Chapter 937
Sun Lianzhong's honest and honest face like an old farmer showed a trace of seriousness, and his broad front teeth were also slightly exposed, and the gap between his teeth was also exposed.

No one knew what was going on in the commander-in-chief's head, but they knew that this battle might take a long time.


The camera turned to Fu Jinshan.

Compared with ten days ago, the Fujin Mountain at this time looks different. The Fujinshan Mountain ten days ago can be said to be beautiful, full of trees and the fragrance of birds and flowers.

But now?Many big trees have disappeared without a trace, and have been burned on the hillside, and then there are only a few ashes left.

This cannot be blamed on the national army, after all, it was not done by the national army. It fell under the bombardment of the Japanese army, and then ignited under their artillery fire.

In September, after all, it is autumn, and the sky is dry, which will inevitably lead to wildfires.

Fortunately, the No.30 Sixth Division has already prepared for all this, otherwise many people would have choked to death in this wildfire, let alone burned to death.

The No. 13 division's attack on Fujinshan was racking its brains, and its firepower was not weak at all, it was quite ferocious.

Because of this, Fujin Mountain has changed a lot.

On the top of Fujin Mountain, Song Xilian's military command post was still standing - mainly because Xiu's location was relatively hidden, so the little devil's artillery fire was not targeted.

"Report to the military seat, the second army headquarters is calling!" A staff officer said to Song Xilian who was observing the enemy's situation with the translated message in his hand.

"Huh? Calling at this time, it seems that the pressure on the mall..." Song Xilian vaguely guessed something.

"The military seat is wise." The staff officer said, "Commander Sun called and asked us to send some troops into the mountains first, and station them on the front line of Shawo and Xiaojieling."

"Shawo? Xiaojieling?" Song Xilian read it lightly, then nodded, and said, "Immediately order Zhong Bin, commander of the No.80 Eighth Division, to lead the troops into the line of Shawo and Xiaojieling, and No.60 80st Division Zhong Song's troops followed closely behind. Shen Fazao's No.30 [-]th Division and No.[-] [-]th Division retreated alternately!"

"But... Military Seat, Commander-in-Chief Sun's telegram didn't say anything about retreating. I'm afraid it's not right for us to retreat now?" The staff officer frowned and tried to persuade him.

Song Xilian shook his head and said, "Don't worry about this matter. Commander-in-Chief Sun has already issued this order, which proves that the mall is very likely to be a dangerous city. Once it can't be defended. The Japanese army It is very likely that we will immediately outflank Fu Jinshan, and by that time, we will not be able to escape even if we want to."

"Yes! Military seat!" The staff officer responded.

Soon, the deployment of troops near Fujin Mountain was mobilized, and they were evacuated in a way and speed that the Japanese army could not see.

And what about the situation of the Japanese commander Ogizhou Libing?

Hmm... probably not so good...

"Baga! Mr. Dizhou, I have given you many chances, why can't you seize the best opportunity to attack! It has been a full ten days! If we don't take Fujin Mountain again! What will happen to the domestic newspapers? Comment on us! What will the base camp think of us!" The commander of the Second Army, Tokyuhiko Higashikuni, scolded angrily, obviously, his patience was already at its extreme.

Although the advancement in the direction of the mall is relatively smooth, in the view of Tokyuimiya Renhiko, that side is always a branch battlefield. As long as the Fujin Mountain is opened up, the entire Dabie Mountains can basically be opened up, and then go west along the road. Occupy the garden, and then go straight to Wuhan.

This is the established strategy of the Japanese army. Nothing is more time-saving and labor-saving than winning the Fujin Mountain and opening up the Dabie Mountain Passage!
"Hay! Please, His Royal Highness, give Baizhi a chance! You have seen how hard we fought these days! You have already felt it, and the enemy is almost unable to hold on!" Dizhou Libing vowed guaranteed.

"I'll give you another day's time limit, and you must take Fujin Mountain! The last day!" King Renyan of Dongkuer Gong said in a deep voice. He also knew that the army on the opposite side was the only remaining ace of German weapons in the Chinese army, and it was in the old army. A German weapon master under the leadership of Chief Song Xilian!

It is also because of this that King Renyan of Dongjiuer Gong didn't change his generals, otherwise he would have replaced others.

King Renyan of Dongjiuer Palace is not that impulsive person, he has carefully considered - if he changes generals, it will bring several unfavorable factors.The first is that the morale of the No.13 Division will be seriously frustrated; second, the new troops are not familiar with the battle situation in Fujinshan, and will repeat the same mistakes; third, it takes time for the troops to change defenses.

Based on these points, King Tokyuimiya Renhiko still made the decision not to change troops to attack. The most important thing is that Dizhou Libing's attack is indeed remarkable, and there are no mistakes to criticize.

Hmm... To borrow a sentence from later TV dramas: "It's not that our army is incompetent, it's that the enemy army is too cunning!"

Soon, the Japanese army organized a large-scale counterattack, and they were preparing to carry out the last strongest attack!
Yes, the strongest attack this time is to take Fu Jinshan down!
In this regard, Song Xilian, the commander of the No. 70 First Army of the National Army, saw it clearly through the binoculars.

"Ruihe, now Little Japan is about to launch a pounce, and its attack level is very likely to be no less than any other attack! So, you have to be prepared. We must beat Little Japan back this time! Only General Only when they fight back can we retreat calmly!" Song Xilian said in a deep voice.

Yes, standing next to him is none other than Chen Ruihe, the commander of the No.30 Sixth Division.

"Yes, the military seat. Don't worry! We still have a surplus of troops in our hands. As long as we hold this line, it will not be so easy for the little devil to rush up." Chen Ruihe said confidently.

Song Xilian also knew about this. After all, the Fujinshan position can be said to be as solid as gold.

The usual tricks of the Japanese army have been used once, and Song Xilian will be able to hold it for another ten days.

It's just that there is no way, the situation is pressing, and Sun Lianzhong, the commander-in-chief of the Second Army, has already made the decision to abandon the mall.

Yes, 15 minutes ago, a telegram from the headquarters of the Second Army arrived at the Fujinshan Command Post of the No. 70 First Army.

During the battle in the mall, the No. 30 First Division of Chifeng City fought extremely hard, almost with all their strength, and the casualties were indeed heavy.

Under such circumstances, Sun Lianzhong, the commander-in-chief of the Second Army, considered that the mall was indeed not a good place. Once it was encircled by the Japanese army, the No. 30 Division of Chifeng City might be eaten by the Japanese army. This is extremely uneconomical. of.

Look at the direction of Shawo and Xiaojieling? The No. 30 Army Headquarters can completely rely on the strong troops of the No. 70 Army Headquarters to defend it according to the danger. As long as this place is guarded, the barrier of Wuhan can be defended.

No matter how you think about it, if you defend the mall, at most two days, the troops in the mall will be wiped out. If you defend the sand nest, you can last at least a month!

Therefore, Sun Lianzhong still issued an order to let the No.70 Army abandon Fujin Mountain, otherwise, the No.70 Army will be in danger!

PS: Updates are coming!I've been really busy lately.

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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