevant cadres and local guides to study the enemy's only route and nearby terrain.

Needless to say, Zhong Bin found a point—it was a defile in Aokoutang, the terrain was dangerous and easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Under this guiding ideology, Zhong Bin, the commander of the No.80 Eighth Division, quickly dispatched the [-]th Regiment to carry out an ambush here.

The Japanese army believed that they were acting secretly, that they could escape the surprise of the national army, and then win a big victory, but they never thought that they would be ambushed by a full regiment of the national army.

The attack force carefully organized by Yoshio Shinozuka, the head of the Tenth Division of the Japanese Army, was severely damaged immediately, with more than 600 casualties.

In this ambush battle, the national army won a complete victory.


PS: I finally finished writing. I made everyone wait for two hours, and it took a lot of time to check the information. I'm sorry.

Thanks to Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen and book friend 20190803205821645 for their rewards of 100 points each!

(End of this chapter)

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